#the fic thats taking forever to finish

mi6-cafe:It’s WIP Wednesday! Post a line or three from a current WIP, and then tag @mi6-cafe so we c


It’s WIP Wednesday!

Post a line or three from a current WIP, and then tag @mi6-cafe so we can find and reblog it!

OR you can reblog this post with your WIP excerpt!

All ships, fandoms, and WIPs are welcome.

Remember a while back when I wrote a London Spy/Bond crossover (Illuminating Shadows) and then never wrote the last porny HEA chapter?  Yeah, me too.  Brushing it off and making a bit of progress…

“What kept you, love?” James asks Q as he hands Danny the flute and pours another for Q.

“I didn’t think we’d be downstairs again, so I checked the locks and set the alarm,” Q answers, peeling off his jumper.  

“That’s good thinking,” comes a voice behind him.  He turns to see Alex emerging from the bedroom carrying four fluffy towels just as some music starts.  He’s still wearing his boxers, but otherwise bare.  Of the four of them, Alex has changed the most.  Gone are the haunted look and gaunt frame.  He’s all open, warm smiles and broad shoulders and pecs for miles…


Between James and Alex, both he and Danny have been very distracted lately…

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