#the charioteer

februeruri:Ralph scratched up softly the short hair at the nape of his neck, causing an involuntar


Ralph scratched up softly the short hair at the nape of his neck, causing an involuntary shiver like a stroked cat’s. ‘Spud,’ he said gently, ‘are you worrying again?’

for@macytree‘s RxL request

(currently taking mary renault requests!)

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ah yes, the charioteer. my favorite harem anime

ah yes, the charioteer. my favorite harem anime

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bunny knows best  (+ shoutout to @prancy, the bunny master)

bunny knows best 

(+ shoutout to @prancy, the bunny master)

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a long time ago @aconissa requested that andrew/laurie kiss…….which…you know&he

a long time ago @aconissa requested that andrew/laurie kiss…….which…you know…..totally happened like this…

(it didnt happen like this)

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