#the fitz and the fool trilogy




Happy Thursday everyone! It’s officially ‘curl up next to the fire with a good book’ season here in the northern hemisphere, and with some people lucky enough to have time off of school or work for the holiday season, they’ll need some books to read. 

I’d love everyone to give a recommendation (or two, or three) of the next book people should read and why! Make sure to include author and genre so people know what they’re getting into! This won’t be the last time I do one of these book rec type questions, so don’t worry if you can’t fit all your favorites in this time. 

All you have to do is reblog, comment, or send an ask with your book recommendations! Anyone and everyone is free to participate. 

I’m really looking forward to seeing what you guys recommend! If you don’t want to miss any titles, or if you don’t want to see me reblog the same post over and over again, the tag is ‘writeblr conversations’. If you want to join the conversation every Thursday, let me know and I’ll add you to the tag list:  @elybydarkness @tjswritingstuff​  @gettingitwrite@gooseandcaboose@julesruleswrites@dawnhorizons@kd-holloman​  @reininginthefirewriting@writingonesdreams@brb-writing@celstefani​  @kirstenmcwriter@no-negativity-writes@bardicfool@nemowritesstuff@wortfinder@katekyo-bitch-reborn@weareallfallengods@carnationwrites@seylaaurora

Ooo! I can’t wait to go through the other notes and get some more books to read (as if I need more books to read)!

I would recommend basically anything by Robin Hobb. Her Realm of the Elderlings books are fantasy at its finest. To start at the beginning, you read the Farseer Trilogy which starts with Assassin’s Apprentice. It’s the story of an individual, but also of dragons and prophets and people and relationships and love. There are a lot of books in that universe now (I think 16?) but nine are my favorites: a trilogy of trilogies about Fitzchivalry Farseer.

I also highly highly recommend Kate Elliot’s Crossroads Trilogy, which starts with Spirit Gate. I picked the first two books up randomly from a used bookstore and suffered before getting my hands on the third and finally finishing reading the trilogy. (I tell you so you won’t make my mistake.) The world Elliott builds is strange and beautiful and vast but the stories are personal and human. And there are giant eagles. (Thank me later.)

Bee Farseer and parents.One that cherished her first.One that protected her,And one that couldn’t.On

Bee Farseer and parents.

One that cherished her first.

One that protected her,

And one that couldn’t.

One that never was to be.

I wanted to paint them all loving and proud in who she is. The tree is not really a tree, but the  timelines of the future.

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