#the gull writes things


Keep Reaching Out (I’ll Keep Coming Back)


My@handers-time​ gift exchange fic for @rainwolfheart!

Afterwards, Anders only remembers the flight from Kirkwall in pieces.
In the Gallows, Hamish Hawke had promised Anders that they would be fugitives together. But at the end of a battle Anders had never planned to survive, as Hawke makes plans for them to leave together, Anders wonders – did they mean that? And should he really ask them to give up their future?

Read it here on AO3!

First Line Game

Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favourite opening line. Then tag 10 of your favourite authors!

tagged by @ser-thirst-a-lot!

Oh man so if we are looking at my last 20 stories on ao3 (and discounting the roleplays that I slapped up there for posterity), this is a large sampling of things I have written over the last 6 years. Some of them are kind of experimental (like the Assassin’s Creed oneshot), or for pairings/fandoms I am not likely to pick up again (like the Supergirl stuff). Without further ado:

  1. a dragon’s treasure: It’s not that Logan Hawke actually wants to find a princess at the top of the tower, it’s just that princesses, or at the very least fine ladies, are generally the ones who get imprisoned in such a way.
  2. Into Grass Overgrown, Fall Down: They’ve been working through Shiro’s feelings about mortality for a while now.
  3. Saltwater & Sunlight & Home: “All right, old timer,” Keith says, turning to Shiro as the last of his team disappears up the boarding ramp and onto their ship.
  4. The Way That the Story Ends: Shiro wakes to light and heat and pressure, the screech of collapsing metal ringing in his ears.
  5. we’re giants in a little man’s world:The lost time happens like this: The Paladins are all asleep during the ship’s night cycle when the castle gets a distress call from a nearby star system.
  6. unlearn the constellations: The most dangerous position aboard a spacecraft, an interfacer’s job is to serve as a conduit for information.
  7. You Left Your Mark: You weren’t supposed to be able to recognize your mate until you were an adult, but Keith was always a fucked up kind of were.
  8. these hands are not mine: “Good night, Shiro,” Keith says, from across Black’s cargo hold.
  9. Seasonal Apparel: “That man of yours surely has peculiar taste in,” the Widow Henley harumphs, “seasonalapparel.”
  10. Don’t Know How To Play It Cool: Monday morning, Winn is still flying high from the way he and James had kissed and talked and made out, for hours, like horny teenagers.
  11. Home: Logan Hawke, at twenty-four years old, was definitely an adult.
  12. Made For Loving You: The knock on his door, about ten minutes after they’ve returned to the mansion, takes Anders by surprise.
  13. My Body is a Cage (My Mind Holds the Key): The night of their arrival, Desmond tucks his hands in his hoodie pockets, stands at the top of the stairs to the villa and surveys the town.
  14. Can’t Keep This Beating Heart At Bay: When Winn opens the door, it’s James he finds outside his apartment.
  15. From Nervous Touch and Getting Drunk: “No driving, now,” Kara calls out, and James chuckles, waving once more at Kara and Alex as he shuts the door to the apartment behind him.
  16. Kiss Me On the Mouth and Set Me Free: “Leave the bottle,” Winn says, and there’s an edge just under his blithe tone.
  17. Reconcile: “So, that’s it…you’re ending it?”
  18. Sleepless: It’s third bell in the morning, and Logan can’t sleep.
  19. I Am Yours: Fenris needs air.
  20. do you call yourself a fucking hurricane like me: Fenris has scrubbed the blood of that bitch from his body in the hours since he crushed her heart, even cleaned it all from his armor, but the feel of Hadriana’s stain on him remains.

I think of these, my favorite is a toss-up between You Left Your Mark and Seasonal Apparel Throwing the word harumphs into an opening line….I can dig it, past!me.

In terms of patterns, you can of course definitely tell that most of my fics are written in present tense. About 30% of these have dialogue, so clearly I do that occasionally. I think in the scheme of things, my opening lines tend to be shorter and punchier than my general writing style, because I know I have a tendency to write extremely long sentences. Also, a lot of these are scene-setting sentences.

Thank you for the tag Lou! I’m not gonna tag anyone else because I’m not sure who all has done this or been tagged already, but if you see this and want to do it, consider yourself tagged!

The Way That The Story Ends

a post-season 8, sheith fix-it fic.


A single Shiro clone survives the destruction of the cloning facility.

Years later, Keith is on a routine Blade of Marmora aid mission to a backwater planet just outside the remains of the old Galra empire. He’s never been to this system before. So why does his host’s favorite pilot – a tall, masked humanoid simply called Quiet – seem so familiar?

Read the first chapter on AO3.
