#the golden rose mc




My oc for The Golden Rose by @anathemafiction

My days don’t have enough hours lately… I started reading “The Golden Rose” (available via Ho

My days don’t have enough hours lately… 
I started reading “The Golden Rose” (available via Hosted Games) by  @anathemafiction … I am only in chapter 4 so far but I am already hooked. The writing is amazing, the characters are adorable and I love my MC Lyra. 
(She’s sarcastic to a fault and still hasn’t realized how much of a crush she has on Hadrian…) 

And while I am playing too many games at the moment and have a pile of books on my nightstand and several Patreon rewards I should be working on I allowed myself to get engrossed with “The Golden Rose” and I need to know how it continues because there are so many secrets I need to know about. 

And while my motivation bubbles I had to do at least a sloppy sketch of Lyra … nothing fancy, nothing I will continue… but I still want to share it and tell everyone who loves to read interactive fiction that “The Golden Rose” is amazing and you should get it!! 

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