#the karate kid imagine


Nobody’s Fault - Johnny Lawrence x Reader

Summary - Part three to Lose My Job. After a traumatising month of slow recovery, reader is finally discharged from the hospital. However, the drama doesn’t just stop not that’s she’s on the mend. (Part 1 here) (Part 2 here)

Words - 1.4k

Warnings - fluff/angst

A/N - Would you guys wanna see a part four to this? Don’t hesitate to request and message me! Thankyou for your support!

“Good evening Miss Y/L/N, we’re local police officers who are working together about the case at the school.” One of them said to you. 

“We understand right now probably isn’t the best of times to have this conversation with you, but in order for this whole investigation to move forward, we need to confirm something.” The other one said. 

“And what exactly would that be?” You questioned. 

“Considering you were pushed off of the balcony-” They began and you were very quick to stop them from talking.

“I don’t know what kind of police officers you are but if I was purposely pushed off of that damn balcony, don’t you think you would’ve sent the kids to Juvie by now?” The officers looked at each-other with defeated faces. 

“That’s what were here for Miss. It is your decision to send the two responsible for you injuries, to Juvie.” You couldn’t quite believe what you were hearing. 

“I’m not pressing charges and the kid’s aren’t going anywhere. I chose to get involved, I tried to handle it and it didn’t work, that’s nobody’s fault.” You told them.

“Thank-you for your time, it looks like you two are off the hook for now. I can’t say the same about those Karate Dojo’s that are in competition with each-other.” They told Miguel and Robby before they left. 

“Now let me see my students, well try and see.” You joked. 

It had now been a total of a month in the hospital, and you’d now found yourself without a brace and able to sit up. 

“I’m sorry Y/N.” Johnny apologized suddenly. You looked over at him confused. 

“What are you apologizing for?" 

"That argument we had before all of this happened. If I had just said things differently, maybe you wouldn’t have ended up in this place.” Johnny sighed and you reached over to grab his hand. 

“I pray you haven’t been blaming that stupid bicker for everything that’s happened. It’s done with. I’m sorry to, I ruined the walls when I threw your beer.” You chuckled.

“Don’t worry, your handyman eventually got around to fixing it.” He smirked and you rolled your eyes. 

“What’s going on in that head of yours Johnny? What happened to every hour being spent in the Dojo?” Johnny let out a sigh, knowing he was probably going to get an earful. 

“I gave up Cobra Kai Y/N, Kreese took over.” If it was possible for eyes to naturally fall out of your eyes, they would’ve been on the floor by now. 

“You did what?” You gasped. 

“You’re getting discharged today, I will spare you the details until we are home.” Johnny told you. 

“No we won’t sweet-heart, what the hell has he done to you now?” You pushed the conversation. 

“If I told you he was the the main reason that the school fight happened, would that be enough questioning me until later?” He asked you. 

“That slimy asshole just couldn’t leave you alone, could he? After everything he’d done to you back in high-school, I ought to smack the shit out of him.” You snapped. Johnny couldn’t hide the smile that came to his face. Nobody he’d ever been with, had cared about him as much as you did.

“We’ll save that for another time.” Johnny chuckled, even-though it hurt him to think of the bad memories he had with his old sensei. 

As the time went by, the doctors had finally given you the all clear to return home. That was of course before they had told you, you had to be in a wheel-chair, as well as have crutches to help with walking again. 

“I feel like I haven’t been home in a lifetime.” You admitted to Johnny as he wheeled you in the direction of your apartment. 

“Well I’m glad I can finally have you back.” Johnny opened the front door and there was a huge Welcome Home sign in the living room.

“You are the best, didn’t really think you were into doing cute things.” You sassed and he bent down, wrapping his arms around your shoulders. 

“Don’t go ruining my badass reputation babe. Welcome home.” He kissed your cheek, making you smile. 

“I’ve got to say, it’s not as messy as what I was expecting.” You joked and he rolled his eyes playfully at you. 

“Only the best for you.” He chuckled. 

“Welcome home Y/N.” Robby suddenly appeared, exiting from the bathroom door. 

“How long was he in there?” You looked at Johnny with concerned eyes. 

“Probably the best part of half an hour.” Johnny admitted, making you and Robby laugh. 

“It’s good to see you here Robby.” He reached down and hugged you, but that still didn’t stop the look of confusion on your face. 

“Do you not want me here? Is it too much for someone who has just come out of the hospital?” Robby panicked. 

“Be quiet Rob, I’m just really happy that you’re here. What exactly have you two been planning huh?” They both smiled at each-other, and your heart literally exploded. 

“When you were first in the hospital, I took everything out on him. You told Robby that you wanted us to get a long, so we tried. But, it took us some time to realise, that we shouldn’t just be doing this because it would make you feel happy, but we should be doing this for our own good.” Johnny told you, and you felt the urge to cry. 

“There’s no way Johnny fucking Lawrence just openly said that to me.” You couldn’t even hide how stoked you were. 

“Why are you so shocked about me being the good guy in situations?” Johnny teased. 

“Maybe this is what we needed all a long. That doesn’t mean you never have to speak to your mom again okay Robby? I get she made a load of mistakes however, she’s still your mom, and I know her and I haven’t had the best of relationships, but I guess I’m willing to work on that as well.” This was for sure going to be a family moment you were never going to forget. 

The three of you eventually ordered take-out, spending a peaceful evening together for once. 

“So Robby, tell me, what teacher has replaced me for the time being?” You asked, sipping on an ice-cold Coors Banquet. Robby frowned and Johnny let out a sigh. 

“Y/N, they might have permanently given your job over.” Johnny told you and you nearly choked on your drink. 

“Well they might also see me in the reception area tomorrow morning, demanding an explanation."  The annoyance in your voice was obvious. 

"They said something about you not being able to come in for a long time while you recover and that by the time you could’ve come back, we would have nearly finished school for the year.” Robby told you, but he should’ve known all to well that you weren’t giving up that easily. 

“I know it’s been a month, but I’m not giving up on my kids that easily.” You told him. 

“I think you should take it easy Y/N.” Johnny put a reassuring hand on your shoulder. 

“I swore I’d never give up on them. I didn’t train for all of these years, to be in the position that I am in now, to just lose it over one school fight. Not happening.” Robby smiled at you. He was so appreciative and grateful that his dad had actually found someone who was determined. Someone who made the right life choices, but clarified when they had made a mistake. 

“It’s Linda.” Robby told you and your mouth fell agape as Johnny laughed. 

“She has no qualifications in teaching, she’s the receptionist.” You groaned, and both Robby and Johnny knew, there was no way you were giving up that easily. 

The night slowly drew to a close, and Robby was reassured that he could stay in the guest room.

“I have missed this bed so much.” You grinned as Johnny gracefully lifted you onto it. 

“It’s been awfully cold without you.” Johnny got in beside you and draped an arm over your waist. Placing a long awaited kiss to your lips, you finally felt like you were home. 

“I’m going to do everything I can to get you walking again.” He thought, looking at how you still stayed beautiful, even after all of the trauma. He promised he was going to help you, and that’s exactly what he was going to do.

Lose My Job - Johnny Lawrence x Reader

Summary - Reader is a teacher at the high-school as well as Johnny’s girlfriend of many years. She finds herself being the only adult to try and resolve the massive school fight that breaks out, but not everything turns out the way she would like.

(Part 2 Here) (Part 3 Here)

Words - 1.2k

Warnings - angst

“Is everyone okay with a three day extension to finish their homework? That would mean you all have ten days to finish it, instead of seven.” You spoke to your classroom.

“You’re the only teacher that actually lets us have a decent time to complete long projects.” One of your students told you, and the rest agreed.

Suddenly the intercom went off.

“Samantha Larusso. I know what you did and now you’re gonna pay for it. I’m coming for you bitch.” You heard your student Tory speak.

“This can’t be good.” You muttered, noticing Robby shift in his seat.

“Okay kids, you have a few minutes, so feel free to pack up your stuff.” You told them, being quick to grab your phone and text your boyfriend.

Sex God - I know you don’t wanna talk to me right now Johnny, but shits about to go down with the kids. I love you.

“There’s so gonna be a fight.” One of the students whispered to another and the moment the bell rang, Robby dashed.

“Robby!” You shouted but it was no use, he was already gone.

“Class dismissed!” You announced before running after him. There in the middle of a circle, was Sam and Tory.

“Kids come on, this doesn’t need to happen!” You tried to reason with them.

“I love you dearly Miss Y/L/N, but a snake needs to eat.” Tory told you.

“I saw what you did at the party.” Tory turned back to Sam, and you noticed Miguel and Robby on opposite sides. This wasn’t gonna go well.

“You kissed Miguel.” Even your jaw-dropped at that one. Robby obviously had one of the most bipolar, heartbreaking and confusing relationship with his father. He hadn’t ever been fond of you, he felt as though you had taken his father away from him as well. When all you ever wanted, was for them two to be father and son. You wanted everything to be good in his life.

When Johnny sprouted the news on you that he had a son, you were gushing at the fact. Yeah, he was closer to your age then you were to Johnny, but you’d never had kids and thought this would be the opportunity to be a step-mom figure in Robby’s life.

You’d always try and convince Johnny to invite him for dinner and catch up on lost time, but Robby refused every-time. He’d made it very clear he didn’t want you around, whether or not he was on good terms with his father or not.

“I…” Sam stuttered on her words, and the look on Robby’s face broke your heart. Without hesitation, Tory started swinging for her.

Grabbing your Walky-talky, you called out to the members of staff around the school.

“I’m gonna need backup, there’s a school fight that’s about to get outta hand.” You quickly spoke, as the students began defending themselves, you knew you couldn’t just run away from the situation.

Robby ran to Sam’s aid and grabbed Tory off of her and that only made Miguel get involved.

“Are you gonna do anything Y/N?” Hawk asked.

“I’m gonna lose my fucking job.” You groaned, prepared to step in.

“Oh it is on!” Hawk shouted and went in for the attack. One of your younger students had been pinned up against the lockers and now you knew, it was time.

“Get your damn hands off him kid!” You shouted, grabbing the back of the fighters shoulders, before you could comprehend the situation, the student went to swing for you.

“Don’t even try it!” You blocked his hit and sweeped the leg.

“You okay kid?” You asked, noticing her glasses were now broken.

“Yes, thank-you Miss Y/L/N.” She smiled timidly.

“Go get somewhere safe, this fight isn’t gonna stop for a while.” And boy you weren’t wrong. Teachers were running around like headless chickens, unable to use moves to protect themselves.

“This is bullshit!” You said to no-one in particular.

“Miss Y/L/N, we have a Mr Johnny Lawrence on the phone.” One of the receptionists came up to you.

“Linda can you not fucking see what’s going on right now?” You shouted as you noticed Robby and Miguel fighting up on the top floor but that wasn’t before you noticed Sam and Tory.

Every student at Cobra Kai, was like your child. And yeah, Tory had one huge ass attitude, but she was also hugely misunderstood.

“Tory, sweetheart, maybe this can be resolved another way!” There was no way you’d come in between the kids when it came to their Karate. Johnny had been passionate about it since he was young.

“Please Y/N, don’t get hurt.” Tory prayed as she watch you run up the stairs to Robby and Miguel. You were the only teacher that seemed to be trying to stop all of this commotion and all the non-fighting students could see that.

“For crying out loud.” You snapped, throwing Miguel off of Robby’s back.

“You two are gonna end up in so much trouble anyway, so just stop okay.” You thought separating them, would stop them. You thought.

“Why don’t you just go home and play happy families with Johnny again? Nobody wants you here.” Robby tried to get into your head.

“Don’t talk to her like that.” Miguel snapped and once again they were fighting. The next amount of minutes were a blur. As Miguel and Robby’s fight started getting worse, they swung around, only this time, causing you to lose your balance. There eyes widened as your body went right over the balcony.

“Y/N!” You heard a few students scream. It was like slow-motion, the moment you landed on the stair-case, the whole school went silent.

“No!” Tory and Miguel screamed at the same time. Hawk stood with his mouth agape. Tears left a lot of students eyes. Your eyes were closed, and blood was slowly but surely escaping from your body.

“Somebody call 911!” Tory screamed as she ran down the stairs towards your lifeless body. Considering you’d been through a lot of training with Johnny, your self defence had been absolutely on point today, but you’re the one suffering.

“Someone’s gotta call Sensei.” Hawk spoke shakily, as some of the teachers ushered the other kids out of the building.

“If you don’t get outta here now, I swear to god I’m starting round two.” Tory shoved Sam, at the wrong time to, as police officers and paramedics came rushing through the door.

“Please tell me she’s alive!” Robby spoke up as they carefully put your body onto a stretcher.

“She’s breathing son, but I think the police need to speak to you.” And with that, you were rolled out and into the ambulance.

Johnny had been called, he’d seen your text in fact, he’d replied to it. But you wouldn’t have known, because you left your belongings in your classroom. He’d never known anxiety and panic as much as he did now. Breaking nearly every speed limit and driving law, he made it to the school as he noticed ambulances and police cars.

“No!” He snapped, running as fast as he could to the entrance, only to see your body on the stretcher. His heart broke. The argument this morning meant nothing.

“Sensei-“ Miguel began, with a few Cobra Kai’s and his son behind him in handcuffs.

“I don’t want to speak to any of you right now.” He shouted, quickly telling the paramedics who he was and hopping in the ambulance, for the long, long journey.

The Letter - Johnny Lawrence x Reader

Summary - Young Johnny found a way in which he could mend his broken heart and that was through his best friend. But nothing worth having comes easy, and the reader may be in for the shock of her life.

Words - 4K

Warnings - angst

Everyone knew about Johnny and Ali breaking up. She had made that very clear throughout the entire school. At first Johnny was very much for wanting her back and doing everything he could to make her change her mind, but with the consistent cold shoulder, he gradually wanted to get back at her for breaking his heart.

So he did. You spent numerous nights in your best friends sheets - or so you thought he was your best friend. The moment Ali started hanging around the new kid Daniel Larusso, Johnny opinions on everyone changed.

“You’ll probably leave like she did, that’s why we have a no strings attached agreement.” Johnny snickered from behind you as the class ended.

“What the hell are you talking about?” You snapped, finding his comment anything but funny. Truth be told, you’d been crushing on him for a very long time, but nobody ever wants to ruin a friendship.

“I mean we’re only sleeping together because I’m trying to get over her.” Your mouth fell agape as he walked away.

“You’re sleeping with Johnny?” A voice from behind you said and you wanted to fall into a deep hole.

“Larusso I really don’t have the time of day to be discussing this.” You tried to pry him away from you, but he insisted on having a conversation.

“Well Y/N, you and I are both headed to gym class so I’m sure you have the time of day.” Daniel said sarcastically.

“Is that just your way of trying to get gossip to feed back to Ali?” You questioned as the two of you started walking.

“Now, now Y/N, I’m not all that bad. If you got to know me, you’d understand that I’m not a total asshole.” Daniel told you.

“Johnny would kick your ass again if he saw you talking to me.” Daniel laughed at your comment.

“I don’t see him anywhere.” He smirked and you didn’t really know how to react. Johnny’s comment hurt your heart in all honesty.

“Pleasure talking to you.” You excused yourself straight into the changing rooms and put yourself into your gym clothes. Being a cheerleader was all fun and games until you realised practice was on the pitch, right next to where Johnny was in soccer practice.

“Oh for the love of god here we go.” You muttered, getting into the lines with the girls, ready to do warmups. Before you even began, Ali was quick to rush over to Daniel.

“What’s her fantasy with the new kid?” One of the girls called over to you.

“You tell me.” You sighed, knowing Ali wasn’t exactly on good terms with you. As practice went on, Johnny spared you multiple looks - or was he looking at Ali as she was in front of you, who knew? You also noticed the looks of death he was shooting Larusso.

What was he planning now?

As cheer went on, you attempted a backflip, but an awful feeling in your stomach completely stopped you, and made you squint in pain.

“Yo Y/N, you good?” Tommy called over, making everyone stare at you, including Johnny. You shot him a thumbs up, but were unable to form a sentence without feeling like you had to puke.

“Y/L/N, you wanna sit out for this one?” Your coach rubbed a comforting hand on your shoulder.

“Maybe for a few minutes please.” You sighed, grabbing your water bottle and sitting on the floor. Watching Bobby tackle Daniel, the tension came flooding in. Johnny laughed as Daniel escorted himself off of the pitch. Ali watched, wanting nothing more than to run after him.

You couldn’t even find the energy to get up and do cheerleading, so coach allowed you to sit out for the rest of practice. As you were all headed in, Tommy was quick to come over.

“Y/N you really don’t look so good.” He told you. Johnny watched very closely how this conversation was going. For all he knew, you could be faking just to get his attention.

“That’s a nice way to compliment a lady.” You chuckled.

“You never sit out of practice, so something is obviously wrong.”

“It was probably just something I ate.” You told him, now very confused as to what was actually wrong with you.

“Flirting with my girl Tommy?” Johnny came over and wrapped an arm over your shoulder, but you were quick to shrug him off.

“No strings attached right?” You walked ahead, not wanting to be in his company anymore.

“She’s probably on her-” Tommy began.

“Yeah probably.” Johnny muttered, he admitted to himself that he was an asshole to you this morning, but usually you’d shrug things off. Now he knew he’d really upset you, making you out to be a rebound, when really, he’d fallen hard.

“Miss Y/L/N I would really appreciate if you didn’t leave my class every five minutes to go to the bathroom. This is your senior year!” Your teacher groaned as you raised your hand once again.

“I drink a lot of water and I have rights, so please may I go?” You asked, not caring that he’d called you out in front of your entire class. That was the last thing on your mind.

Now your stomach was churning.

“Please hurry.” He muttered as you were quick to exit. You couldn’t leave any quicker and the trash can was the closest thing you could throw up in. You heard a door close, a gasp and footsteps. Then you felt someone pulling your hair back.

“Let it out.” You would’ve turned to slap him, but you were emptying what felt like your guts out in the middle of the hallway.

“I think we should go to the nurses office.” Johnny was genuinely concerned for you however after this mornings events, you didn’t believe he cared.

“I think I should go. Alone.” Johnny had to apologise but right now was clearly not a good moment to have that conversation.

“Ah Y/N, long time no see, what can I do for you today?” Your nurse asked as you sat down opposite her.

“Something’s wrong with me Nancy, and I can’t put my finger on it.” You sighed. The poor lady had heard that one a few times before.

“Do you want to explain how you’re feeling?” She asked.

“I was in cheer and went to do a backflip, and suddenly, this weird twinge feeling came from my stomach, and it hurt.” You told her and she nodded.

“I then felt really faint so I sat out of practice and you know I never do that. Then just now, I’ve puked in a trash can outside of geography class.” She gave you a look that you couldn’t really explain. Concerned yet sincere.

“I’ll get a janitor on that right away.” Nancy chuckled.

“Any thoughts?” You questioned.

“Y/N I hate to be really blunt about this, but they all sound like pregnancy symptoms to me. Believe me I’d know, I’ve had three children.” Your eyes widened.

“I’m not going to go into detail, but you know I can’t do everything that they’d do in an actual doctors surgery right? I’m going to have to book you an appointment.” Your heart nearly stopped, now your parents were going to find out.

“No Nancy, please-” You began.

“Y/N, I love you dearly. You know that. But if you really are pregnant, you’d rather find out now. If you’re not, than I’ve done a really terrible ass job here haven’t I?” She tried to lighten the mood, but it wasn’t working.

“I guess so, I mean at least Dad is easy-going. Mom hates doing anything for me.” You groaned as she dialled the number.

“Go and sit in the office doll, I’ll come talk to you once I’m finished with the calls.” You sighed and went to go and wait. Of course Johnny was sat down.

“Everything okay?” Johnny asked.

“I guess.” Your expression was unreadable. Johnny wanted nothing more than to hear about how you felt. As the unbearable silence took over, Johnny began to speak.

“Look Y/N, I’m really-” Nancy came out of her room, making Johnny stop talking.

“Your dads on his way to get you, your mom didn’t really have anything to say. Your hospital appointment is in a half hour.” Nancy frowned.

“She never has anything to say.” You sighed, grabbing your bag and standing up.

“Wait I drove here today.” You told her.

“Don’t worry doll, I’m sure your dad will come and pick it up later.”

“Thank-you Nancy.” You smiled and headed out. Johnny was in his own world, because he was still sat down.

“You’re a very caring friend to her Mr Lawrence.” Nancy told him and he snapped out of it.

“What’s makes you say that?” He asked her.

“Y/N’s gonna need all the friends she has.” Johnny didn’t know if he heard her right. Why would you need everyone? Everyone practically loved you. Something didn’t sit right with him, but as he rushed around to the front of the school, he noticed your dads car driving off.

Cursing, he headed back to geography in hopes to convince your teacher that you really were sick, and had to go.

“Are you going to tell me why I had to come and get you sweetheart?” Your dad asked. You were his pride and joy. His firstborn and only daughter.

“I’m really not feeling good dad. Nancy thinks…” Were you really about to tell your dad.

“Nancy just thinks it’s best I see a doctor.” Stupid Y/N, should’ve just told him the real reason.

The drive felt like forever but the wait to be checked out took even longer. Once you had finally been called, you had discussed the symptoms you had been feeling.

“If you don’t mind Miss Y/L/N, I would like you to take a urine sample.” The doctor instructed you, so you did it.

“I’m afraid until the results of the urine test come back, we won’t be able to tell if you’re currently with child or not. We typically send letters if that’s okay with you?” She asked.

“Yeah that’s fine.” More nervous than ever, you were thankful your dad waiting outside.

“Everything okay?” Your dad asked as he saw you coming back.

“We’ll soon find out in a couple of days.” And with that, the two of you headed home. Your mom wasn’t there - typical. Just as your dad was preparing dinner, the door knocked.

“Can you answer that please honey?” Your dad called out to you as you were sat on the sofa.

“On it.” You replied and when you opened the door, you had to double take to see if it was actually them.

“The fuck are you doing here Johnny?” You whisper-yelled.

“Y/N who is it?” Your dad called through the house.

“It’s Johnny.” You told him and without a care in the world, your dad rushed straight to the front door.

“Johnny son! How are you? Come in.” Your dad was quick to drag him in. Your dad adored Johnny and had done for years. Letting out a sigh, you shut the front door.

“Where’s Mrs Y/L/N?” Johnny asked noticing she wasn’t there, your dad frowned as he noticed you roll your eyes.

“She’s still at work unfortunately. Would you care to join us for dinner?” Your dad asked hopefully.

“I’m sorry sir, but I just needed to talk to Y/N and then I’m headed back home. Mom’s cooking her stew.” Johnny explained.

“I love your mother’s food! I don’t blame you. I guess I’ll leave you with miss sickness.” Your dad joked as he headed back to the kitchen.

“Gee, thanks dad.” You chuckled, once again being left alone with Johnny.

“Johnny I don’t know what you’re doing here, so please can you just leave?” You crossed your arms over your chest in an attempt for him to realise you didn’t wanna talk to him.

“Baby please.” Johnny said and your eyes widened.

“Baby, what?” You questioned, now confused as to the pet name.

“You’re acting real strange you know that?” Johnny told you.

“I’m sick, I’ll see you at school.” You were quick to push him out. Johnny stood on your front patio for a few moments, thinking of what else he could do to try and apologise. You never went to school the next day, this whole sickness thing was really affecting you.

“Still no letter pumpkin?” Your dad asked and you shook your head.

“Is mom home?” You asked back and he shook his head back.

“She’s not answering my calls either, but don’t worry.” Your dad reassured you.

Johnny was sat wandering where you were, you were never, ever too sick to skip school.

“You thinking about Y/N?” Tommy asked, noticing his friends worried demeanour.

“Somethings not right with her man, I was kind of an asshole to her a few days ago, but I didn’t think she’d try and avoid me at all costs.” Johnny admitted.

“Maybe something else is going on.” Now that only made Johnny get lost in his thoughts again.

Now two days later, you were getting ready to head out of the front door, when you noticed the mailman putting your letting into the mailbox.

“Bye dad, love you!” You called to him as you rushed down yours driveway. There it was. A letter with your name on it. You went to sit in your car to open it, with a heart pounding faster then ever.

“Oh my god.” You smacked a hand to your mouth. Nancy wasn’t wrong. You really were pregnant and with Johnny’s baby. You didn’t know whether to laugh or cry but right now you had to get to school. Throwing your letter into your bag, you wiped away a stray tear that had escaped.

“You can do this Y/N, I mean at least you don’t have cheer practice today.” You muttered to yourself. The Cobra Kai’s weren’t in their usual spot by their motorcycles, and that’s when you realised you had already missed ten minutes of your first class.

“Sorry I’m late.” You rushed through the door of your English class.

“It’s good to see you back Miss Y/L/N, how are you feeling?” You see different teachers either really despised you or really adored you and your English teacher was one of the ones who loved you.

“A lot better not thank-you.” Taking the only seat available you mentally smacked yourself around the face because it was in front of Johnny.

“Look, I know you hate me. But I really want to apologise for everything Y/N. I didn’t mean what I said.” He tried to talk to you but you were putting your attention into learning instead of him.

“Don’t let it go man.” Bobby whispered to him and he nodded. The bell rang, indicating that class was over and before you could blink an eye, Johnny had grabbed your hand and directed you to your locker.

“Johnny what the fuck-”

“I know I’m a dick for what I said the other day, and I really am sorry. I never meant to upset you like that. I don’t know where it came from.” Johnny looked you deep in your eyes, searching for an answer.

“I guess I appreciate your apology, but that doesn’t disregard how much it hurt me.” You turned to put your bag in your locker, but completely failed as it tipped upside down, emptying the majority of its contents on the floor.

“I upset you and I will never stop apologising until you forgive me. Truth be told Y/N, I think what we have is special.” He admitted as he helped you pick up your stuff. You being the stupid girl, allowed him to pick up your letter from the doctor.

“I guess that’s what I’d always hoped you’d say Johnny. Wait what have you got there?” You went to reach for what he had in his hand.

“Larusso been sending you love notes or something?” He teased and you gulped as he began reading the letter. This couldn’t be happening, at least not as school anyway.

“If this is some dumb-ass prank, it’s not funny Y/N.” Johnny was looking you dead in the eye, but you couldn’t find yourself to look at him.

“You’re pregnant. You’re actually pregnant?” Johnny gently grabbed your chin so you could look at him.

“We’re seventeen Y/N, we can’t have a kid, we haven’t even graduated. We’re not even dating?” He handed you back the letter, giving you every excuse as to why the two of you shouldn’t have a baby.

“I need to go to my class.” You sighed.

“No you don’t. Is this why you skipped practice? Is that why Nancy told me that you’re gonna need all of your friends?” Johnny questioned.

“I don’t think you understand how scary this is for me Johnny. There’s a baby inside of me and I only found out an hour and a half before you did. I don’t know what the hell I’m gonna do but I think it’s damn obvious how you feel. You got what you wanted with me, now go and get Ali, you know your dream girl?” You began to walk away, there were no more students left in the corridors.

“You’re my dream girl Y/N not her . You’re the one I knocked up.” He slapped his hand across his mouth, not meaning for it to come like the way it had.

“Oh real nice. I’ll just figure this all out on my own then.” You threw your hands up in frustration and walked away. Johnny punched the nearest locker to him, getting his frustration out, but heading to his class straight after, not knowing what to do or how to feel.

“You okay man?” Bobby asked.

“I don’t know.” Johnny sighed now coming to terms with how panicked you must have been to even come into school and he’d just called you out like that. 

“Have you and Y/N kissed and made up yet?” Dutch teased pretty boy.

“Shut your mouth.” Johnny snapped, making his friends look at one another confused. His mind was racing with thoughts. It was just asshole moment after asshole moment with him. Johnny couldn’t even focus on his teacher, his kind was all on you.

As the class ended, Johnny wanted nothing more than to find you, but he was pulled back before he even got the chance to search.

“I know what’s going on with you and Y/N, Johnny.” Ah the infamous Daniel Larusso. This was certainly not the time to start a fight, especially since you were just about to walk around the corner with some of your cheer squad.

“That’s none of your goddamn business you little twerp!” Johnny shoved him, as a small circle formed around them.

“Ever since you came to this school, everything has gone wrong. So stay out of it.” Johnny shouted. As your group walked closer to see what was going on, you couldn’t help but feel disappointed that he was getting into another fight.

“I believe that ever since I arrived, you’ve been insecure of whose been falling for me. Let’s hope Y/N doesn’t leave you.” That was the last straw and as Johnny went to hit him, he looked up and saw your sad, scared eyes. Not wanting to know the outcome, you were quick to turn your heel and walk in the opposite direction.

“Fuck you Larusso.” Johnny spat, before pushing through the crowd and running after you. The Cobra Kai’s couldn’t believe it. Johnny never backed down from a fight, even when he was with Ali, so why were you any different?

“Y/N wait, please!” Johnny obviously caught up to you and stopped you from going anywhere else.

“Quit walking away all the time, we need to at least have a conversation.” Johnny tried to plea.

“I walk away because I can’t handle being around people that make me feel like shit all the time.” You told him.

“I didn’t hit him Y/N.” Johnny even showed you his knuckles.

“That was from punching a locker.” He said and you let out a sigh.

“You’re always punching something.” You muttered and a frown began to form on his lips.

“I’m definitely not father material Y/N.” Johnny began and you pinched his lips shut.

“There are eyes and ears everywhere and I’d rather not let everyone find out I’m pregnant right now.” You shut him up.

“And that’s what’s been going on between the two of you?” Bobby called it. He’d had a sixth sense that something like this was gonna happen.

“So much for keeping me quiet.” Johnny sighed, removing your hands from his mouth.

“You’re gonna be a dad man. Congratulations.” Now it was his turn to have his lips sealed with your fingers.

“Bobby as much as I love you, keep your mouth shut.” You warned him.

“I won’t tell a soul, you have my word. You two have got some major issues to figure out. It’s never my place, but you two aren’t gonna get anywhere number one, if Y/N keeps running away, and number two, if Johnny keeps treating you like an asshole.” Bobby spoke to the two of you - and he was right.

“So what do you say about ditching and going for a civilised talk?” Johnny had hope in his eyes, and for the first time in a long time, you agreed.

“I’ll just say you got sick again.” Bobby smiled and went to his class.

“I’ll drive.” Johnny took your keys from your hand, and you sat in the passenger seat. He’d decided on driving to the Golf N Stuff parking lot.

“I thought I’d need some alone time before I figured out how to react about what happened this morning.” Johnny began, and you turned to look at him.

“Y/N you’ve gotta understand that I never thought what we were doing, would put us into a life-changing position.” He was being careful to avoid saying something bad accidentally.

“I didn’t think it would either.” You admitted and the look of defeat on your face, made Johnny want to just wrap you up in a hug and stay like that forever.

“My dads not around, and my step-dad, you know what he’s like Y/N, he’s not someone I’d ever look up to. Moms great, she’s amazing. Sometimes you need your dad and I don’t have that. I don’t have a dad to go to about what to do when I get the women I love, pregnant at the start of our senior year.” This sight of Johnny was very rare. He would never speak about his home life and rightfully so.

“I suppose we’ve both been assholes then because I was blind to see how you were feeling.” You frowned and Johnny grabbed your hands.

“Don’t you dare do this. You had no idea.” Johnny tucked a piece of hair behind your ear.

“I’m sorry…” The both of you said at the same time, making chuckles escape your lips.

“This is going to be a really long and tough road ahead of us, you know that right? School, Sensei Kreese, the All Valley Tournament, high school, our parents.” You would’ve continued your rant if Johnny hadn’t smashed his lips onto yours. After the initial shock, you found yourself kissing him back. Sure you had kissed lots of times, but this was more passionate, more romantic.

“Well that was something.” Johnny said as he pulled back.

“Did you mean it?” You asked Johnny and he looked at you confused.

“You said you’re in love with me.” You reminded him and a slight blush formed on his cheeks.

“I meant every word.”

In Given Time - Johnny Lawrence x Reader

Summary - Johnny purposely forgets to take his Dojo back door keys to work, just as an excuse to see his future wife.

Words - 1k

Warnings - fluff

Parking your car in front of the Cobra Kai dojo, you gathered everything you needed, that Johnny had forgotten.

“Lunch and the back door key to the dojo.” You muttered to yourself - of course not forgetting to pick up some Coors Banquet Beer as a little surprise. It wasn’t often you were in the dojo throughout the daytime, it was usually night when you agreed to pick Johnny up from work. This time was different though, you had the week off from work, so you decided to drop by, unbeknownst to your boyfriend.

“And get your ass down to Cobra Kai!” You heard Johnny shout to the phone that Aisha was holding. With a small smirk forming on your lips, you kicked off your shoes.

“Sensei, Mrs Lawrence is here.” One of the students told him, and you couldn’t help the redness that appeared on your cheeks.

“She’s so hot.” One of the other students mumbled but Johnny overheard, making you quirk an eyebrow.

“Here’s news for ya, she’s all mine you little twerp and now I have no choice but to team you up with Diaz.” Johnny smirked, well aware that Miguel was most definitely one of his top students - who could seriously kick some ass.

“Watcha doing?” You asked, still stood by the entrance with a very obvious smile on your face.

“Advertising for Cobra Kai, we just filmed this shot.” Aisha was quick to show you.

“I’m impressed, make sure the Cobra Kai snake comes in at the end, then it will really pop oh and you gotta make it chrome.” You told her and she nodded happily.

“Mrs Lawrence has a good sense of style, am I right?” Johnny spoke to the kids.

“Yes Sensei.” You had to hold back the laughter.

“Throw thunderstruck under it.” Johnny told Aisha and she looked at him confused.

“I’m pretty sure the rights for that song will cost to much.” She said and even you were confused where Johnny was going with it - after all he wasn’t all technologically there.

“No I already own it, cassettes in the car. Oh and put one of them hash browns at the end, you know like hash brown team cobra kai or something.” You couldn’t hold back the laugh there, as you slowly walked towards his office.

“Then send it to the internet!” He shouted proudly, as he followed behind you.

“I really like your confidence with this whole advertising ordeal.” You chuckled, placing down the bag of stuff you had to bring to him.

“Bullshit, I saw you laughing.” He smirked, placing his hands on your waist and pulling you in for a long awaited kiss.

“Hash brown babe? Really?” You questioned and Johnny looked at you like you were the crazy one.

“Okay so maybe I need a few more lessons in the whole WiFi section.” He told you and you rolled your eyes, taking a seat on his office chair.

“You forgot your keys to the back door again.” Johnny knew that he done that. It was his plan all along. Every single time, he deliberately forgot them, just so he could see you for at least ten minutes throughout his teaching.

“You’re a life saviour Y/N.” Johnny went towards his mini-fridge.

“Ah shit, I’ve got no more beers left.” He groaned.

“Well lucky for you, I always bring the goods.” Johnny noticed the bottles you had now put out on the table.

“They’re cold because I only just brought them so I suppose I’m not all that bad right?” You could read him like a book. After two years of dating, everything just came naturally.

“I’d say you’re pretty damn perfect, thank-you.” Johnny placed another kiss to your lips, treasuring the little break he got to spend with you.

“I’ll let you check through the rest of the bag, but there’s food in there as well-“ You were cut off with Miguel knocking on the door.

“I’m kinda with a hot babe right now Diaz.” Johnny sighed, the short moment together already being taken away from him.

“Sorry Sensei, sorry Mrs Lawrence, I’m gonna need the first aid kid-“ Miguel spoke.

“So we got some bleeders huh?” You swiftly grabbed the first aid box and handed it over to him.

“You’d be surprised how many of these kids haven’t been punched in the face Mrs Lawrence.” Miguel smiled.

“You know you can call me Y/N, Miguel.” His eyes went wide at your comment and Johnny let out an awkward cough as he escorted Miguel back onto the mats.

“What the hell was that all about?” You asked Johnny.

“Kinda told them that they’ve gotta call you that.” You looked at Johnny unsurely.

“Mr and Mrs Lawrence kinda has a nice ring to it though, so I don’t mind.” Johnny’s eyes went wide. Sure, he had one million percent thought of the idea, he had thought about it a lot but he’d never known when the right time for that would be. But then again, there was never really a right time for anything in life.

“So you wanna get married now?” Johnny questioned you.

“In given time Sensei Lawrence, but I have to go and get some food for the apartment.” You told him.

“I suppose I’ll see you tonight then.” He sighed.

“Johnny I fucking live with you, it’s not as if I’m leaving and never coming back.” You laughed and even with every little thing you had done and were doing for him, he found himself falling more and more in love with you.

“I love you Johnny.” You gave him a hug - before his reputation could be given up by another student coming through.

“I love you too.” He smiled, and watched you head out.

“Goodbye Mrs Lawrence!” The students called out.

“Goodbye kids!” You waved them off, Johnny kept a close eye on you, to make sure you had got in your car and driven off safely.

“So when are you gonna propose to her Sensei?”

Cobra KaiMasterlist

Johnny Lawrence

Meeting Him-Johnny and sassy reader meet due to technological issues and form what could be a start of something they’ve both been waiting for.

Alone-Based on the song Alone by Heart, reader doesn’t know how to cope with Johnny putting all of his time into the dojo, and not into his marriage.

In Given Time -Johnny purposely forgets to take his Dojo back door keys to work, just as an excuse to see his future wife.

High School - Young Johnny and reader are the typical high school lovers that are rarely caught without each-other. Every student and teacher are well aware that they’re together and wouldn’t wanna mess with them.

The Letter - Young Johnny found a way in which he could mend his broken heart and that was through his best friend. But nothing worth having comes easy, and the reader may be in for the shock of her life.

Lose My Job- Reader is a teacher at the high-school as well as Johnny’s girlfriend of many years. She finds herself being the only adult to try and resolve the massive school fight that breaks out, but not everything turns out the way she would like.

Suffer The Consequences - Part 2 to Lose My Job. The anticipated wait finally came to an end as Johnny was allowed to see his hospitalised girlfriend, but only time will tell the long-term consequences of her injuries.

Nobody’s Fault - Part three to Lose My Job. After a traumatising month of slow recovery, reader is finally discharged from the hospital. However, the drama doesn’t just stop not that’s she’s on the mend.

Out Of The Blue - Reader is Bobby’s twin sister and also the best friend of Johnny Lawrence. Following the breakup with Ali, the reader does everything she can to get Johnny to understand how much she cares for him.

Can’t Stay Away-Reader is Daniels twin sister. Although she’s younger, she will do anything to protect her brother. With full confidence in going to a new school, she soon discovers what the pretty blonde boy is really all about.

My Girl- Reader and Tommy have been best friends since they could remember. Alongside Tommy, came the Cobra Kai’s. Meaning a certain blonde hair, blue eyed karate student, had his eyes on you.

Eli Moskowitz (Hawk)

Punching Bag-Having a broken home made the reader rely solely on being apart of Cobra Kai, but life doesn’t get any better when she has to face her ex best friend everytime she goes to the Dojo.

Pinky Promise-Part 2 of Punching Bag. After all of this lost time, can the reader come to terms with the bad past she has with Hawk? Can they redeem what they had?

How To Deal With The Single Life-After keeping the fact he had broken his ‘ex best friends’ arm from you, Hawk suffers the aftermath and his very first heartbreak.

Robby Keene

He Could Be The One - Robby had never know real love until he had let you in on his life. The reader showed him how he should be treated, and he couldn’t help but be head over heels.

Meeting Him - Johnny Lawrence x Reader

Summary - Johnny and sassy reader meet due to technological issues and form what could be a start of something they’ve both been waiting for.

Words - 0.9k

Warnings - slight angst/fluff

A/N - this is my first imagine on Tumblr so feel free to request any imagines you’d like involving the Karate Kid and Cobra Kai!

Entering the pawn-shop, you realised you were the only one in line. Not being to happy with your recent purchase of a phone.

“How can I help…” The man turned around from what he was doing and let out a huge sigh.

“It’s you again, what can I do for you Y/N?” He groaned. Truth be told, it wasn’t the first time you had been back to return something, most things he had sold you were completely flaked.

“I don’t know why I trust you, but I’m on a very tight budget with a very underpaid job so you’re my last resort.” You snapped, pushing over the “fake” iPad.

“What’s wrong with this one?” He questioned, taking the device into his hands and observing it. The bell to the store rang, indicating someone else had entered.

“Listen asshole-” The mysterious blonde began, but you all too quickly cut him off.

“I was here first, I want my money back.” You stopped him.

“No can do lady, there’s a scratch at the top of that device and I don’t take back broken goods.” He shook you off.

“Listen asshole-” You used the exact same sentence the guy behind you had.

“You sold it to me with a scratch on it and if you don’t give me my money back, I will sue.” By this point, you were just beyond pissed off. It had been a long day of working for practically pennies, and you didn’t need this.

“You couldn’t afford lawyers-” The blonde guy was now stepping in.

“Give the lady her refund man.” He barged in, you looked at him with confused eyes, curious as to why such a handsome and confident man was helping you.

“What can I do for you Johnny?” The idiotic man asked.

“The kids from my dojo told me to get an apple, you sold me a lemon, the piece of shit won’t even turn on.” Johnny pushed the laptop over the counter.

“That makes two of us.” You muttered, causing Johnny to smirk but quickly shake it off.

“First of all, it’s a dell and it’s not broken. Have you tried pressing the power button?

"Yeah of course, I’m not an idiot.” Johnny replied, hitting the side of the laptop in an attempt to turn it on. Now it was your turn to smirk.

“Finding something funny pretty face?” Johnny raised an eyebrow at you.

“My device is actually broken, yours isn’t.” You chuckled, leaving him confused.

The guy simply took the laptop away from Johnny, flipped it open and pressed the actual power button. It obviously turned on leaving Johnny shocked.

“Have you seriously never owned a computer before?” The question made you snort.

“Yeah I’m not a nerd.” Johnny huffed, shutting the laptop and heading out.

“You know you’re not gonna have a great reputation if you skip a customer and refuse a decent service?” You questioned the pawn-shop guy.

“Jesus Christ here’s you eighty dollars back now please stop nagging.” You smirked, happy that you had successfully got what you wanted. Leaving the shop richer and without a crappy device made you feel slightly better about your day.

“So did the asshole give you a refund or do I have to go beat his ass?” A familiar voice spoke behind you.

“I got the refund, but I suppose if I say I didn’t, I’d have some sexy entertainment right?” You questioned, making his jaw-drop.

“Oh so she’s not just a pretty face, she’s also confident and bossy. I like that.” He told you, as the two of you headed over to the parking lot.

“For someone I’ve just met, I’d say the exact same.” You chuckled.

“And for someone you’ve just met, it seems to be you know my name and I don’t know yours.” The two of you had stopped walking and were now having a conversation by the two of your cars.

“Y/N, Y/N Y/L/N.” You shook his hand and smiled.

“See I knew you’d have a beautiful name to match that personality. What do you say, you come and check out my dojo?” He questioned.

“I’m sorry, I’m honestly not a fan of it. Karate just isn’t my thing.” You shook your head, and Johnny felt so awkward because the moment he looked at you, he just felt something.

“No, no, that’s on me-” He began.

“I’m just kidding, my younger brother used to be obsessed with it so I suppose I have a little bit of knowledge on it. Where is this dojo Johnny?” You asked, and Johnny could feel the happiness return to him when he realised you were only playing around with him.

“You’re awfully trusting to strangers Y/L/N.” Johnny admitted.

“Every good friend is once a stranger in somebody’s life.” You told him.

“Well I guess, here’s the address.” Johnny handed you over a small, business card.

“Cobra Kai?” You questioned and he nodded.

“If I don’t see you there tonight, I’ll get a grip, but I think you’ll like it.” Johnny smiled, getting ready to head back to his car.

“I think I’ll like seeing you doing your job, but whatever.” You whispered, watching him start up his engine.

“I’ll see you around Y/N.” He grinned driving off, grateful he had at last found some female company that was actually willing to talk to him.
