#the life and times of a moron


Hi, PatB fandom! Syl here! (Or SylviaW1991, for my target audience here) Long time, no see.

So sorry about deleting my ff.net fics without warning. Genuinely didn’t realize it was upset so many of you! Back when my cowriter and I wrote them, we were a very isolated isle of 2. And sometimes, even with the reboot, it still feels like it’s so small no one would ever notice us.

So I’m very sorry for so abruptly emptying that account. But fret not, the fics are NOT gone. I have every single one of them saved still. They will be going up on ao3 under the username Syl1991.

So please go sub to that account. The plan is to start posting my solo works and then add the cowritten things as she and I figure out how exactly we’re going to go about it. Her stuff is still on ff because she’s less impulsive than my ridiculous self.

I may have been the Brain to her Pinky, but she’s the much better planner between the two of us. And I’m the impulsive button pusher.

