#the image of him having a reddit and posting this



AITA for ruining a longtime friendship over a dead person?

I (32M) have a wife that passed away a little while ago. In my grief, I realized that God was responsible for my wife’s passing. As a result, I have decided to declare war on him and spite him by becoming immortal.

In order to carry this out, I enlisted the help of an immortal being named W (??M). My plan was that I would get him to provoke my closest friend, who we will call L (22M). L would come and kill W, thus giving me the opportunity to seize their soul and finally become immortal myself.

Just as I had planned, W kidnapped L’s fiancee, so L tore through W’s home searching for her. When they finally met each other for the first time, L wasn’t strong enough to beat W, but he managed to get his fiancee back. Unfortunately the fiancee, S (18F) had already begun to physically and spiritually deteriorate. In order to save her, he had to kill her and use her soul to strengthen his personal weapon. Afterwards, L managed to kill W, and I managed to get his soul and become immortal.

When I revealed myself to L, I expected him to be more understanding. After all, we went through the same thing. His fiancee is dead, and my wife is dead. I offered him the life of an immortal being, but he said that he already made a promise with S and he would never want eternity without her. Because he didn’t want to join me, I left him to deal with a new friend I made. I was told later on that L not only called me out on my behaviour, but he also promised that he and his family would spend their lives hunting me (and an entire time of day) down.

I don’t even know why he would say that. L treated me like I was a bad person even though I was trying to help him. I thought he would relate to me because we were both grieving for the same reason. He never lashed out at me like that during our entire friendship. I thought he was the irrational one here, but I want a second opinion. So am I the asshole? ’

edit 1: While S dying was part of my plan, I didn’t actuallykillher. Therefore, I’m not responsible for anything

edit 2: I’ve known L since we were young. He’s always seen things my way and he’s never really disagreed with anything. Stop trying to assume things about our relationship.

edit 3: for everyone suggesting therapy, I can assure you that I am fine
