#the devil is black and red




A bold statement, there? Yes, I suppose so, to some.

But one that needs to be made nevertheless. Neither anarchists nor satanists have ever shied away from confronting harsh truths, or challenging the status quo, the general consensus.

There are ample critiques to be found of anarcho-capitalism, and the case has been made time and time again for why it isn’t actual anarchism - with anarchism seeking to abolish all unjustified hierarchies, to dethrone the rulers and cast down the ruling class to an even level with everyone else. To destroy the very concept of ‘‘rulers’‘.

Capitalism, in our eyes, does the opposite thereof. Inherent to it, is the accumulation of wealth into the hands of the few: The more money one has, the easier it becomes to obtain more money still. The wealthy have an easier time becoming wealthier, and, thus, the rift between rich and poor will forever grow in an anarcho-capitalist society. And of course, with wealth comes power: So, the rift between the powerful and the powerless, too, will grow forevermore. Is it a meritocracy? Perhaps, to a certain extend. At first, that is. Through inheritance, luck and a plurality of other factors, it would be reduced to little more than a plutocracy in the long run - when wealth and merit inevitably split and go their own paths.

There are also ample critiques of LaVeyan Satanism out there. In many ways, LaVeyan Satanism is firmly rooted in the same source of things that anarcho-capitalism is rooted in: To quote LaVey himself, his brand of the Satanic is ‘’just Ayn Rand’s philosophy with ceremony and ritual added’’ - now, of course, much can be said of Ayn Rand, and her right-wing libertarian philosophy, but at core, I believe we can all agree that it surmounts to Anarcho-Capitalism Lite if we oversimplify it.

Further, beyond this, we can also point towards the aspects of social darwinism that are found in LaVeyan Satanism. Upon doing some research into it, I found that it, at core, surmounts to a deep belief in the inevitability of the concept that ‘’might makes right’’, and the belief that this is not so much a moral statement, as it is a practical one: This is simply how the world functions. Then, they proceed to argue in favour of an as meritocratic system as possible.

I find this to be morally objectionable on several levels, and objectionable in regards to the validity of it’s claims too. Yes, indeed, the current world functions on a basis of might makes right. Large corporations get away with abuse of various kinds, because they have the power to do so. The rich elites live in splendor, because they have the power to do so. Power, might - in all it’s forms - gives certain peoples an edge over others, which they proceed to exploit to the best of their ability. Perhaps, to an extend, this does indeed drive us towards progress of a certain kind too - I am willing to concede that much. A meritocratic system would lead to more of that still.

But the cost, in those who are left behind, is too high. I, for one, value empathy and compassion a great deal, unlike, to my surprise, many other satanists I have met. To me, the archetype of Lucifer is one directly linked to that of Prometheus: To the concept of liberation of all, not just oneself. Too often do we forget that when Lucifer fell, he did not fall alone. That when Lucifer broke his chains, there were others too whose chains he broke on the way. This was no happy coincidence: This was his intent.

And it needn’t be this way, this world of strive and power-hungry despots. Is not the very purpose of anarchism to cast down those who are up high? To break the hold of the powerful over the powerless? To create a system in which no one holds power over another, through use of direct, decentralized consensus democracy or other systems with the same intended goal? 

Altruism does not make one weak. We are, to refer to Kropotkin, by nature a cooperative species. Competition is what weakens us, what encourages the worst in us: Cooperation is what brings out our best qualities. Or, to put it in more fluffy terms: Through mutual aid, can we as humans achieve divinity.

It was through mutual aid that the Tower of Babel was supposedly built, and it was through the instigating of competition and conflict that our efforts were supposedly thwarted by the Demiurge. It was through mutual aid that we humans achieve greatness, and rival the gods. Mutual aid… And knowledge.

Compassion, and wisdom. The Promethean flame.

LaVeyan Satanism does not properly represent the nature of the Satanic, Luciferian, Promethean archetype. Anarcho-Capitalism does not properly represent the ideals and goals of anarchism, and would lead not to a stateless, classless society, but to a plutocracy.

There are alternatives to both out there. I encourage you to find them, if you haven’t already.

To me, the archetype of Lucifer is one directly linked to that of Prometheus: To the concept of liberation of all, not just oneself. Too often do we forget that when Lucifer fell, he did not fall alone. That when Lucifer broke his chains, there were others too whose chains he broke on the way. This was no happy coincidence: This was his intent.

Citizen Kane, clapping scene