#the kendricks



Tonight I’m working on the Lovers card for the Scorpio Sea tarot deck.


I was listening to the audiobook tonight and:

“His back blocks my whole view.”

Sean is tol and Puck is smol.

The Kendricks are a height difference ship.

That is all.

I’ve never noticed that??? What part is that from???? This is blowing my mind.

I mean, I guess it shouldn’t, given how huge he looks in Maggie’s drawing, but STILL.


Written for the @biggobingobango

Square(s) Filled: distinctly heterosexual vegan fluff + awkward equine fluff

Fandom: The Scorpio Races | Ship: Puck Connolly/Sean Kendrick

Rating: G | Word count: 841 | Major Tags: No major archive warnings apply; post-Canon; beans again

Summary:  All is well on the Connolly-Kendrick Farm, until Sean makes a horrifying announcement.

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