#the brain rot is real




As a person working in the IT field and basically knows IT-related stuff, I find it so hilarious how Dark Marcy refer to themselves as some kind of computer that just needs to be “rebooted to factory settings due to a virus”.

If this is the case, then my explanation for all this is that Dark Marcy wants to be the “main operating system” and they want Marcy to only exist as a “virtual machine”. She’s installed and will take up a space in the system, but she will “only be accessed when opened”.

And to make it even funnier, the Amphibia crew added the iMac opening sound when Dark Marcy was “rebooted”.

These people are legends, I swear.

I’m a comp. sci major and have worked with tech for awhile now, this week I was upgrading a laptop and had to "optimize the data.” it just made me laugh.


“I’ve seen him speak to himself, threaten himself…” Harrow chuckles, and it’s-

It’s the chuckle that does it, not the condescending ableism of the words. The thing that pushes them over the edge, even Steven losing his objectivity for a moment.

“The man is clearly insane!” Harrow finishes, and Marc-


Marc lashes out. The Ennead decide to punish him.


matter of survival (5k, M) READ IT HERE!
