#the flowerweaver



“This is the way which a girl becomes a woman / this is the way which a woman becomes a wolf.”

Erin Moran, from “940 Main Street,” published in APEP Publications


buttoning or unbuttoning the cuffs of someone else’s shirt for them is such an intimate and sacred experience


you separate parts of your life based on trauma. you wait for a new disaster to mark your rebirth. you are forever tethered to ghosts of yourself.


“I felt like a shell of myself. So much so that I now have a hard time remembering those dark days in much detail. My mind has blocked them out. But I do remember being convinced that I wasn’t going to live.”

Emilia Clarke quoted in “A Battle For My Life,” first published c. March 2019 (via violentwavesofemotion)


“i will always have nightmares of that day. no matter how much time has passed, i will always remember. the nightmares will never allow me to forget. i will never allow myself to forget.”

— (via nixreginam-blog)

ibuzoo: Poetry Inspiration Moodboards | freckled skin She is half a girl, half a star. ibuzoo: Poetry Inspiration Moodboards | freckled skin She is half a girl, half a star. ibuzoo: Poetry Inspiration Moodboards | freckled skin She is half a girl, half a star. ibuzoo: Poetry Inspiration Moodboards | freckled skin She is half a girl, half a star. ibuzoo: Poetry Inspiration Moodboards | freckled skin She is half a girl, half a star. ibuzoo: Poetry Inspiration Moodboards | freckled skin She is half a girl, half a star. ibuzoo: Poetry Inspiration Moodboards | freckled skin She is half a girl, half a star. ibuzoo: Poetry Inspiration Moodboards | freckled skin She is half a girl, half a star. ibuzoo: Poetry Inspiration Moodboards | freckled skin She is half a girl, half a star.


Poetry Inspiration Moodboards | freckled skin

She is half a girl, half a star.

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cottagecore moodboard


I sit with my grief. I mother it. I hold its small, hot hand. I don’t say, shhh. I don’t say, it is okay. I wait until it is done having feelings. Then we stand and we go wash the dishes.

Callista Buchen, from “Taking Care,” published in Thrush
