#the gamer speaks uwu




[ID: A screenshot of the banner for the game Hyper Light Drifter above a notification saying “Hyper Light Drifter is ready!”. End ID]


[ID: A screenshot from Hyper Light Drifter, showing the drifter standing on the edge of a mountain and looking over the land at a castle in the distance. End ID]


[ID: A screenshot of the banner for the game Hyper Light Drifter above a notification saying “Hyper Light Drifter is ready!”. End ID]

Saw a post about how like all those “how to read ppls body language” videos are bullshit (they are. And ableist !! ^__^) but anyway this like unlocked the stupidest memories ever of me, like 10, seeing those and being like haha Fuck Yes im going to read people’s body language and be able to figure out how to socialize properly. because I was the neurotypicalest normalest sanest child ever. Amazing that this still has left an imprint on my brain bc to this day if I’m talking to somebody and I’m like worried they think I’m lying in the back of my head it’s like “make so much eye contact and don’t stutter or they’ll be suspicious” and like just from that now you should get the picture of why “body language cues” are lowkey ableist lmao

so in love with everyone in the comments of this damn lego star wars review of the original game and all the commentors complaining about their siblings

I think so much of the difficulty (as a kid) comes from playing in 2 player mode with a sibling. Friendly fire seems stupid? Now you can deliberately sabotage your sibling (for fun I guess???). Switching characters seems repetitive? Now you're stuck as C3PO while your little sister does all the fun stuff and you unlock doors. Puzzles too easy? Now you have to cajole your teammate into doing The Thing They Have To Do
"Occasionally the game will auto-aim on your allies - that's not amazing" That's actually a great feature to take revenge on your brother after he dragged you off the map with the camera for the SIXTH FUCKING TIME.
> "I'm not sure why you would ever want to target your co-op partner." Clearly you never played this with a younger brother. >Dude, how dare you. That hit in the nostalgia...... >As the younger brother, it was my favorite mechanic to beat the living shit out of my older brother and loosing all our studs and him getting frustrated cause he was a perfectionist. >At least half of the arguments I have with my brother begin in this fashion >Nah more like after the accidental hit we start fighting in real life till someone’s crying

[ID: Comment 1: I think so much of the difficulty (as a kid) comes from playing in 2 player mode with a sibling. Friendly fire seems stupid? Now you can deliberately sabotage your sibling (for fun I guess???). Switching characters seems repetitive? Now you’re stuck as C3PO while your little sister does all the fun stuff and you unlock doors. Puzzles too easy? Now you have to cajole your teammate into doing The Thing They Have To Do

Comment 2:“Occasionally the game will auto-aim on your allies - that’s not amazing” That’s actually a great feature to take revenge on your brother after he dragged you off the map with the camera for the SIXTH FUCKING TIME.

Comment 3: >“I’m not sure why you would ever want to target your co-op partner.” Clearly you never played this with a younger brother.

Reply 1: Dude, how dare you. That hit in the nostalgia……
Reply 2: As the younger brother, it was my favorite mechanic to beat the living shit out of my older brother and loosing all our studs and him getting frustrated cause he was a perfectionist.
Reply 3: At least half of the arguments I have with my brother begin in this fashion
Reply 4: Nah more like after the accidental hit we start fighting in real life till someone’s crying. End ID]
