#the inside job



very accurate still from the inside job

I love the implication that Eliot, of all people, decided the appropriate thing to do when in Parker’s home for the first time was to perch her stuffed bunny on his shoulder so it could participate in the planning. (And/or emotionally support Eliot as they both worry about Parker.)


lets go on a journey through eliot spencer revelation shall we:

after archie says that parker’s here to rescue him, eliot asks: “why would she rescue you?” he’s incredulous, but not overly suspicious here. we just saw that he had something confirmed about parker (the state of her warehouse) but this doesn’t fit in to his parker schema

archie, walking away: “i’m her father.” eliot, staring at him walking away: yeah my mouth is just gonna hang open like this

eliot’s face DOES NOT SHIFT as he walks forward i swear to you, i wish i knew how to gif to express how static his face is

a question is forming. a thought. his eyesbrows open up. surprise, maybe. the sheer what the fuck as he gets close to nate to seek commiseration over this truly wild ass old man’s bonkers claim that they seem ready to accept but WHO is gonna lie about that. nate’s face is also hilariously frozen but in his Im Thinking So Hard Someone Else Might Fry From This Processing But Im A Mastermind So Im Okay scowl

nate starts to walk away aND ELIOT SPENCER reaches out to try and TAP NATE like bro bro did you hear that old man did you… father??

eliot pulls back, the tapping didn’t work aND ALSO I JUST REALIZED when he stepped closer without moving his damn face even to look down, he clearly navigated around that guy on the floor effortlessly im dying


the shot ends like this and im here rolling


the guards’ faces as they see eliot demolish a man and break his damn arm. im pretty sure one of them quietly says “oh.” like,, yes we are highly trained and very professional steranko level security but fuck man this is…. a lot, and i regret my whole damn life
