#the ending yessssssss



Mindset Playing

Angelique Bouchard x fem!reader

Warning(s): swearing, language, blood

Words: 1k

A/N: Hooi! This was for @escapetodreamworld&@multimilfs and the rest of the Eva chat! And all of you of course! This was made quickly and for fun, so If there’s any mistakes. I do apologize. :D hope you like it ! Xx

Y/N looked through the different books on the shelf that was placed against the white wall of the home office. “Where is it?.” She mumbled to herself. It had to be around somewhere. And she was right.

Among the different books on the floor, she dropped to her knees and opened a new one. The right one. Flipping through the pages with daft fingers, trying to remember the spell. Jackpot.

Biting her bottom lip, suddenly hesitating her decision. What exactly was she doing? How would she react if it worked in the end? A complete stranger, breaking into her home and looking through her stuff? Would she kill her? Y/N shook her head and started preparing herself. Both mentally and physically. Once ready, she started.

She’d used a piece of her clothing to get her back. The more she ranted the same verse, the more tired Y/N became. She felt her eyelids start to drop when a sharp light came through the whole room. Blinding her, making Y/N fall back. Shielding her eyes with her arm, she didn’t see the tall figure standing before her.

Angelique looked around. Her sight clouded but soon faired out. Her cheek was hollow and wet with her tears. How was this possible? She remembered giving Barnabas her heart, quite literally this time and him denying her once again. Remembered the feeling of completely numbness. Death.

She heard a movement. She twisted her head almost 90 degrees and saw a smaller figure laying on the floor. It was a woman. Different spell books were laying sprayed out on her floor. She was in her office at home. She didn’t recognize the woman. How had she done this?

“Who are you?”

Her tone was quiet, almost a whisper. Firm, but then again not. She’d lost her posture. Her fame, everything.

Y/N slowly blinked her eyes. Shocked. There she stood, Angelique Bouchard. The one woman you were looking for. She looked a mess. A hole in her cheek, holes across her body, her hair a mess and her dress ripped. What happened to her really?

“I’m Y/N.”

“I didn’t ask for your name. I asked who you are, why are you in my house? How did you get in my house.” Her voice started to get louder, she also started speaking with her hands. Throwing them in the air, ignoring the pain it caused her.

“You’re a witch.”

“And what are you? A whore?” Angelique spat back at you. Starring you down with those piercing eyes of hers. Leaning over you, just like she’d done hours before with that bastard. She saw the raw fear in your eyes.

“I-I’m a witch myself.”

Angelique scoffed at you. Turning around, looking herself in the mirror that was hanging in between her two massive bookshelves. Wincing slightly. She did look hideous. She noticed something that caught her eye. Looking down, her eyes widened in shock. Blood was on her book, your hands were bloody. She turned around.

“You used your blood to get me back here?!”

No response. Raising an eyebrow, walking closer to you. Kicking your leg with her boot. No response either. You were dead asleep.


You slowly opened your eyes. Feeling awfully tired, sore and completely done. Hair was in your face, but you couldn’t move your hand. You couldn’t move anything. You looked down and found yourself tied to a kitchen chair. Panic rose in you. You did everything you could to loosen yourself but nothing worked.

The sound of heels clicking against the floor made you tense up. You hadn’t left her home office. How long had you been out? Had she drugged you? Or used some spell? You sat still, waiting for her to come. And she did. Looking all bright and shiny. Shiny and new. Not a crack in sight.

“Oh look. Puppy’s awake.”

Angelique’s lips curled into a spiking smirk. Her smile wide. She had a cup of tea in her hand. You had an idea she wasn’t going to share. Angie took a sip and set down her cup on the desk and leant down to your level again. Still smirking. Then pouting.

“Can’t move your arms puppy? Awh, how sad. But bad girls get punishments. And you certainly have been one.”

She got up again and walked around the room. Mumbling something while walking over to the large window. You couldn’t quite hear her, but you heard the familiar Latin melody. Then, a soft hum came from her lips.

“I am a good girl.”

A soft chuckle came from her. She didn’t turn around though. “Are you? Highly doubt it.”

“I brought you back, didn’t I?”

“Don’t forgot the part where you broke into my house, sniffed through my things and might I add, broke one of my vases.” Angelique spoke as she turned around. Sending you a glare before looking out the window again.

“It was just a vase.”

“Ne commencez pas.”

You looked out at the hallway again. Your neck starting to hurt from the edge of looking over at her.

“How old are you Angie?”

“Je te préviens, Y/N.”

Her voice was low, and the way your name rolled off her tongue sent shivers down your spine. A warmth crept up your throat. You looked away, even though she couldn’t see your face. You knew she could sense something was off.

A hand on your shoulder startled you. Her sharp nails digging into the skin of your shoulder. Her side pressing against your arm.

“Did you know what I did to the town’s people just now?” She asked softly.

You shook your head. Looking at the hand on your shoulder, then following her arm up and then up at her face. Where a wicked smile and a familiar glint in her eyes was to be seen. “What did you do Angie.”

She leant down and looked you deep in the eye. Your noses nearly brushing against each other.

“I made them forget. Thanks to you, I get to play a little longer.”
