#the elder scrolls


Bits of my Skyrim oc lore that I think are interesting- because I have elaborate lore.. kinda.. part one!;

  • Helkan, being both Dunmer and Orismer, is often a target for cruel-hearted jokes from citizens around Skyrim. The worst antagonizers are almost always Nords.
  • Dagr visited the local Mage’s Guild in his youth and would often mimic spells. His favorite? An illusion spell that would create a doppelganger.
  • Unlike Dagr, Helkan is not the dragonborn but is fascinated by the art of shouting. They are known to grow childishly excited Dagr when he uses his Thu'um and are often told to shut up.
  • Dagr employed a young mercenary once and he had died a tragic death while being his bodyguard. Vowing not to put someone at such a risk again, Dagr no longer employs mercenaries and instead looks for loyal friends to aid him.
  • At the College, Helkan sleeps beneath the stairwell in the Hall of Countenance. This is because their Orcish blood results in them being quite warm to the touch. The result is being able to withstand the otherwise uncomfortable cold of a small, stone hideaway.
  • They have a habit of talking too much about things that no one understands. If you’re ever in need of information on something, try Helkan. That is, if you have a few spare hours..
  • Dagr does not like Jarl Balgruuf and has a strong hatred for Whiterun. No one knows why. According to him the town is riddled with bigots who are rich enough to get away with it.
  • Like most Bosmer, Dagr is able to calm down wild animals and has honed this skill in his childhood. This allows him to speak to them to a certain extent. A mage’s explanation for this ability is a mild form of magic in which he is able to communicate telepathically.
  • Helkan’s knowledge is something that gets them into trouble. That being said, a certain daedric prince has kept his eyes on them since birth because of it. Perhaps not all trouble is that bad..
  • Dagr does not partake in any religion. Not that he doesn’t believe in the divines or daedra, he simply believes that they are on his same level of importance and doesn’t enjoy their company. The only daedric princes that he will work with willingly are Malacath and on occasion Peryite.
  • Unfortunately, due to being mixed, Helkan is not accepted into many strongholds simply because of their Orcish blood.
  • Dagr comes from a large family of six children. He is the third born child and is the first son. He has four sisters, two of which are a pair of twins, and one younger brother.
  • Esydra is the eldest and is the heir of the Nightbrook Import & Export Company, she is his least favorite sister. Dagr and her have never gotten along but look the most alike. Esydra seems to think of herself highly and has the same ‘me-above-you’ personality that most Altmer are assumed to have.
  • Tifa and Tawne are the twins. Both are girls, both share his unruly hair as well as his hatred for Esydra. Tifa does not get along with him nowadays but both sisters enjoyed his company in their childhood. They reside in Summerset Isles and live off of family money.
  • Luxa is another sister of his, being younger and far more babied than he ever was. She tends to spend more money than she makes and is often found traveling to cities to mingle with the rich folk. She, like Esydra, does not get along with Dagr and has belittled him for his struggles.
  • Elnir is his younger brother as well as the youngest son. Being in his early twenties, he is the least tainted by their parents and is therefore quite kind in nature. He is an aspiring traveler and writer and has given up his title of nobleman to truly experience the world. Elnir eventually moved to Skyrim to find his brother and resides at the Bard’s College.
  • Helkan did not realize that Dagr was a part of the Nightbrook house until he revealed that he had changed his name to Aethebrook in order to distance himself from them.
  • Dagr’s family works alongside the Empire but Dagr himself doesn’t support the cause.
  • Upon meeting them, Elnir is fascinated by Helkan and begins writing a short book about their odd heritage. It was published shortly after and is titled as read; Of Tusk and Murk.
  • Helkan is, in fact, the Listener of the Dark Brotherhood. They obtain the ability to hear the Night Mother after fleeing to the sanctuary alongside Dagr during the event of a dragon attack. Upon entering the sanctuary, they passed her sarcophagus and began to panic at the sound of a mild whisper. It took another week of hiding out for Dagr to fully lose his connection to the Mother and for Helkan to develop it. This, to their dismay, is where the true trouble began.
  • Dagr often disappears into Apocrypha in order to get away from his responsibility. He enjoys the silence, although Hermaeus Mora only tolerates his presence due to his connection to Helkan and the knowledge they have.
  • Elnir keeps a journal of his traveling but has a special journal to document his time with his brother. The first page is filled with admiration for Dagr, the second is immediately a list of complaints he has on Dagr’s manor. The most recurring complaint happens to be Dagr’s lack of candles and surplus of unneeded trinkets.
  • Like his brother, Elnir is a brassy redhead and has a deep, hazel-green eye color. Dagr was said to have seafoam green eyes before they became milky white from blindness. While Dagr’s hair reaches his shoulders, Elnir prefers to keep it just below his chin. His hair is less unruly and less curly than his brother’s.
  • Helkan doesn’t feel welcomed in Windhelm and will avoid going there. However, they have friends that work on the dock and will only travel to Windhelm with Dagr or any of their good friends. They do not like going alone.
  • Though they dislike Windhelm, both Dagr and Helkan enjoy Solstheim and often travel there when they intend to explore and gather more information on the world. Helkan enjoys visiting the House Telvanni and have gotten Neloth’s attention after sharing an intelligent conversation on mastering a spell made to advance memory. Dagr is proud to say that he was, in fact, a test subject of this.

I enjoy sharing my small bits of world building so honestly, enjoy. Because I did.


fun facts about my middle aged, bosmer dragonborn oc that i think are absolutely important to know;

  • his voice claim is and always will be Jerma985. boston accent and everything, baby.
  • he was initially supposed to be a stealth-archer build and later became a sniper because i no longer cared about being stealthy
  • he is canonically pescaterian [prefers raw fish]
  • he lost his ability to hear the night mother after inactivity and basically just isn’t the listener for the dark brotherhood anymore
  • cicero refuses to leave his aid despite this
  • dagr, due to his blindness, relies on his other senses. when he’s sick, he’s rendered almost completely unable to do anything
  • he canonically is left handed, but grew up learning to use both hands and therefore is ambidextrous as a result
  • he doesn’t remember colors exactly and doesn’t have a favorite, but if he did, it’d be green
  • dagr is able to hear very well. he says that he can hear people’s heartbeats and apparently feel them as well. he claims to be able to hear blood running through people’s veins [this is a lie] and the bullshit from a liar’s mouth [this is true]
  • he writes heavy handed and only in capital letters
  • he is not a genuine romantic but enjoys flirting, not being flirted with
  • dagr is canonically ambiguous in sexuality but admits that he doesn’t know which label means what, claims to be all of them
  • dagr is unfortunately 5'6 and ¾ths of an inch
  • he is my favorite character and the one that i have had since the first time i ever played the stupid game made by todd “rerelease” howard

a couple more fun facts;

  • canonically, dagr cannot cast conjuration spells without conjuring the wrong thing because his brain is apparently “not imaginative enough”
  • he loves children but is known to be terrible at talking and interacting with them [i.e. talking to them like they’re adults]
  • dagr’s favorite food is tomato soup- the spicy, creamy kind of tomato soup
  • his second favorite food would probably be salmon, let’s be honest here
  • he prefers plum brandy, or kynes kiss
  • dagr owns a manor in falkreath and says it reminds him of home in the summerset isles
  • growing up, he would visit the shipment dock that his family owned and would bother the workers and ask about their days for hours
  • also growing up, dagr would mimic animal and bug noises and try to catch them [he would usually fail, save for the few birds he caught and brought back home]
  • dagr has a hard time reading social cues and often goes too far when making jokes
  • he often forgets that people need light to see and will not announce himself when hiding in dark rooms
  • after finding out that he was the dragonborn, dagr gave into pressure and disappeared for a total of two months before resurfacing only to help the city of falkreath kill a local dragon menace- he used a slingshot, and a lot of woodland help
  • his first weapon was a slingshot as he could hear the whistle of small rocks and determine where it would hit based on his senses
  • dagr only learned to use a bow after being gifted one to honor his title as thane in falkreath [this was in 4E 188]
  • his story directly ties into my self-insert story because i am selfish and love him too much

fun facts about my middle aged, bosmer dragonborn oc that i think are absolutely important to know;

  • his voice claim is and always will be Jerma985. boston accent and everything, baby.
  • he was initially supposed to be a stealth-archer build and later became a sniper because i no longer cared about being stealthy
  • he is canonically pescaterian [prefers raw fish]
  • he lost his ability to hear the night mother after inactivity and basically just isn’t the listener for the dark brotherhood anymore
  • cicero refuses to leave his aid despite this
  • dagr, due to his blindness, relies on his other senses. when he’s sick, he’s rendered almost completely unable to do anything
  • he canonically is left handed, but grew up learning to use both hands and therefore is ambidextrous as a result
  • he doesn’t remember colors exactly and doesn’t have a favorite, but if he did, it’d be green
  • dagr is able to hear very well. he says that he can hear people’s heartbeats and apparently feel them as well. he claims to be able to hear blood running through people’s veins [this is a lie] and the bullshit from a liar’s mouth [this is true]
  • he writes heavy handed and only in capital letters
  • he is not a genuine romantic but enjoys flirting, not being flirted with
  • dagr is canonically ambiguous in sexuality but admits that he doesn’t know which label means what, claims to be all of them
  • dagr is unfortunately 5'6 and ¾ths of an inch
  • he is my favorite character and the one that i have had since the first time i ever played the stupid game made by todd “rerelease” howard

he has an addiction, no he is not in recovery

Erik the Farmer Slayer :)As everyone’s older sister, I have a cosmic duty to help him.When I can’t h

Erik the Farmer Slayer :)

As everyone’s older sister, I have a cosmic duty to help him.

When I can’t have him following, I collect armor and weapons that I think he will like and give them to him when I visit Rorikstead :D

Post link


Post link
hugtherobots:…full offense intended to Skyrim, because come on(also I know the player character coul


…full offense intended to Skyrim, because come on

(also I know the player character couldn’t possibly be the same person between the three games but shh, maybe it’s her descendants)

Post link
 POV: you just told the Hero of Kvatch that the Amulet of Kings is gone (they want to kill you)

POV: you just told the Hero of Kvatch that the Amulet of Kings is gone (they want to kill you)

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 Flat color bust for @/Dino__1994 from twitter!! Thank you for your support!Commission info

Flat color bust for @/Dino__1994 from twitter!! Thank you for your support!

Commission info

Post link

Updated to the High Resolution DLC Pack? You might have noticed when strolling through Riften or Markarth that the chopping block at the meat vendor is now all shiny and blue. Well this bug fixes exactly that. Same with the wood in the fireplaces. Fixes em too.

Changelog 1.0
- Fixes the wooden textures on the chopping blocks with HD versions of the original textures.
- Fixes the wood in the fireplaces.

Get it now on the Nexus.

More Screenshots:

Fus Ro Norris

Remember that first time you walked into a giant and then being blasted to oblivion? Well, you are the Dragonborn and this mod lets you do just that.

This mod replaces your vocal chords with that of Chuck Norris’ when performing the Unrelenting Force. You can check the effect in the video preview above.

Other Changes in the Mod:

- The Projectiles have been changed for Fus and Ro to blast enemies instead of staggering them.
- The cooldown on the shouts has been lowered to 7/14/21 seconds respectively.

You can now get the mod on Skyrim Nexus.

#bethesda    #the elder scrolls    #skyrim    #fus ro dah    #fus ro norris    #chuck norris    

Spell Tome: Call Aspect of Akatosh

I have been working on a small mod to test out the Creation Kit and here’s a little WIP of that. It’s a Conjuration spell called the “Aspect of Akatosh.”

Background Story:
Having slain the first born of Akatosh, you are now granted with the ability to summon it’s aspect to do your bidding. But BEWARE! Misuse of such power often leads to one’s downfall.

Spell: Call Aspect Of Akatosh
Description: Summons the Aspect of Akatosh to do your bidding for 120 seconds.
Class: Conjuration
Level: Master (Requires 100 and Completion of the Main Quest Line)
Mana: 230 (Can have only one instance at a time)

Currently Known Problems: 
I tested the mod out quite a but and noticed a couple of problems with it that I am trying to fix. One for starters is that spawning a beast like this inside towns is fine but it can also be conjured inside dungeons. I need to block this off so it can be used only outside. Working on it. Landing animations once it takes off ain’t that smooth. Need to fix that too.
