#the glorious seteth desk challenge

tinyshoopuf: We got to talking about what a SFW interpretation of the Seteth Desk Challenge could betinyshoopuf: We got to talking about what a SFW interpretation of the Seteth Desk Challenge could betinyshoopuf: We got to talking about what a SFW interpretation of the Seteth Desk Challenge could betinyshoopuf: We got to talking about what a SFW interpretation of the Seteth Desk Challenge could be


We got to talking about what a SFW interpretation of the Seteth Desk Challenge could be and we came up with the golden dear house dressing up like the faculty and sneaking in for “lectures” (aka, impersonations). Closeups were probably a bad idea since I can’t draw neatly to save my life but I spent 11 hours just drawing all the characters and also I wanted to highlight that Claude absolutely stuck two apples down the front of Manuela’s dress

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