#the dreadful dawn


Biggest Villanos Worry

So I have been a fan since day one of the initial shorts of Villanos and by golly I can’t stress enough how amazing it is that I never heard of Alan ln before or ThatPlaceToHangOut.

What I want to say is that for once we finally have a Mexican Series made by a Mexican Creator with a Mex crew, etc.

Having been a fan of animation these last few years was amazing honestly, but representation for Spanish Speakers/Latinos/etc definitely left a lot to be desired. The greatest Modern Mex Animation Creator Jorge Gutierrez has hardly seen any light since The Book of Life and don’t even get me started on El Tigre’s cancellation.

Mexican projects of animation in any form will always be second fiddle to U.S., European, or Japanese projects and thats just a fact anyway you see it. Hell, its such a rarity that the two most well known big hit Mexican Animated Films were Coco and The Book of Life and even then audiences couldn’t help compare the two bc they focused on the same holiday.

I’m getting off track, as I was saying my main concerns with Villanos at this point will definitely be that it’ll start focusing its efforts towards a more English Speaking audiences than Spanish ones.

The Pilot Dubs already confirm this fear of mine, as you can see the differences and I know for a fact the the studio funding them will eventually say that changing the languages in the backgrounds will be too time consuming and expensive and the one language that they’ll eventually keep is English. Tell me otherwise.

And the fact that the majority of the crew who helped animate the project already walked out delivered a heavy blow to my hopes and faith in the show. Now the animators that have been working for months on end side by side and understand the show as much as Alan are gone. Apparently CN is going to replace that crew and that could mean any number of things from quality, priorities, compromises, i feel as though Villanos is heading away from Alans original vision and the fans who really upstarted the show by showing how much Latin and South American audiences felt with passion the shows identity and appeal, will be given the less for what they came to expect from the show. And maybe even be the last to be given their dubs in exchange for the more valued ratings and audiences of English Speaking fans.

But regardless of how the show turns out I wish nothing but success upon it.

Eso, y muchisimas Gracias a todos ustedes que le dieron todo su esfuerzo a un estudio que no valoro su trabajo. Bendiciones y Suerte Crew!
