#the devil all the time fic





Pairing: Sheriff Lee Bodecker x Female Villain Reader

Word Count: 7.1k

Trigger Warnings: Smut NSFW 18+, Dom/Sub dynamics, sex, consideration of noncon, two baddies being bad, manipulative behavior, psycho/sociopathic behavior, explicit language, violence, death of minor character.

Series Summary: Starting over in the podunk town of Knockemstiff, you set your sights on new prey. Sheriff Lee Bodecker’s reputation proceeds him and fits the bill perfectly for your own purposes. Seduction is the easy part, but will you be able to keep the Sheriff in your thrall while keeping your secrets?

A/N: This series is written in collaboration with @weekendgothgirl​ . A tiny little imagine got kicked around and together it has been fleshed out into what we hope will be a fun romp for all.

Divider by @firefly-graphics

The Taming of the Sheriff Masterlist


Lee sat at his desk going through the past week’s reports that he had to review and sign off on. It was the worst part about Mondays and he was in a foul mood. He’d be lucky to get through the pile of reports before supper time which might keep him from seeing you, making him even more annoyed. Not to mention that he got called out at the ass crack of dawn this morning (after you thoroughly wore him out last night) for a bullshit call the deputy could have handled on his own. He had told the deputy to report to him when he finished his rounds. He felt the need to vent his spleen on someone and that asshole had painted a target on his own back.

Humming softly to yourself, you step out of the car, rearranging the flowers you’d picked for Lee and the hamper of food and drink. You know he’ll be working late, he always does on Mondays and comes to you moody and needy. This time you decided to do something different in hopes of making his Monday a bit more… palatable.

Locking your car, you walk purposely into the station. You ignore the knowing glances from the other cops, bored already with them, and stride into Lee’s office after rapping your knuckles on the door.

Lee sighs heavily thinking to himself, Fuck, can’t even get through the goddamn morning without one of these fuckers needing something. He runs a hand through his hair prepared to give a tongue lashing to whoever strides in when he looks up to see you. His countenance changes immediately as he takes the sight of you in. 

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Throwing up

It sooooooooo good!

Well done ladies, for another fab instalment

Thank you so much, doll!


Pairing: Sheriff Lee Bodecker x Female Villain Reader

Word Count: 9k

Trigger Warnings: Threat of sexual assault, choking, Smut NSFW 18+, Dom/Sub dynamics, sex, two baddies being bad, manipulative behavior, psychopathic behavior, explicit language, violence, death of minor character.

Series Summary: Starting over in the podunk town of Knockemstiff, you set your sights on new prey. Sheriff Lee Bodecker’s reputation proceeds him and fits the bill perfectly for your own purposes. Seduction is the easy part, but will you be able to keep the Sheriff in your thrall while keeping your secrets?

A/N: This series is written in collaboration with @weekendgothgirl​​ . We have had an absolute blast writing this! While this is the final part for this particular story line, there will definitely be more to come from these two. We love them too much to give up on the completely. 

Divider by @firefly-graphics​​

The Taming of the Sheriff Masterlist

Humming along with the radio playing softly on the window sill, you add the finishing touches to your pie with a flourish. You eye the pastry critically before nodding to yourself and sliding it into the oven. You wanted to treat Lee, as he’s been so good recently and perhaps a little stressed. So, you’re making his favorite peach pie and put a little more decoration than usual on the crust. 

Wiping your hands on a towel, you smile happily to yourself. You’re very proud of your baking. It’s something you’ve always done to escape and it has been a useful skill more than once. You laugh softly remembering its role in your past, before hearing a knock at the door. You glance up with a frown, checking the clock. It’s too early for Lee. Dropping the towel, you walk around the counters and open the side door.

The face you met was hard as granite and twisted in anger. You recognized the unwelcome brute the moment you locked eyes with him. Lloyd Casarosa was your former lover’s brother. Richard Casarosa had been smaller in stature and less handsome than his little brother but more malleable making him the obvious choice. Lloyd had been intent on having you until his brother staked his claim and, with Richard being head of the family, Lloyd had no choice but to back off. You had done what you always do: find a mark who suited your purpose, bled them dry, and made a clean getaway. Or so you thought, but here was the evidence that you had made a mistake somewhere that allowed this bastard to find you. 

“Gotcha, you bitch,” Lloyd’s voice vibrates with rage as he pushes his way in.

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This was some rollercoaster ride and boy was it an amazing one! Reader is so badass and the way Lee went hard for her doing her business with Lloyd was justand honestly they are so soft on each other and it was both super sweet and fucking hot and the ending was just❤️❤️❤️loved this story. So well done my friends❤️
