#the dragon prince headcanons


Secretly dating Aaravos

Handsome, sparkly, morally ambiguous elf man + dating in secret = life fulfilled

Warnings: none!


  • He knows that having an intimate connection with him puts you in a grave amount of danger, especially with things as chaotic as they are right now. He can’t constantly be watching over you, so distancing the two of you is the next best thing
  • So though he hates having to hide it, he does, because Aaravos cannot risk losing you
  • “It’ll only be for a while, jewel. Then I can show you off for all to see.”
  • Aaravos cast a number of protective enchantments on you — faint enough to leave no connection to him, yet strong enough to protect you when he isn’t around
  • He sends you little gifts in secret — snacks, books, notes, or bracelets that won’t attract too much attention from others (though he wishes he could shower you with the fortunes of every treasury in the land)
  • Your secret meet ups are carefully devised by Aaravos so that no one suspects a thing. It usually involves meeting in forgotten corridors of old buildings, in the middle of dark forests, or diving into whatever shadowy alleyway you two can find
  • You’ll stand there in perfect silence and eventually hear the rich, dark voice behind you say, “There you are, starlight. Looking as divine as always.”
  • In those stolen moments together, you talk about everything that’s going on or just sit there enjoying one another’s company without watching eyes
  • You’ve fallen asleep a few times, and always wake up safely tucked into your bed
  • He always makes a point to ask how everyone is treating you and if you feel safe, just to make sure all is well
  • There have been a few close calls, of course. A nosy servant burst down a hall once, and Aaravos had to tuck you behind some curtains. Another time, a patrol came far closer than he had expected, and he had to hold you close and cloak the both of you in shadows
  • Even when you aren’t together, you’re half certain that the shadows watch and smile over you wherever you go
  • And anyone who dares try to be nosy or use information about your relationship against you… let’s just say that they are about to have some absolutely terrible luck