#the dingo dilemma

Book Rec: The Dingo Dilemma, A Kylie Kendall MysteryKylie may still be a private eye in training,

Book Rec: The Dingo Dilemma, A Kylie KendallMystery

Kylie may still be a private eye in training, and she may still be reeling by the secret her business partner finally revealed to her. But nothing can compare to her family’s interference, even from far-away Australia. When her mother asks Kylie to check in on “distant” relative Doug “Dingo” O’Rourke, who has landed a TV gig in Los Angeles, Kylie realizes she has no choice but to do so. Dingo, though, wants nothing to do with an interfering private investigator, despite the fact that something dreadful is worrying him.

Kylie Kendall mysteries are fun, quick reads. I was fond of Kylie as soon as I started reading the previous book, and became invested in her romance with Arianna just as immediately. Fortunately, that relationship moves forward in a satisfying way this time around (though I will be happier when they become more official).

Kylie’s supporting cast–though some are purposefully grating–manage to all grow on you in their own ways. The extra focus on her eccentric family is a cute addition, and I’d definitely like to see more of them in the future.

Though I enjoyed The Quokka Question, The Dingo Dilemma was a much better experience, and really solidified my interest in staying with this series.

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