#the elvenking of the woodland realm

Newsfeed #119 December 26, 2019 (26 Ringarë)THE SAGA OF THRANDUIL–EXTENDED VERSIONFirst of all

Newsfeed #119 December 26, 2019 (26 Ringarë)


First of all, there are a few things about this 3rd Draft of the Extended Version. It is not complete (as it should have been). Why? Because this October, my old laptop died and though it did retrieve nearly all my work, it lost all my notes on The Extended Version. Note to you (and self): Apple Stickies don’t retrieve anything if you lose something. Use Post-It by 3M if you have a tablet (and I’m doing that now). This means you may actually get another lookatThe Extended Version and this is not the last time you get to read it with the additions.

Secondly, when you get to the Appendix, you’ll probably see the additions that got lost while my old laptop died during the Catalina Software Download (and the laptop wasn’t that old, I might add)–there are “new people” not in the story (yet). You can either ignore them or start rumors of their origins (though some are self-explanatory). Some characters will be in Book III: The Last Tale of Legolas Lasgalen (and that extended version) and/or in Book I: The Epic of Eryn Galen (currently on-going).

There is a scene that was about to be put into this book (while I was promoting The House of Durin) that is on Instagram right now about Thranduil dealing with his future “son-in-law” (future husband of his daughter Isílriel). It is located  to the right of a bright photo titled “End of Summer: LAIRË METTA”. I hope to post the scene the event takes place eventually (along with others) either there or in the complete version at a later date TBA.

Also, I just learned today, my new Spell-Check hasn’t learned Elvish. Though, Erestor is blessedly not Crestor, some things in Elvish might look weird (and my laptop froze while I was working and I freaked out because I didn’t want the trauma of losing anything again), some things are still a weird mix of Apple’s inability to recognize another language (oh, Black Speech they know–makes you wonder), Sindarin and Quenya. That’ll be fixed in post.

Please Enjoy this version of the book () knowing eventually there will be way more than 567 pages (including the Appendix) and way more adventures (most being told again in the extended version of The Last Tale of Legolas Lasgalen).–Jaynaé Marie Miller, author. 

Available Here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=13z0iO0Y-qHUs8yZWIrVJZy_jtGzx–hk

or, if you like: https://tkwrtrilogy.wordpress.com/2019/12/26/the-saga-of-thranduil-the-extended-version-is-here/

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Newsfeed #118 December 25, 2019 (25 Ringarë)MERRY CHRISTMAS: ENJOY THE DAY! DECEMBER 26 IS 23 HOURS

Newsfeed #118 December 25, 2019 (25 Ringarë)


It is that time of the year–to celebrate the holidays. Go ahead. I’ll wait until December 26 when the Extended Version will be available for download. Watch this space–carefully. There will be a lot of information forthcoming. (Go watch LOTR in honor of December 25, 3019 T.A.)

Meanwhile, you can always catch up with the Original Version here or on WordPress. Until then, Merry Christmas to all and to all a good-night.

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Newsfeed #109 December 15, 2018 (15 Ringarë)THE LAST RELEASE–FOR 365 DAYS, ANYWAY.I can’t say 2018 w

Newsfeed #109 December 15, 2018 (15 Ringarë)


I can’t say 2018 was a bad year. True, I lost my father in October but, aside from that, it was a very good year. Things have changed but not drastically–something expected after the death of a close family member. I have it on good authority that I must focus on doing this for myself or not at all. Those were my father’s last words of wisdom about Book II: The Saga of Thranduil; spoken two months before he died. He knew he was going to die. He knew I wrote my first book for him. He wanted this story to go on; to be shared with the world. Rather than wallow in sadness (like my family actually let me mourn–they were trying to kick me out of my house a day after he was buried), I will continue to write The Kingdom of the Woodland Realm Trilogy until it is done.

Yes, after this release of Book II: The Saga of Thranduil (that will be available for one week), there will be no more until December 22, 2019. I would like to complete the extended version and make the final changes on this one. I also have two other volumes in this trilogy I would like to finish (on top of two standalone books). I am working with another writer on another series–for all I know, this thing will grow larger and perhaps other writers may come. One book opened up endless possibilities.

Anyway, this 3rd Anniversary Edition will have some changes:

  • No Appendix: It requires extensive work now that there are additions from Book I (and it grows). However, I look forward to making changes and completing all online versions of it. 
  • The Table of Contents: It will be in the back of the book this time. As with the Appendix, it is a work in progress so it is possible the numbers will change before the final version. 

I am fully aware that I may lose some followers due to the new Tumblr guidelines. I will hate to see you go–do what you have to do. I know that my heart will go on. ❤️ Besides, I’m also on WordPress if you wish to go there and read it. https://officialwptkwrt.wordpress.com

Now, for the moment everyone’s been waiting for (especially that high schooler that wanted to have something to read when they ran out of books): 


(you can also find the link here: https://tkwrtrilogy.wordpress.com).

Since there are more additions to both versions of Book II, at this juncture, I do not know when the extended version will be available in its next draft but I’m sure it will be in 2019*.

I don’ t know what 2019 will have in store for Thranduil and the Woodland Elves. It will feel strange to go into my first New Year without my father. But much like The Elvenking, I will survive. 


*To be announced.

Images: © 2002. Warner Brothers Pictures. The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers. All Rights Reserved. © 2014. Warner Brothers Pictures. The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies. All Rights Reserved.

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