#the comfort part


Take My Hand, Hold Me Close (ch. 5)

Eskel and his elven lover Aniela have been together for some years when an accident occurs…

See the Masterpost for more info, chapter links & content/warnings. Masterpost here.

Ch. 4: The promised happy ending <3


When they arrived in Kaer Morhen they took Vesemir by surprise, being early, and arriving by portal. After they gave him a quick explanation, Yennefer retired to the room she used when she visited to rest, and Eskel went to his, followed closely by Vesemir. Vesemir filled the fireplace and started a fire, then turned to Eskel. 

“I’ll bring up a jug of water. Let me know if you need anything else.”

Eskel gave his thanks and the older witcher left. He took his and Aniela’s outer layers off, then tucked them into bed, holding Aniela close to his body. Her head was tucked under his chin, and he combed his hand slowly through her hair. He felt like his heart was held in a vice. He could have lost her. A voice in his head whispered that he still could, and he pushed it forcefully away. He couldn’t bear the thought.

“I’m so sorry,” he whispered into her hair. “Please, come back to me.” He brushed a kiss to her forehead, then leaned his head against hers. He drifted in and out of consciousness, unable to settle enough to sleep properly. Every time he woke, he held his breath until he heard her breathing, her heartbeat, before allowing himself to relax again.


Aniela woke on a familiar chest, surrounded by a familiar scent. Fingers combing through her hair. She must be dreaming, she thought. Or had she died in that cell? Perhaps this was what the afterlife was like, if you deserved it. She didn’t want to open her eyes, didn’t want to break whatever dream or spell this was.

“Ani?” A whisper, a voice she would know anywhere. She blinked her eyes slowly open. She looked up into a face more familiar than her own. Golden eyes, full lips, ragged scar.


“How do you feel?”

“I…you…do you remember me?”

A pained look crossed his face. “Ani, I’m so sorry.” 

“Am I dreaming?” she whispered, a tear tracking down her cheek.

Eskel reached down and brushed it away gently with his thumb, caressing her cheek, and she leaned into the touch, closing her eyes again.

“No,” he replied quietly, voice choked with emotion. “We’re in our room in Kaer Morhen.”

She blinked up at him. “How?”

“Yen portalled us here.”

“But, how… I was… you…”

Eskel took in a shaky breath. “Geralt and Jaskier found you in a jail cell. I think they contacted Yennefer for help, and she brought you all to me, then brought us here. She helped me regain my memories. I think I must have hit my head during my hunt. Ani, I’m so sorry. I scared and upset you, and then you ran, and… you must have been terrified. I don’t know how to make it up to you, but I swear I’ll try.”

Aniela shook her head, trying to hold back more tears. “It isn’t your fault. I panicked, I was stupid. By the time I could think more sensibly, it was too late. I was too far away, and had no way to find you.” She hiccoughed a sob. “I missed you so much.”

“I had the horrible feeling that I was missing something, but I couldn’t remember. I’m so sorry, Ani. I promised to take care of you. The thought that I could have lost you…I can’t bear it. I hope it never does, but if something were to happen again–” Ani stiffened in his arms, and he rubbed a hand up and down her back soothingly, “Yen said she would get a xenovox for you, so that you’d be able to contact her.”


“Really. I know you have a hard time believing it, but everyone cares about you very much. You’re family, and they were all worried. I think Yennefer was ready to run me through with Geralt’s sword for being away from you. She was afraid for you. If anything ever happens, please don’t run again.” He gave her a squeeze. “Get help from our family. Please, promiseme?”

“I promise,” she whispered. She looked up into his eyes and found everything she had been missing; love, care, devotion, warmth. She shuffled further up to bury her face in his neck, wrapping her arms around him. He tightened his own around her, face in her hair.

“I love you,” he breathed. “I love you so much, more than anything. That was terrifying, I never want to go through that again.”

“I’m sorry.”

He shook his head in silence. 

After a few minutes, she moved her face back an inch. “I suppose I’ll owe Lambert an apology as well, and thanks to the others.”

Eskel huffed a laugh. “What did you do to Lambert? I haven’t seen him in months.”

“I ran into him, while I was… on my own. In a market. He was glad to see me, and kind, but he asked after you, and I panicked. I shook him off and ran. I think I confused and worried him. I feel horrible.”

“Hmm. I’m sure he’ll forgive you. He’ll be glad to see you’re alright.”

She tucked her face back into him. “Are you sure that…”


“Are you sure I’m not… a burden to you?”

“Never!” He nudged her face back so he could meet her eyes. “Ani. Never. You bring warmth and light and happiness to my life. I can’t imagine being without you. Even without my memories, those days without you, they were awful. I hope I’ll never have to know days like that again. Iloveyou.”

“I love you too.” The tears she’d been fighting spilled down her cheeks, and he thumbed the first few away, then clasped her face in his hands and kissed the rest of them away. Her tears slowed, then stopped, and she snuggled back in his arms.

“How did Geralt and Jaskier find me? How did they get me out?”

“I really don’t know any of the story, we didn’t have time. I don’t even know what you were doing in jail to begin with.”

“I lost my glamour bracelet. A baron thought I made a good curiosity to show off.”

Eskel growled. “He’ll be lucky if I never meet him. We’ll get you a new bracelet. If you want. Or we can stay up here.”

She laughed. “And do what?”

“Raise the goats and chickens.”

“We can’t!”

“We could, if we wanted to. I just want you to be safe, and happy.”

“I’m happy as long as I’m with you. And you keep me safe. I think you would go crazy if we stayed here all year long, and I’m not sure we can live sustainably off of just the goats and chickens.”

“Hmm. You might be right. Well, we have all winter to think about it and make plans. And I’m not letting you out of my sight all season.”

“Alright. That sounds nice… I love you, so much. It’s good to be home.”

He grinned. “That it is.”


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