#the labyrinth

The perfect isekai doesn’t exis-GASP

The perfect isekai doesn’t exis-


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Dreams (Part One)

Jareth x fem!reader. More of a setup for the second part, which will be explicit. Reader wishes away her college roommate and meets Jareth.

Rating: T

Word Count: 2,900

Warnings: kidnapping, fey shenanigans, unsettling vibes, one dubcon kiss

Normally, you didn’t dream.

You were told it was normal. Most adults stopped having dreams vivid enough to remember after they reached a certain age, usually adolescence. You were probably still dreaming, your therapist had told you when you asked about it, but you didn’t remember them after you woke up. She assured you that it was perfectly normal and that it didn’t mean something was wrong.

It was odd, though - you remembered having incredibly vivid dreams all through your teenage years and into your early 20s. Sometimes, it had felt like living a second life… and then The Incident had happened.

The doctors said it had been a mental break due to an overload of stress, anxiety, fatigue, and poor eating habits. You had been found unresponsive in your dorm room. Not dead, clearly. No, you had been sitting up, breathing easily and fully conscious, but you hadn’t responded to anyone when they spoke to you or asked you questions. You had come out of it without trouble, but it had been enough to cause concerns, especially from Rachel, your roommate at the time.

You hadn’t been close with her before The Incident, but it had been a bonding experience. Afterward, you two were inseparable, and she was still one of your closest friends, long after you had graduated and parted ways.

You were the only one who seemed to know that you two had viciously fought that night. It was over something stupid, something you didn’t even remember anymore. What you did remember is the fiery rage that had risen in you when Rachel had stomped into the bathroom attached to your shared dorm room, slamming the door behind her.

Drawing from your childhood, you had told her in a venomous whisper, “I wish the goblins would come and take you away right now!”

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wlw labyrinth commission for a friend

wlw labyrinth commission for a friend

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A request I got from a close friend. Papyrus dressed up like David Bowie/Jareth… Best and Worst thing I’ve ever made.
