#the love hypothesis au


The Love Hypothesis (6/22) - Stephen Strange x Reader

Summary: Y/N Y/L/N is a PhD student who wants to prove to her best friend that she has moved on and dating. With no way to prove it, she kisses the first man she sees, which ends up being none other than Dr. Strange, known as one of the most unapproachable and critical professors in the university.

A/N: AU! Stephen Strange is a Professor/Doctor at Columbia University and reader is a Ph.D. student (Reader - 28, Stephen - 34). Credits to Ali Hazelwood for the original story. This work is a piece of fiction. I have no ownership over anything, this is ff.

Pairing: Stephen Strange X FEM! Reader

Word Count: 2.1K

Series Masterlist

Entering through the auditorium doors that morning was a feat in of itself. Staring into the crowd, bodies pressed against each other, Y/N pondered whether it was worth trying to wade through, Natasha letting out her own gasp at the crowd. Usually a lecture hall of this size fit a hundred, but it seemed to be over capacity as this moment. In her two years Columbia, she had never seen a room this full. Tom must have been immensely popular, more than she previously thought.

“I overheard at least five people in the hall saying Pierce was a ‘known science hottie’” Natasha remarked, a laugh on her lips. Sure, he was conventionally attractive, so she understood where the hype was from. He didn’t draw attention from her though. Not in that way.

“You don’t have to stay, Nat. Its probably a hazard, seeing the crowd up close.” she remarked, yelping as Natasha pulled her arm and pushed through the crowd. 

“Beats doing work. Also have to see a point here if this guy is going to take you away from me for an entire year. Consider me your protective dad vetting your boyfriend before I let him take you out for a night.” 

“Nice, Nat.” she chuckled, allowing her to pull her through. Y/N spotted Stephen through the crowd, his height providing an advantage above others, even seated. She noticed the back of his head, obvious among a sea of people. He was wearing his signature black jumper and chatting with Hayden Reyes. When his eyes met her’s, Y/N smiled and waved, but he didn’t respond, instead a quirk of his eyes as he recognised her. 

“Oh, there is no way this auditorium is big enough for all of these people.” and before she realised it, Natasha and her were moving with the crowd pushing against them. A yelp left her as she followed.

“This is crazy.” she huffed.

“I can’t believe this many people are here.”

Suddenly, Y/N felt her arm brush someone, looking down at Stephen, sat in a chair, still chatting with Dr. Reyes who muttered under his breath in annoyance. “Why are we even here?”

“Because he’s a friend.”

Yourfriend.” Hayden shot back, causing a chuckle to bubble in Y/N’s mouth as his spite.

Despite this, Stephen left it alone and turned to look at Y/N. “Hey, sorry. The crowd keeps moving and apparently the space in this room isn’t finite. Must be a glitch in the system or something.” she supposed.

“It’s okay, Y/N.”

Just as they spoke, the speaker crackled as Dr. Moss introduced Tom. 

“Here. Take my seat.” Stephen moved to stand when Y/N shook her head shyly.

“Please don’t. No offence, but if you step out here, I fear the space will collapse.” Stephen tilted his head in confusion, flickering back to Y/N at her friend’s behaviour, but she shrugged.

“Do me a solid, Y/n/n, sit on your boyfriend’s lap and save me.”

Y/N’s heart leaped out of her chest as she gaped at her friend. She blinked at her, realising the lengths to which she would have to go to so the lie would be believable. “I’m not so sure that’s a good idea.”

“Why not? You’re taking up space and I’m literally going to fall over any second. Just please sit and save me from being crushed. I think you’re the obvious answer of the two of us, so please sit.”

Y/N stared at her friend, the logic of her statement drawing her back to look at Stephen, mouth agape as a flush reached her face at the attention. He sent her a reassuring look, voicing no opposition. “I really shouldn’t.”

Natasha sighed in frustration, “And why not?”

“This is a science talk. It would be inappropriate.”

“Inappropriate like those third years who were making out all through the CRISPR lecture last semester?”

“Exactly-not as weird, but all the same.”

“Not exactly.” Natasha relented, “Point is, no one cares.” 

The finality of the statement drew Y/N to look at Stephen and sigh, silently asking him if it was okay. He nodded. It was far more than they prepared for as she stepped forward and slowly sat down. A flush ran over her face as she refrained from wiping her hands over her face. She would certainly make sure to get Natasha back for this in future. It certainly wasn’t something would forget or dismiss as the feeling of Stephen’s warmth around her was a present feeling. 

“I’m so sorry.” she whispered, fragments of the night they kissed flashing in her mind. 

Unclenching his jaw, Stephen replied, “It’s okay.”

“Doesn’t mean I’m not any less apologetic. I didn’t know she would suggest it-”

He spoke in a hushed tone that sent shivers along her spine, his hand falling to her waist, to ensure she wouldn’t fall, “Don’t worry about it.”

“I can add it to my Title IX complaint, darling.”

Wide-eyed and with a curse on her lips, she felt the unsteadiness of her heart in her chest. His warm breath hit her neck and she all but stopped herself from turning to look at him - the panic that would set in when he his cerulean eyes met her’s.


“Yeah?” she huffed.

“I was joking. Don’t worry about it.” he had a slight tilt to his mouth, “Focus on the talk now.”

This whole situation grew worse by the day. The lies piling up, the intricacy of each. It was growing far too great for her heart - the embarrassment alone was driving her mad. At the moment, she could feel the sensation of his warm hand pressed against her waist through her shirt. At one point, she felt her eyes drooping tiredly, but Stephen’s voice graced her ears. 

“You’re not sleeping, are you?”

She sighed, “Nope.”

“I’ll try to believe that.”

“I am always focused. I wouldn’t fall asleep while someone was speaking. Its incredibly rude, in fact.”

“Of course, I’ll do well to remember that for next time.” he remarked, a warmth heating her face.

“You do that.” she smiled.

“And you’re certain that talk isn’t making you sleep?”

She shook her head, “No. I’m just comfortable.”

Stephen’s fingers tightened on her, bringing her attention back as he reflected back to the speech. 

“I’ve read all of his articles, so I already know this stuff.”

“Same. We cited all of it in our grant proposal.” He sighed, “This is dull. 

“You could liven things up.” she proposed, “Ask a question. I’m sure with a mean look and a glare his way, it could stir something up. Might actually make this talk interesting. Maybe even memorable.” she chided, catching delight in the way his chuckle reverberated along her skin.

“You’re always a smart-ass, aren’t you?”

“Sue me.” she smiled, although, the thought crossed her but she dismissed it. “So has it been weird to lie about…you know.”

Stephen considered it, “Not really. Seems your friends are buying it too.”

“I agree. Sometimes I wonder if Natasha is suspicious, but I saw her and Steve together the other day. I’d say its working out. And you?”

Stephen hummed.

“Is it working out? Or do I need to schedule an early fake-breakup?”

“No. I don’t want to fake-break up.”

With that, there wasn’t much to consider as she settled comfortably back into Stephen, the talk carrying on. The sensation, one, she welcomed warmly.


“So, is this report going to be a lot of work?”

Y/N shrugged, “It’s a summary of my work and project. I need to run a few control studies before including those too. Not including the TA work I’ve been doing on the side. Oh, and my poster for the conference-” she realised, a haunted look crossing her face at the anxiety buzzing through her at the amount of work. “I suppose I could get it done within a week if I hibernate in the lab.”

“SBD is something to look forward to.” she reassured Y/N, walking down the steps. A sudden and harsh hit to her shoulder sent Y/N off her feet and flying forward. She heard her name fall from Natasha’s mouth. A gasp left her as she shut her eyes, pending on impact as the last step came into view. A sudden impact, arms enclosing around her halted the movement as she braced on their shoulders.

Opening her eyes, she looked down at Stephen whose fingers pressed into her waist, for the second time that day, she was reminded. She exhaled shakily as he steadied them, his grip holding off the ground.

“Careful there.” He remarked.

“Thank you.” she nodded, steadying her uneven heart rate and the way his eyes drew her in. The sound of Natasha’s quick steps shook them from the staring session, Stephen setting her back on her feet.

“Oh, my god. Are you okay? I thought you were about to crack your head open. That bastard ran off before I could ring him.”

Y/N relaxed in Stephen’s arms, turning to Natasha as he allowed his hands to drop from her waist. 

“I’m okay, Nat. Trust.” 

“Yeah, you are lucky your boyfriend has quick reflexes.” she quipped, glancing between the two of them. “You should thank him. Being heroic and all. Don’t see that too often.”

Y/N narrowed her eyes, unsure of what Natasha meant. She had already thanked Stephen who stood to the side with his hands in his pockets. His black hair swooped neatly, and that same fitted sweater. Natasha flickered between them, gesturing subtly with her hand. 


“I think he deserves some gratitude, you know?” Natasha whispered to Y/N who paled as the realisation hit her of Natasha’s intentions. 

Oh, f-

Y/N shooed her friend away, who smirked and stalked to the side, appearing to give the couple space. 

“I suppose were doing this again.” Stephen muttered.

“It figures.” Y/N met his eyes, looking down on her in that way that sent her lost within a thought for moments at a time. 

“Do you think she knows what she’s doing?”

“Not a clue.” she replied in a deadpanned tone, not so dissimilar to Stephen’s usual one. It earned a chuckle from him as he slipped his hands from his pockets. 

“So, uh-how-” but she was cut off with Stephen’s lips meeting her’s. Her eyes fell shut, a mellow feeling rushing through her as his hands cupping her face. He pressed her closer and she followed suite, his touch sending a flourish of warmth. A haze followed, jumbling her thoughts into a mess as he pressed his lips against her mouth softly. When she parted for a breath, she felt her hands on his chest and Stephen’s gingerly gracing her neck. Letting out a shaky breath, she stared up with half-lidded eyes.

“I think that worked.”

“Yeah?” she gasped, slowly moving back. Her fingers grazed against his for a second that sent a rush along her skin. 

“I’d say so.”

“I believe you.” she replied, wondering when this daring confidence arrived. Y/N refrained from touching her lips, gesturing back at Natasha. “I’ve gotta go.”

“Okay.” he nodded, a quirk of his mouth upward, “I’ll see you on Wednesday then?” 


“Wait. The bioscience picnic.” she paused, backtracking.

“It’s on Monday.”

She piped up, looking at the devastation on his face. “I’ll be there.”

“At least there’s that.” he replied.

“Are you going to bring Tom?”

“Probably. He actually likes people.”

“Unlike others.” she smirked, “At least it gives us an opportunity to show up together and I can network with Tom. My friends will be there too and so will the department chair. Piece of cake.”

“Perfect. I’ll bring the doctored marriage certificate and we’re ready to go.” 

Y/N laughed, turning around to jog over to Natasha, just as the bubbly feeling settled in her stomach. 

“Wow. You really just made out with associate professor, Stephen Vengeance Strange.”

“That is not his middle name.” Y/N rolled her eyes

“I know. I just found it hilarious. Just thought of it now, actually.” Nat chuckled.

“And we didn’t make out.” she corrected, hands resting on her hips.

“Really? Because I’m pretty sure he wanted to jump you right there in front of the biology building.”

“Shut up. Why were you looking, anyway.”

“I just happened to catch a glimpse when I was looking up from my phone. Can you blame me?”

Y/N nodded, “Yes, Nat. I definitely can.”

“Bummer.” she replied, a grin sliding on her face as she sprinted away from Y/N and the murderous look on her face. The moment of silence following allowed her to finally process everything, a smile growing on her face as Stephen’s voice reverberated in her mind - he at least had her there.



The Love Hypothesis (5/22) - Stephen Strange X Reader

Summary: Y/N Y/L/N is a PhD student who wants to prove to her best friend that she has moved on and dating. With no way to prove it, she kisses the first man she sees, which ends up being none other than Dr. Strange, known as one of the most unapproachable and critical professors in the university.

A/N: AU! Stephen Strange is a Professor/Doctor at Columbia University and reader is a Ph.D. student (Reader - 28, Stephen - 34). Credits to Ali Hazelwood for the original story. This work is a piece of fiction. I have no ownership over anything, this is ff.

Pairing: Stephen Strange X FEM! Reader

Word Count: 1.8K

Series Masterlist

“Wait a minute,” Dr. Pierce paused, tilting his head, “You wouldn’t be…”

Y/N froze up, coming to the realisation on her own. The collaborator and the institution were Stephen’s friend, and Harvard. The Dr should was interviewing with was Stephen’s close friend who studied her face now. All she needed to do now was breath. Stephen hadn’t mentioned they were fake dating so she would play along, as expected.

“Yes, I’m Y/N Y/L/N, the-”

“Girlfriend I’ve heard about.” He grinned.

“Actually-” she rebutted, only for Stephen to cut in.

“Heard from who?”

“Everyone.” Tom shrugged.

“In Boston.” Stephen clenched his jaw.


“Why are people at Harvard talking about my girlfriend?” He leaned forward slightly.

“Because of you.”

“Because of me?” Stephen looked confused.

“Yes. There were tears and outcries. Many broken hearts. They’ll get over it.” He shrugged.

Turning back to Y/N, he offered his hand. “It’s nice to meet you. Glad to know you actually exist. I wrote the rumours off as just that. Sorry-I didn’t catch your name.”

“I’m Y/N.” She repeated, shaking his hand.

“And which department do you teach.”

“I don’t.” She corrected.

“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to assume.”

“So what do you do? Are you a research fellow?”

“I’m a-”

“She’s a student.” Stephen corrected, watching as Tom’s eyes widened.


Your graduate student.”


Y/N huffed, stepping in “Actually, I’m working with Dr. Xavier on biomarkers. You probably don’t recognise my name, but we’ve corresponded over email. We were supposed to meet today. I’m the student who asked to work in your lab for a year.”

Dr. Pierce swore, turning to Stephen, “What the hell? You didn’t tell me.”

“I had no clue.” Stephen muttered, looking at Y/N.

“I didn’t tell Stephen because I didn’t know you were friends.” She replied, “I didn’t put two and two together. He mentioned a Tom. I didn’t realise that was you. I’m sorry, Dr. Pierce-”

“It’s fine. Please call me, Tom.” He smiled, “Hey, are you free? We can get coffee and chat inside about your project. I don’t see a point in waiting until later.”

Technically her schedule was free today.

“Sure.” She replied, wanting to appear flexible.

“Great. Stephen?”

“I’m not so sure it’s a good idea to be present while you interview her-”

Tom laughed, “It’s fine. Just an informal conversation to see if Y/N is a match for the lab. Besides, you’ll want to know if your girlfriend is moving to Boston, right?”

They both looked at each other like, what are we supposed to do, and, this was about to be super awkward. Stepping back into the coffee shop, they found a table and sat, Y/N and Stephen with Tom opposite them.

“Xavier’s retiring, I hear.”

“In the next few years, yes.” She adores Dr. Xavier and his work. He was dedicated and wise, always an encouraging voice. But to develop her own research program without a mentor or advisor would be, new.

“Alright, so tell me about your project. What’s cool about it?”

Stumped with the sort of question, she stared at him, averting her gaze “I…”

“Um-its, uh-”

Y/N was an accomplished student and scientist, but she wasn’t exactly as prodigal as many others were. She had to work harder and sometimes it was difficult to see where her next step would end up. Unexpected things made her nervous and panic, a slight falter of her composed nature.

“What kind of question is that?” Stephen spoke up. “What’s cool about your project?” He repeated back to Tom.

“Yeah, cool. Exactly as I said.”

“I don’t think I do. Maybe neither does Y/N.”

He sighed, “Fine. What would you ask?”

Turning to Y/N, his eyes met hers and he graced over her features and recognised the panic. His hand brushed her’s, sending a rush along her arms. It was surprisingly comforting. “What issues does your project target? Why do you think it’s significant? What gaps in literature does it fill? What techniques are you using? Do you forsee any challenges?”

“Right. Ponder all of those long questions.”

Y/N glanced back at Stephen, pensive look over her face as she thought the questions over. He waited patiently, offering her a moment to reconvene - to relax. For a moment, she was reminded of the guy from the bathroom and his mention of her purpose for being here. Finding your reason for being here was the main objective. That was the sole reason to keep going. To keep trying.

“Alright.” She finally spoke, exhaling quietly as their attention focused on her. “Pancreatic cancer is very aggressive and deadly. It has very poor prognosis. After diagnosis, only one of four people are alive after a year.” Her voice was level, despite the fact her throat felt like it would close up in that moment “The problem is in detection in the early stages. If we were able to diagnose it early enough, then maybe there would be a chance-”

“People could get treatment sooner and have a higher chance of survival.” Tom finished, “Yep, I’m aware. We already have some screening tools, like imaging.”

Her cheeks flushed in embarrassment, something tugging in her chest. “Yes, but that is expensive, time-consuming and often not useful due to the positioning of the pancreas.” She breathed, “I think I’ve found a set of biomarkers - blood biomarkers. Noninvasive. Easy to obtain and cheap. In mice, they detect pancreatic cancer as early as stage one.”

With a breath, she paused as Stephen and Tom stared at her. Evidently, Tom was interested, but Stephen looked a bit impressed.

“That sounds promising. What is the next step?”

She nodded, “Collecting more data, running analyses with better equipment to prove my biomarkers are worthy of a clinical trial. For that, I need a larger lab with the funds.”

“I see.” He nodded, a thoughtful look on his face, “But why pancreatic cancer?”

Her gut twisted, a sharp pain in her chest with the question. Heart hammering in her chest, she exhaled, “It’s one of the most lethal, we don’t know enough-”

“No.” He interrupted her, “Most third year grad students are fighting over the centrifuge to come up with their own line of research. There must be a reason. Someone close to you with cancer?”

Y/N’s vision shook before she answered almost monotonously, “Yes.”


Tom.” Stephen was adamant, a warning with his tone. His hand was close to her’s again, edging closer to offer comfort as the focus left her eyes and all left was a stare.

“-my mother.”

It was out there now as they both stared at her.

“Did she die?”

The room fazed around as Y/N sensed herself dissociate from her body. She opened her mouth to use her voice, but it caught in her throat. Y/N’s breath grew shaky as she nodded numbly. She knew they were just questions and Tom didn’t intend to be insensitive, but it was still recent for her. She wasn’t stopping now, not with how close her research was coming.

“How old-”

Tom,” Stephen’s voice was harsh, a sharp tone in her ears. “Stop harassing my girlfriend.”

“Right.” He smiled, trying to compensate in a weird way, “I am an insensitive ass.”

His eyes drew down to her shoulder, making Y/N draw to the arm around her chair. Stephen drawn closer to somewhat place himself between them. A protective move not unexpected from a boyfriend.

“Then again, so is your boyfriend.” Tom winked at her, holding Stephen’s stare. An uncomfortable tension settled before he continued, “Okay. Y/N. Let’s say this. I’ve read your paper and the abstract you submitted to the SBD conference. Are you planning on attending?”

“If it’s accepted, yes.”

“It’s excellent work. I’m sure it will. It sounds like you’ve progressed with it since you submitted that. If you decide to work in my lab, I’ll cover you - completely. I just need to make sure you’re worth investing in.”

Y/N’s eyes lit up, a hopeful feeling in her chest.

“Here’s the catch. I’m giving you two weeks to write up a report on everything you’ve done so far and where you’re going with this. Send it to me and I’ll make a decision based on it.”

She smiled and nodded, “Yes.”

“Great. I’ll see you around and we can chat more. Stephen and I will be working together a lot for the next couple of months. Are you coming to my talk tomorrow?”

“Yeah, course.” She nodded.

“And I’m staying with Stephen so I’ll see you at his place, I suppose.”


“Uh, sure.” She smiled, “We usually meet at my place…”

“I see. Excuse me, I’m gonna grab a coffee.”

Without hesitation, she turned to Stephen, “I’m sorry. I had no idea he was your friend, or that you two worked together. Your areas of research are different and it didn’t register.”

His arm fell from her chair and the absence of warmth let the cold creep over her shoulders with a slight shiver.

“Precisely.” He nodded, “I believe it was you who said that you don’t believe in cancer researchers working with computational modellers.”, a smirk on his mouth.

Her head dropped, eyes falling shut as she hide a chuckle at the progression of their relationship from awkward to teasing. “How did you meet?”

“He was a postdoc in my lab when I was a Ph.D. student. We kept in touch and collaborated over the years.”

“You went to Harvard, then.”

He nodded and a thought occured to her, “What if he picks me because I’m your girlfriend?”

“Tom won’t. He once fired his cousin for breaking a flow cytometer. He isn’t exactly tenderhearted.” He breathed.

She stared at him, “I’m sorry again. Forcing you to lie to your friend. You can tell him if you want-”

“I’d never live it down, if I did.”

“Honestly, I can see that.” She laughed. He looked at her, his expression softening at her brightened mood. It was just as bright as her spirit usually was.

“If you do decide to go, I’ll need you to keep it a secret until the end of September.” Stephen reminded her.

“Understandable. If people thought I was leaving, the department chair would never believe you weren’t. I promise, I won’t.” She smiled. “Well everyone except Sam and Natasha-”

He tilted his head, his eyebrows raised to prove a point.

“I’ll make sure they keep it quiet. Promise.”

“I appreciate it.”

Noticing Tom walking back, she whispered in a hushed voice, “One more thing. When and where is the talk tomorrow?”

Stephen chuckled, “I’ll email you the details.”



The Love Hypothesis (4/22) - Stephen Strange x Reader

Summary: Y/N Y/L/N is a PhD student who wants to prove to her best friend that she has moved on and dating. With no way to prove it, she kisses the first man she sees, which ends up being none other than Dr. Strange, known as one of the most unapproachable and critical professors in the university.

A/N: AU! Stephen Strange is a Professor/Doctor at Columbia University and reader is a Ph.D. student (Reader - 28, Stephen - 34). Credits to Ali Hazelwood for the original story. This work is a piece of fiction. I have no ownership over anything, this is ff.

Pairing: Stephen Strange X FEM! Reader

Word Count: K

Series Masterlist

Finding a common ground with someone who you knew few things about was always a difficult time. Small talk with someone you’ve made out with upon your first meeting was frightening enough for her anxiety to be at a peak. Arriving at the coffee a ten minutes before their agreed time, Y/N checked her phone periodically, an anxious tick she had adapted over her years. It was quite chilly that morning as she leaned into the comfort of her cardigan.

She took a deep breath in and out, pushing through the doors and the scent of freshly brewed coffee and chocolate hit her nose. In a quick scan of the room, she spotted Stephen, dressed in a fitted dark sweater. It suited him fine enough that she caught herself staring from afar before shaking her head and focusing again.

Stephen Strange was handsome. That was obvious to anyone who set their eyes on him with his stunning blue eyes, dark hair. His sharp cheekbones and angular face made it difficult not to notice him within a crowd.

Wearing a comfortable smile, she walked over to the table he picked. “Hey,”

“Hi,” he replied, gazing over her simple, but comfortable outfit as she sat opposite him. “How are you?”

“I’m fine. You?”


“That’s good.” She hummed, clasping her hands below the table. A moment of silence passed between them before she realised, and then she was panicking to fill the silence.

“So,” she dragged out, “You have a favourite colour?”


“Do you have a favourite colour?” She repeated more clearly.

“You’re asking about my favourite colour?”

“Yes. Two times, actually.” She grinned, “Entertain me for a moment. Answer it.”

“I don’t know,” he thought, looking around before let out a shaky laugh.

“How can you not know?” She tried again.

“I’m not sure. I don’t really have a favourite.”

“You’re telling me there isn’t one colour that means something to you? Not one that stands out?”

“I don’t think so. No.” He shook his head, “Not something I focus on.”

“Try again.” She goaded him.

“Red, blue?”

“Why are you asking. You just need to pick one.”

“And why is this important?”

“I feel like I should know as your ‘girlfriend’, and all.” She winked, “What if it ever comes up in conversation, or that specific piece of information is vital to convincing people of our relationship.”

“Okay. I guess, blue or black.”

“Of course.” She shook her head, “You pick one of the only non-colours.”

“What is wrong with that?”

“Nothing.” She grinned, “I suppose it matches your personality and aura.” With raised brows.

He clicked his tongue, “What is that supposed to mean-”

“Hey, what can I get for you today?”

Y/N smiled gratefully and turned to the cashier, gesturing for Stephen to order first.

“Coffee. Black.” Looking back at her, “Two sugars.”

She tilted her head and closed her open mouth, hiding the smile on her lips. Y/N ordered the second largest cup of coffee with her favourite milk of choice, of course, and a shot of vanilla to sweeten it. As she finished, Stephen took out his wallet and she shot her hand out, halting him.

“What are you doing?”

“Paying?” He squinted at her.

“Uh, no. I can pay for myself.”

“I can’t pay for your drink?”

“No, because I wouldn’t date a guy who thought he had to pay for my coffee because of an unspoken thing.”

“While I would agree, I’m not paying because this is a date. This isn’t about that but you being a grad student and your income.”

Realisation hit Y/N before she thought it over once more. The implications of that. Did he think he had to? Did Stephen think she was poor? Nevertheless, she relented and pulled her hand away.

“Next question. Where did you grow up? What was your family like?”

“You’re inquisitive, aren’t you?”

“I ask the right questions. Now?”

“Is this all part of your play to work out that I’m secretly a criminal?”

“Well I wouldn’t tell you that, would I, Dr Strange?”

“Doubtful, but I’ll entertain you…”

“Just answer the question.” She held his gaze.

He nodded, “I grew up in Nevada, but I moved to New York shortly after graduation. My parent moved away, retired in an estate up in Washington.”

“Any siblings?”

He paused, his heart stopping in his chest. Y/N looked in his eyes and saw something darker there as his expression hardened. It was a familiar look that took over and changed your perception. “It’s okay.” She muttered, moving on.

“I, uh, grew up in New York. Born and bred here, but, uh, it was just me and my mom in a penthouse all to ourselves.” She watched as Stephen slowly softened, brought back to the table in the cafe with her sitting opposite him.

He relaxed at the gentle tone of her voice, “The city can definitely be daunting on it’s own, but it’s got personality. It grows on you.” She smiled softly.

“And now?”

“Now,” she sighed, “Life is a bit more…quiet.”

“Quiet doesn’t have to mean bad though.”

She nodded, humming as their drinks arrived and they both thanked the blond barista. People around them had subtly checked the both of them out, spotting the professor and his grad student date. Time to get back to her experiemnts.

She sighed, relenting as she grabbed her coffee. “I guess I got the most of my Wednesday. What about you?”

“Depends on how you categorise fun.”

She clicked her fingers, “Precisely. See you next time?”

“Yeah.” But his voice cut back into her ears as she looked back, “What is your favourite colour?”

“That’s easy. Blue.”

“Why?” He tilted his head.

“I couldn’t tell you.” She smirked, although he couldn’t be sure it was misleading or humourous.

“Ah, that makes perfect sense. You know, that works perfectly with an analogy I found about colours and their subliminal messages-” she lightly slapped his forearm.

“Ow.” He glared at her lightly, but it was obvious he meant nothing of it.

“Oh, Stephen,” she turned back, “Before I go, there was one thing I forgot to mention.”


“Thanks for buying coffee, darling.” She tried it out, watching his face change into one of surprise. Possibly shock. “Bye.” She waved before ducking out of there.



From: Tom-Pierce@harvard.edu

To: Y/N-Y/L/[email protected]

Subject: RE Pancreatic Cancer Screening Project


I’ll arrive on campus on Tuesday afternoon. We can meet on Wednesday around 3pm in Charles Xavier’s lab. My collaborator can point me in the direction.


Sent from my iPhone


Panic was a familiar friend of Y/N’s, but not for the reasons you would think. As of recent, her panic was centred around Tom Pierce and her meeting. She had, so far, spent far too long getting dressed, prepping a compiled booklet of her work, and drank about half a litre of water. Then the realisation hit Y/N that she had no idea how Tom Pierce looked. Spotting a person became that much harder without a visual aid.

That was all besides the point, she was teetering on inexcusably late for her Wednesday morning coffee with Stephen. After a busy week of assays and meetings, she hadn’t seen much of him since the previous week.

Moving quickly, she pushed through the doors and greeted him. “Hey, how are you?”


This time, he was wearing a casual white shirt, a pair of jeans to complete it. She couldn’t help but notice his muscles through the shirt. His hair was pushed back as per usual, but still as handsome.


Stephen nodded, averting his gaze. He appeared distracted in his quiet demeanour. “I’m sorry I was late. I’ve been quite frantic this morning.”

“It’s fine.”

“Did you have a good week? What did you do on the weekend?”

“Fine. I worked.”

She waited, her heart just quietening down as she paced herself through what she was hearing. “Right. Are you okay?”

“Why do you ask?”

“You’re acting different.” She pointed out.

“Different than what?”

“Usual.” She turned to him, “You can talk about it if you’d like. I might not be able to give you advice, but I’m a good listener.”

He fell silent before shaking his head, “There isn’t anything to talk about, because I’m fine.”

She snorted, “Right. I haven’t heard that before.”


“I would know. I use it all the time.” She hinted. “I can see it on your face. Something is off.”

“Maybe everything is right and you’re reading into nothing, Y/N. How about that?”

She hummed, “Denial. That’s new.”

“Look, I understand. I do. You’re allowed to be upset or frustrated at whatever it is. I’m just offering an ear or a shoulder for support. Whether you take it or not, thats entirely up to you.”

“Good morning, what can I get for you?”

Y/N glimpsed away from Stephen ’s pensive look and smiled warmly, “Good morning. I’ll get a venti oat latte with a vanilla shot. He will have a camomile tea with honey. Thanks.”

“I don’t drink camomile tea.” Stephen stared at the side of her face.

She smirked, “You do now.”

A silence passed before he muttered quietly, almost teasingly, enough for her to hear, “Smartass.”

“So…you open to chatting today or is Dr. Strange’s office closed?”

“I, uh, no.” He exhaled, “I spoke to the department chair this morning. They’re still holding onto my funds.”

“I’m sorry.”

“It’s not your fault.”

“I thought they weren’t due to review until late September?”

“It was an informal meeting. He said they are still monitoring the situation.”

“They’re watching us.” She concluded, “That’s not the slightest bit disturbing.”

“I’m sorry.” She offered a smile, hoping to dissolve some of the tension in his shoulders and face. “Is it affecting you completing your projects?”

“Not completely. I have other grants. I just need to shuffle a few things around and I can start new studies.”

“If you have other grants, then that’s good news?” She smiled, “My point is, in being in this situation, it doesn’t sound too bad, considering you probably have enough grants and support to get by. And…” She trailed off, “You also have the most amazing girlfriend to support you along the way. That’s pretty rare.”

The glare that followed in the silence caused her to retract her hand and close her mouth. “No? Guess you aren’t a fan of my humour as much as I first thought.”

“You’re a certified smart-ass. I’ve gathered that much.”

“And your a ball of sunshine, aren’t you? At least I don’t grunt as a response.” She smirked, raising her brows which silenced him. “Maybe I’m a smart-ass, but you are stuck with me.”

“You ordered me camomile tea.” He glared.

“Yeah, and you’ll enjoy it.”

“Just because you said so.”

“I’m sorry about your grant, Stephen. Hopefully it’ll change before September. You just have to give it time.”

“I’m sorry about my mood.”

“It’s okay. You don’t have to apologise. It’s kind of your thing.”

“My thing?”

“Yeah. Mr grumpy.” She chuckled lightly, catching as he narrowed his eyes.

“Is that so?”

“Yep.” Her lips popped.

When their drinks arrived, each grabbing their cup, Stephen hesitantly sipped his tea. Y/N watched from behind her cup, catching the surprised he attempted to hide behind a blank expression. The slightest curve of his mouth as he sipped at it was all she needed.

“So…what’s the verdict?”

“It’s not too bad.”

“Admit, you like it.” She hummed, sipping from her warm cup.

“Maybe, a little.” He replied, opening the door for her as she brushed past him. A thought crossed her mind as she turned, suddenly meeting his chest. Looking up, she halted and found his eyes.

“I-uh,” her cheeks flushed from the cool breeze and his gaze on her. “I thought we could go to the biosciences picnic, if you weren’t already planning on attending.”

“I’m part of the biology department social and networking committee, so I’ll be there.”

Her face lit up in surprise, “I wouldn’t have thought that.”


“Did you actually sign up for that or…”

“Wasnt my first choice. It’s service. I was forced to rotate into the position.”

“Soundsfun.” She chided, “Well, I’m going too. Dr Xavier makes us all go for bonding among lab mates. Or something like that. Do you make your grads go?”

“No. I have other, more creative ways to make them miserable.”

“Ah, yes. Of course you do.” She smiled, “I thought we could hang when were there, since the department chair will be there. I’ll bat my eyelashes at you, he’ll see and it’ll make it all the more convincing. Does that sound about-”

“Hey, Stephen!”

A blond man approached Stephen, cutting her off as Y/N fell silent. They exchanged a short handshake, a familiar one that caught her attention.

“I thought you slept in.” Stephen remarked.

“Time difference screwed with me. If figured I’d get to campus. Find something edible to eat. You do not have any food.”

“There’s fruit in the kitchen.”

“As I said.”

Y/N quietly watched the two, moving from her close proximity to Stephen. The man looked familiar, but she couldn’t put her finger on it.

“Who’s this?” He turned to Y/N.

“This is Y/N.” Stephen said, although he should have specified further. “Y/N, this is my collaborator-”

“Introduce me as your friend.” He piped up, nudging Stephen’s shoulder.

“Fine. This is my friend and collaborator, Dr. Tom Pierce.”

Oh, damn.



The Love Hypothesis (3/22) - Stephen Strange x Reader


Summary: Y/N Y/L/N is a PhD student who wants to prove to her best friend that she has moved on and dating. With no way to prove it, she kisses the first man she sees, which ends up being none other than Dr. Strange, known as one of the most unapproachable and critical professors in the university.

A/N: AU! Stephen Strange is a Professor/Doctor at Columbia University and reader is a Ph.D. student (Reader - 28, Stephen - 34). Credits to Ali Hazelwood for the original story. This work is a piece of fiction. I have no ownership over anything, this is ff.

Pairing: Stephen Strange X FEM! Reader

Word Count: 2.5K

Series Masterlist

At the end of her day, the culmination of the stares and comments had driven her to this building as she wandered down the unfamiliar hall. Following the directions she got from the campus map, Y/N mumbled under her breath a few curses at the unfortunate decisions that brought her here.

Finding Stephen’s office wasn’t too difficult, despite the fact she had never been in its vicinity. The students rushing in the opposite direction with teary eyes was a good indicator. She expected more from the outside, but there wasn’t much except for a plaque with his title.

Stephen V. Strange,Ph.D.

Hmm, maybe the V stood for Vicious?

Y/N did what was necessary and looked him up online. His works, papers and told herself it was in favour of preparing herself for it all.

Knocking on the door, she heard his voice “Come in. Office hours finished five minutes ago-”

“It’s just me.” She quietly spoke, watching as he paused as his drawing board and turned to her.


She mustered a smile, “Stephen.”

He paused, clasping his hands “What brings you here?”

She opened her mouth, about to answer when she backtracked to the weeping girl outside, “What did you say to her?”

His face twisted in confusion, until she continued, “She was weeping. Quite literally scurrying away from here, actually.”

“I just gave her some feedback on her report.” Shuffling the papers into a neat pile.

“Guessing it wasn’t quite what she wanted to hear.”

Stephen turned to his desk, watching as she moved to stand opposite him.

“I was going to email you. I talked to the Dean earlier today.”

“About you.” Her body stiffened as she waited, “Well, about us. And socialisation regulations.”

“And what did she say?” She stepped forward toward his desk, hoping for good news at least.

“There’s nothing against you and me dating since I’m not your advisor.”

“Okay, that’s good, then.” She wore a slight smile.

“Yes, but there are some things we need to consider. I can never work with you in a formal capacity. And I’m a part of the awards committee, so if you’re nominated for anything, I’ll need to excuse myself.”

“That makes perfect sense.”

“And I can’t be apart of your thesis committee.” He added.

A hint of a smile crossed her face as she chewed on her cheek. “That’s fine. I wasn’t planning on asking you.”

“Why not? You study pancreatic cancer, right?”

“Yes, early detection.”

“Well then your project would benefit from the opinion of a computational modeller.” He pointed out.

“Yes, but there are other computational modellers in the department. I’d also like to make it through to graduation without sobbing in a bathroom.” Again.

She tilted her head at the glare he sent her way, “No offence. I’m observant.”

“Clearly.” His voice was deadpanned, falling to a more soft expression. His fingers brushed the papers on the desk as he met her gaze again.

“So have you decided?”

She nodded, “Yes…yes. It’s a good idea.”

“Although,” bringing his attention back, “I have a few concerns.”


“I’ve thought about this a lot and we should lay down some ground rules.”

“Ground rules?”

“Yes. Like, what are we allowed and not allowed to do. What can we expect from this? It’s standard procedure for these types of fake-dating scenarios.”

“Standard procedure?” His voice filled with confusion, brows furrowed together.


“You act like you’ve done this before.”

“I haven’t. But I am familiar with the literary trope.”

“The…” He blinked at her, confused. Y/N ignored him and moved on.

“Okay.” She breathed, “Firstly, this should be a strictly on-campus relationship. I will not be your backup date for any christmas party or wedding-”

“That’s fine, considering I don’t see my family.”

“Oh,” she quietly whispered, “I suppose that’s something a girlfriend would know.” A whisper of a smile spread on his face before she continued. “Second rule. An extension of the first. No sex.”

Uttering the word changed the whole tension of the room. Neither of them made a sudden move. She was unsure if he was still breathing as he stood so still.

“Oh-I’m sorry, but if one of the reasons you offered to fake-date was because you thought-”

He cut her off, blinking at her in confusion, “No. I’m, uh, shocked you thought you had to bring it up at all. That never crossed my mind.”

Her mouth fell agape, “I’m sorry, I made an assumption. I-I shouldn’t have done that.”

“No, it’s fine. I understand. I was just surprised, is all.” His voice was slightly lower as he dipped his head down.

She nodded, “Sorry. Didn’t mean to make things weird or anything.” A flush of heat crossed her face.

“No sex.”

Hearing it again, she noticed the slightest dusting of pink over his face. “Okay, uh…” She breathed out, still slightly flustered by the tension in the air. She clenched her diet lightly, gulping, “Third. I won’t date anyone else. Just makes it easier to handle and I don’t think it’d be fair to complicate things for another person. I don’t date anyway. Steve was an exception and uh…I’ve never really dated anyone else.”

Stephen kind of stared at her, saying nothing.

“But you can date if you want to.” She quickly added, “That is entirely up to you. Just, probably don’t tell the department so I don’t come across as an idiot you cheated on. It would benefit you too, to be in a healthy relationship and-”

“I won’t.” He interrupted.

“Good, although lying is a bit of pain, but-”

“I mean, I won’t date anyone else.” He agreed.

“Fourth. We should give it a deadline. Can’t do it forever.”

“And when would that be?”

“Not sure. A month or so should convince Natasha. But I should account about your end. So…”

“September twenty-ninth.”

“That’s awful specific. Not what I expected.” She muttered.

“It’s the day after the department’s final budget review. If they don’t release the funds by then, they won’t do it at all.” His expression hardened.

“Alright. So we agree that on September Twenty-ninth, we part ways. I’ll tell Natasha it was mutual, but I am a little sad because I still have a crush on you. ” She grinned, “Just so she doesn’t suspect I’m still hung up on Steve.”

Stephen simply nodded in understanding at each of her points, all clearly logical statements, even if he never would have imagined himself in this specific scenario.

Y/N exhaled, “Fifth and last. For this to work, we should probably do things together. At least be seen every once in a while to keep up appearances.”

“Things?” He placed the documents down.

“Things that couples do.”


“I don’t know. What do you do for fun?”

“For fun?”

“Outside of work?” She sighed.

“I sometimes work from home. I read. I workout. I sleep.”

She narrowed her eyes in aghast. “You don’t have any hobbies?”

His voice was deadpan, “What do you do for fun, then?”

“Plenty of things.” She repeated, “I go to the movies. I read. I workout.” This was starting to sound exactly like his tedious list. Crap.

“Okay. Looks like we should broaden our horizons and do something regular. Easy and simple. We could get coffee once a week for like ten or twenty minutes. I know it sounds annoying and tedious but it could work.”

“It’s fine. I think that will work.”

“Oh.” She tried to hide her surprise and hint of a smile at his support, pressing her lips together. “Okay. Does Wednesday work for you?”

“It works before eleven a.m. and after six p.m.”


“Ten is good.”

“Okay.” She nodded, “Aren’t you going to add it in your calendar.”

“I’ll remember.” He caught her eyes again.

Remembering he has an eidetic memory. He wouldn’t forget. “Okay. So, guess its fake-dating Wednesday.”

“Why do you keep saying that?”


“Fake-dating, like it’s a thing?”

“Because it’s a popular trope. Don’t you watch movies?”

He furrowed his brows and she sighed, realising they had lots to learn. To find something in common for them to talk about, too. “You need to watch more movies.”

“Watching movies feeds into time that could be spent working.”

She raised her eyebrows, “You can’t spend all your time working.”

“My work is a big part of my life, Y/N, so I expect it would take up a large proportion of my day-to-day.”

“Are you saying you willfully don’t watch films because you don’t have time, or is there some other reason?”

“Like?” He waited, arms crossed against his chest.

“Oh, I don’t know. You’re a movie snob. Critical reviews of the best films. Seems around your area. Next your going to tell me you haven’t seen Star Wars or the Dark Knight, or forbid, Lord of the Rings.”


“Better not.” She hummed, chuckling to herself while Stephen sighed, a slight roll of his eyes before she continued. “When did you want to start?”

“Next week work for you?”

“Sure.” He replied.

“Sounds good.” Before popping out, “Let’s meet at the Starbucks on campus. Someone will be bound to spot us there. See you on Wednesday then?”

He stood from his desk and nodded, “See you.”


“Pass the salt.”

Y/N sighed and passed it nonetheless. She wasn’t so sure how long Sam would drag this out before it became tedious. “Sam.”

“And the pepper.”

“Sam.” She repeated, resting her hands on the table.

“The oil.”

“Sam.” She repeated.

“Olive oil, not that other crap.”

“Sam!” She gasped out, “Would you please just listen to me?”

“Fine. I’ll get it myself.”

Quickly moving around the table, she grabbed the item and stood directly in front of him, blocking off his exit. “Please, just listen. It is not what you think it is.”

He stared at her unmoved by the statement, a blank expression in return. He had every right to be mad. They told each other everything, from the moment they bonded over their devotion to biology and chemistry. Sam came from a family of graduates and so the delay on his timeline was more than personal when Stephen put a doorstop in those plans. “Can we please just talk about this in a civil manner?”

“You’re talking.”

“Yes, and you’re cooking. Clearly ignoring me and wishing I would disappear.” She exhaled, “I know this about Stephen -”

Sam turned to her, pointing his finger in her direction “Do not say it.”

“Say what?”

“What I think you’re going to say.”

“Stephen Strange-”

“Donot say his name.”

She breathed deeply, shutting her eyes “Don’t be ridiculous, Sam. It’s not even real.”

He went back to cooking, “Pass the salt.”

“Youre not even listening to me. It’s not real.”

“The pepper.”

“Sam, the relationship is fake. We’re not actually dating. We’re pretending so people will think we are.”

Sam froze, “What?”

“You heard me.”

“Is this…a friends with benefits situation or-”

“No-no,” she shook her heard, “There are no benefits here. Zero. Zero sex. Zero friends.”

He stared at her, “To be clear tho-”

“I do not need clarification. This is not anything like that.”

“I’m a little scared to ask.”

“I know it’s crazy, but he’s helping me out after I made a huge mess. I lied to Nat and I need her to believe I’m no longer interested in Steve. It’s all fake. I’ve spoken to Stephen all of three times and I don’t even know that much about him except he is willing to help me with this.” She looked at him, “Sam, I jumped at the chance to fix this.”

“That is…” He raised his eyebrows, “Astoundingly stupid. Confusing.”



“Maybe. But it’s all I’ve got. And you have to support me in this idiocy, because you and Nat are my best friends.” She grinned.

“Stephen isn’t your best friend now?”

“He’s an ass, but he’s actually pretty nice to me-”

“I’m not even going to touch that.” He waved his hand, “I’m just gonna leave it.”

“You don’t have to address anything. All I need you to do is just…can you not hate me? I know it’s been a nightmare for you, but he is helping me out. I would tell Nat, but-”

“for obvious reasons.”

“-for obvious reasons, I can’t.” She finished.

“Y/n/n, you are amazing, smart and beautiful. You deserve to find someone good, better than Strange. Someone to date for real.”

“Because things went so well with Steve. I did that based on your advice and look where that got me.”

Sam all but glared at her and she laughed. “Real-life dating doesn’t appear to mesh well with me. Maybe fake-dating is my calling.”

“There are literally so many other faculty members to choose from.” He deadpanned.

“Name one.”

“I don’t know.” He shook his head in thought, “Dr. McCoy.”

“He’s almost twice my age.”

“Oh yeah. What about Hayden Reyes? He’s hot. Cute smile.”

She almost laughed, “I could never fake date Hayden, not with how intensely you stare at him from afar.”

“I-I have, haven’t I?” He hummed, “You know, I would have fake-dated you in a heartbeat to spare you spending time with Strange. I would have taken you out, held hands with you and very publicly seranaded you.”

“I know, but it wouldn’t exactly be believable to the people we know, and I would never want to change your routine for my sake.”

“That’s fair.”


“All is forgiven, Y/n/n. Just…no more lies.”

She nodded, accepting the hug “Thanks.”

“I promise if I ever bring Stephen back I’ll save your eyes and put a sock on the door-” she yelled as Sam smacked her arm. “I was kidding! Wait! I’ve got one more thing to tell you.”

“I’ve reached my capacity to hear that ass’ name so please,”

“I got an email from Tom Pierce, the Harvard cancer researcher. He might be interested in my biomarkers for his lab next year!”

“Oh my God.” He came back, “This is amazing! I thought you hadn’t received any responses yet.”

“Got this one and he’s well known. Famous and probably has more than enough funds than I’ve ever dreamt of. It’ll be…”

“Great. It’ll be great.” He smiled, “You’ve worked hard for this. I’m proud of you. And I know your mom would be too.”

“Yeah,” she breathed, looking back up at Sam as her eyes began to water ever so slightly. “Nothing is confirmed yet, but it’s something. There are still so many things to consider.”

“You’ll do amazing.” He assured her.

“It might not work out. And that’s fine.” She attempted a smile. Preparing yourself for disappointment was always better than expecting the world. At least then you can never truly be disappointed with lowered expectations.

“It will work. You’ve put so much work into this, and for all the right reasons, Y/n/n.” He smiled, “But even if it didn’t, I know she would still be proud of you.”

Y/N nodded once more as a tear fell down her face, tucking herself into the couch.



The Love Hypothesis (2/22) - Stephen Strange X Reader

Summary: Y/N Y/L/N is a PhD student who wants to prove to her best friend that she has moved on and dating. With no way to prove it, she kisses the first man she sees, which ends up being none other than Dr. Strange, known as one of the most unapproachable and critical professors in the university.

A/N: AU! Stephen Strange is a Professor/Doctor at Columbia University and reader is a Ph.D. student (Reader - 28, Stephen - 34). Credits to Ali Hazelwood for the original story. This work is a piece of fiction. I have no ownership over anything, this is ff.

Pairing: Stephen Strange X FEM! Reader

Word Count: 4.5K

Series Masterlist

Y/N was a devoted third-year biology graduate, just as aspiring as another student among Columbia’s illustrious cohort of Ph.D. students. It was a wonder she had only interacted with Stephen Strange on this occasion, despite his reputation within Columbia ’s own biology department. Maybe that was a part of luck that worked in her favour, something that died on thatNight.

A thought crossed her mind that she was fairly sure of - he wouldn’t be bothered, nor interested enough to file a report on her. He didn’t know of her and it was highly unlikely - she hoped this hunch was leaning towards correct, unless in the case where she was dead wrong and expecting a letter in her mail. In that event, she would be pleading guilty.

Alas, she had bigger things to focus on - like the neurobiology class she promised to TA for the semester, which was starting in two weeks. Or the fact, her project was reaching a dire point where she needed a rich lab to continue her research. Scrolling through he emails, considering all forms of work to pay it off until she came across an email in her inbox. A response from a Harvard professor

From: Tom-Pierce@harvard.edu

To: Y/N-Y/L/[email protected]

Subject: Pancreatic Cancer Screening Project


Your project sounds promising. I’ll be visiting Columbia university in about two weeks. Why don’t we chat then?



Tom Pierce, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Department of Biological Sciences, Harvard University

Her heart pounded in her chest as she stared at the email, slowing down to a slow skipping as she processed it. After months of trying, she finally had a response and from Harvard?

This was a good sign, right?

Forming her response, she sent him a detailed proposal of her proposal involving blood biomarkers and the list of her peer reviewed journals. If she was able to get in touch with a specialised cancer researcher at Harvard, this would be big for her project.

Heading for the break room with slightly lifted spirits, she pushed through the doors, only to in shock at the person standing in front of her.

“Natasha! You scared the shit out of me.”

“Y/N.” Her voice was low as she said her name, testing the waters. She never said her name like that. It was off-putting.

“How are you-”

“The other night.” Natasha’s face was serious as she stared at Y/N with an uncertainty painted on her features.

“-doing?” She cursed herself internally. This was not going as she planned.

“Dr. Strange.”

She paused, “Yeah?”

Natasha stared at her, “Dr. Stephen. Strange.”

She averted her gaze, “What about him?”

“I saw you together.”

“Oh, really?” Y/N sounded surprised, putting off the fact she had seen Natasha.

“Yes. Here in the department.”

“Oh, uh, I didn’t see you, otherwise I would have said hi.”

“Y/n/n. I saw you. With Strange. You know I saw you and I know you know that I saw you. That’s why you’ve been avoiding me.”

“I haven’t been avoiding you. I’ve just been busy.” She apologized.

Natasha gave her a ‘bullshit’ look that actually sent her heart rate spiking.

“You haven’t responded to any of my texts in two days. We usually text every few hours.”

“Something is up with my phone. The battery is gone. I’ve been too busy to fix it.”

“Busy?” Her eyebrows raised, “Like too busy kissing Strange?” She pursued her lips.

Her eyes widened significantly, “You saw that…” Her voice trailed off, clutching the mug in her hand tightly.

“It was the strangest kiss I’ve ever seen. Pun, not intended. It was bizarre, no offence, Y/N.”

Calm, just stay calm. She steadied her shaky hands.

“I don’t know, I’d say there are a lot of weirder kisses. Like-take the upside-down Spiderman kiss-”

Natasha cut her off, “Y/n/n, you said you were on a date that night…” She slowly leaned in, “You’re not dating Strange, are you?”

If Y/N admitted right now to Natasha that it was all fake and that she did it for her - all so she would go on a date with Steve, she there was a chance she might not trust her again. She wanted the best for Natasha, because she was the person that finally made her feel not so alone in this world. They’d been friends since first year undergrad and that meant a lot of time and understanding. And so, she did the right thing and moved along with her plan.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean that we tell each other everything, we talk every day and suddenly your ghosting me? You’ve never mentioned Strange before and now you’re seeing him and I have no clue about it. It’s a bit-I don’t know…shocking to me.” She sighed, “You know his reputation, right? Is this a joke? Do you have a brain tumour? Do I have a brain tumour?”

Y/N sighed. This was the problem with lying, you always had to cover your previous lies with more carefully constructed tales. Her heart was pounding in her chest as she stared at Natasha, unsure of what to say-


The voice was deep, a low register in her ears as she turned to look at Dr. Stephen Strange standing at her side. The more stunning observation was the feeling of his hand on the small of her back. Her eyes almost bulged out of their sockets as she turned her neck to look at him, “Oh. Uh, hey,”

“Is everything okay?” He was talking to her in a low voice, almost as if they were alone and Natasha wasn’t standing right there.

“Yeah.” She nodded, “Yeah, everything is great. Natasha and I were just…chatting about our weekends.” Causing Stephen to look at Natasha and acknowledge that she was there, nodding to her briefly. His hand slid lower to rest on her waist, but she wasn’t sure from another perspective what that looked like.

“Nice to meet you, Natasha. I’ve heard a lot about you.” Damn, how was he so good at this? So good at lying?

“It’s nice to meet you too.” Natasha looked shocked, covering it with a slight smile, “Um, I’m just about to leave so I’ll see you later, Y/n/n. I’ll text you…”

She was gone from sight before Y/N could form the words, leaving her with Stephen Strange and his hand that pressed into her waist.

“Is everything okay?” He repeated now that they were alone.

“Yes,” she stared at him, unsure of exactly what just happened. “Yeah, I just…” Her face twisted in confusion.

“Thank you.” She said, finally turning to face him.

“You’re welcome.”

“Did you hear what she said, about Friday?”

“Yes. That’s why I…” He nodded, retracting his hand from her waist.

She nodded, “I also couldn’t help but notice the lack of letter in my mail. No visit from the FBI either within the past seventy-two hours.”

His lips twisted into a smirk, “Is that so?”

“Makes me think that maybe you haven’t filed that Title IX complaint. Even though it’s in your rights and I should probably stop talking right now. So thank you…for stepping in. You saved me a lot of trouble.”

Stephen stared at her, unsure of her statement with a look he wore in seminars and workshops when people mixed up theory and hypothesis. “You shouldn’t need someone to step in for you.”

Y/N felt herself stiffen, “Not as if I asked for you to do anything. I was handling it myself-”

“And I could tell it was going excellently.” He deadpanned, “You shouldn’t need to fabricate lies about your relationship status.” He continued, “Especially not so that your friend and your ex can be together guilt-free. That isn’t how friendship works.”

So he had been listening.

“It’s not like that.” He raised an eyebrow in response.

“It isn’t.” She narrowed her eyes. “Steve was never my boyfriend and Natasha didn’t ask me to do any of this. I’m not a victim in this…I just want her to be happy.”

“At your own expense?” He replied, “By lying to her?”

“Well…she thinks we’re dating.”

“Wasn’t that the point?”

“Yeah.” She took a sip from her mug, the coffee now a lukewarm, “I’m Y/N Y/L/N, by the way. In case you were still looking to submit that complaint. I’m a Ph.D. student in Dr Xavier’s lab-”

He cut her off, “-I know who you are.”

She was stumped, staring at him for a moment, trying to imagine him rummaging through student profiles to find her. “Okay.”

“I’m Stephen. Strange. I’m faculty in-”

She all but laughed in his face until she noticed his confused expression and paused to explain. “I’m sorry. I know who you are too, Dr. Strange.”

“You should probably call me Stephen too.”

Her eyebrows raised, “Oh, no. I couldn’t.” Grad couldn’t call faculty by their first names, it was not supposed to be like that.

“If Natasha happens to be around.” He continued.

“Oh, yes. That makes sense.” She agreed, “I hadn’t thought of that. If it’s okay with you. I’m gonna head home, because this whole thing has been kind of stressful.

He nodded, "I’ll walk you to your car.”

“I think I’ll be okay.”

“In case Natasha is still around.”

It was a kind offer, she was surprised. It didn’t fit the so-called reputation everyone had denoted the Dr. “Thanks, but it’s okay. I’ll be fine.”

He continued, “I’d feel better if you let me walk you to your car.”

She mustered a smile, “I don’t have a car.” I’m a grad student living on campus and studying full-time, I can’t afford one on less than thirty-thousand a year.

“Do you take the bus?”

“I bike. It’s just at the entrance of the building.”

He paused, opening his mouth and closing it. Y/N was late before she realised, she was staring at those lips. The lips she had kissed.

“There are no bike lanes around.”

She shrugged, “I like to live dangerously. I have a helmet.”

Setting her mug down, she turned to leave “I’ll, uh, see you around.”

He sighed, “Yeah. Okay.”


“Is this a prank? Are you pranking me to get back at me for something? Where are the cameras?”

“It’s not a prank. There are no cameras.” Y/N adjusted the strap of her bag, “Although, speaking of cameras, you look good, especially for seven-thirty in the morning.”

“Thanks. Last night, I did one of those face masks you bought me and I got a new mascara.” Before she could ask, Y/N nodded in understanding. Steve and Natasha worked on the same floor, making the chances of them interacting much higher. She hid a smile.

“Okay. So if this isn’t a prank, then there must be some other reason I’m missing.”

“Oh my god, are you in trouble? Do you need help because I have ties with law enforcement and-”

“Natasha.” She gripped her shoulders, “I am fine. I’m not in trouble. I just went out on a single date with Strange.”

Natasha’s face scrunched, dragging her friend to sit on a bench, “Do you remember last semester when you were sick and I nursed you back to health?”

“Yes, I remember it vividly.”

“Well, that’s a reminder that I am here for you. No matter how many gross things I need to get through to make sure you’re okay.”

“Thanks, Nat. Not for the slightly insulting comment, but the support is much appreciated.”

“We’re a team. You and I. And Sam, when he’s not so focused on other things. So is Strange secretly an alien infiltrating humanity or-”

“Oh, my god! It was one date!”

“I’m just confused. I’m trying to understand.” Natasha pleaded.

“I know but-there isn’t anything to understand, Nat. I went out with the guy once.”

“But, why? You’re beautiful and smart and you have excellent taste in movies, why would you go out with Stephen Strange?”

She was stumped for an answer, “Because…he’s nice.”

“Nice? Stephen 'ass’ Strange?”

“Yeah…he’s nice and kind…and he understands me.” Natasha raised her eyebrows in disbelief, “He’s a nice asshole.”

“Okay, so you went from dating someone amazing like Steve to going out with Stephen Strange.”

Perfect. This was the opening she needed to move onto the next subject

“I did, and happily because Steve and I never clicked. I never cared about him that way. It wasn’t difficult to move on. Which is why, Nat, you should accept his offer and go out with him. I know you like him and I’m so sure or his feelings for you. You should do it for yourself. You deserve it.”

“I don’t know. Maybe…” Until her phone beeped, “Crap. I’ve got a mentoring meeting and I need to run two assays. Want to meet for lunch?”

“Can’t. I have a TA meeting.” Y/N smiled, “Why don’t you see if Steve is free?”

Before she left, Nat turned once more with her bag in hand, “Is he blackmailing you?”

A laugh bubbled from her throat, “What?”

“Is Strange blackmailing you? Does he know that you’re weird and you’re always freakishly cold?”

“What? No. He is not blackmailing me.” She shook her head.

“Okay.” Nat raised her hands in defence, “I had to check.”

“It’s flattering you think Strange would go to these lengths to get me to date him.”

“You’re beautiful and smart. Anyone would be lucky to have the privilege, Y/n/n.”


Steve was acting weird around Y/N that day when she finally walked into the boarding room. He looked at her from his desk three, maybe five times. This was more attention he paid to her than when they were dating. Looking back at her email, she forwarded the response to meet up with Dr. Pierce to chat about her screening project.

Eventually, another fourth year walked in and sat next to Steve, whispering and looking over at her table. She paid no attention, focusing on the timely response from Dr Pierce, informing her he was on sabbatical for the moment and was in fact, going to be there in a few days to talk with a Columbia collaborator. She had a few days to convince this Professor of her project and it’s significance. No pressure.

Suddenly looking up, she sensed more eyes on her and recognised the group eyeing her on the spot. A seventh year she had never talked to before spoke up, “Hi, Y/N.”

“Hi,” she replied, unsure of the attention.

“How are you?”


“That’s good.” He muttered.

“And you?” Trying to appear normal


Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he walked off toward. Things got weirder from there - namely when Dr. Xavier appeared and asked her if there was anything she wanted to tell her. Another grad let her use the PCR machine first, people literally opening doors for her. It was a day taking a disturbing turn.

“You sneaky woman.” Sam muttered, “I’ve been trying to contact you all day.”

“What for?” she looked up from her bench, “I forgot my phone at home.“

"I cannot believe it.” he shook his head.

“Believe what?" 

"Believe you.”

Her eyes narrowed, “What are you talking about exactly?“

"I didn’t believe it at first. I thought we were close friends.” he crossed his arms.

“We are.” she nodded, but he continued in spite of this.

“Good friends.”

“Sam, is there a reason for this?”

“Clearly we aren’t friends then if I had to hear it from Stella, who heard it from Jess, who heard it from Steve, who heard it from Natasha-”

“Hear what?”

“I’m done. I’m changing my Netflix password. You can fend for yourself.”

“Sam, what did you hear?”

“That you’re dating Stephen Strange.”

Oh no.


Y/n had never stepped foot in Strange ’s lab before but today would be different as she pushed the doors open and eyes fell on her. She stiffened and found him, awkwardly moving inside.

“May I speak with you in private for a moment, Dr. Strange? It’s important.” She smiled weakly. He nodded, handing back the paper to his student and lead her into an empty office.

“Everyone knows.” She blurted out.

“Are you okay?”

She shook her head, running a hand down her face, “Nevermind that. Everyone knows. About us.”


“Yes.Us. Dating-not that we are, but Natasha clearly believed so and she told Steve, who told everyone. Now everyone knows, but there isn’t anything to actually know. As you and I…know.”

“…when you say everyone?”

“I mean everyone. Those people. The other grads. Cherie, the department secretary. She totally knows. Dr. Xavier. They all think I’m dating a professor.”

“I see.”

“I’m sorry this happened. I wasn’t thinking and now we’re in this- I just don’t know why Steve would tell everyone.”

“Why wouldn’t he?”

“What do you mean?”

“A grad student dating a faculty member seems like an interesting piece of information to share.” he gestured. “It’s no wonder he talked.”

“It isn’t that interesting, per say. Why would he be interested?”

“Someone told me gossip in this department is the worst.” He pointed out, a hint of a smirk.

“Alright, alright. Point taken, Dr.”

“This is-a mess. We need to do something before-” she paused, “We need to tell people it’s not true. Except they’ll think I’m crazy or they won’t believe it and then-”

“What would Natasha and what’s-his-face do, huh?” His expression hardened.

“What?” She breathed.

“What would they do if they found out? Won’t they feel bad you lied to them about dating if they were together?”

“Maybe,” she shook her head, “I don’t know.”

“Are you going to tell her the truth?”

“I don’t know. I can’t. Not now.” She looked at him, “Maybe we can tell people I broke up with you.”

“Flattering.” He lifted his brows.

“Fine. You broke up with me.” She offered.

“Because that sounds credible.” He replied drily. She wasn’t sure what to take from that.

“Mutual breakup?”

“Sounds good.” He nodded, folding his hands.

“Really? Great-”

“We could ask Cherie to put in the department announcements and everyone should know soon.” He smiled, tilting his head.

“Huh?” She paused, standing in front of him.

“A public announcement would be better, no?”

She huffed, “Okay, fine.”

He studied her with a calm look that stumped her; far from the expectations she drew from Stephen 'Ass’ Strange. “If what bothers you is that people are talking about you dating a professor, the damage is already done. Telling people otherwise won’t change what they think.”

Y/N clicked her tongue against her teeth and held her arms to herself in exhaustion. “Okay. If you have any better idea of how to fix this, I’m all ears-”

“You could let them think what they want.”

She wasn’t so sure she heard him correctly.

“You can let people go on thinking we’re dating. It solves your problem and you don’t have much to lose…”

Y/N raised her eyebrows in response, “From a reputation standpoint, things cannot get any worse from here on out.”

She was completely out of her depths.

“Seems like a win-win to me.”

It seemed more like a lose-lose, really.

“For how long?”

“Whatever works best, I guess.”

Her eyes narrowed in confusion, “Are you not…I don’t know, married or something?”

He must have been in his thirties. He has a fantastic job, clearly smart and attractive looking. He was also built. Yeah, he could be moody and a bit critical, but a lot of women could look past that. Some might even like that.

“My wife and twins won’t mind.”

Her eyes but bulged out of her head at his comment. Something twisted in her stomach, threatening to throw up everything from her body. A wave of heat passed over her as she watched him. “Oh my god -”


“I had no idea-”

“Y/N, I was joking. I’m not married. No kids either.”

Her eyes hardened, “Dr. Strange, that is not something to joke about-”

He interrupted her, yet again, “You should really start calling me Stephen. Only normal for people who are dating.” He wore a sweet smile in response. Sweet smile twisted with mischief, that was for sure.

“What do you get out of this?”

It was his turn to be confused, “Out of what?”

Y/N paused in thought, studying Stranger’s face before it crossed her mind. Stephen watched her tilt her head and a snort left her. “Pretending to date me. What’s in it for you?”

She watched as Stephen opened his mouth and for a moment it looked as if he was going to actually say something of importance before he averted his eyes and leaned against the desk. “It would help you out.” He sighed, “I also have my own reasons.”

“And what are those?”

He was curt, “Reasons.”

“If it’s criminal, I’d rather not be involved if that can be helped.”

He smiled in that way that sent her heart skipping a beat, “It’s not.”

A huff left her mouth as she scrutinized him for answers, “If you don’t tell me, I’ll just assume you’re affiliated with something nefarious. Like arson. Or kidnapping.”

He appeared focused, watching her as a beat passed between them with each tap against his bicep. He stared for a moment longer before he relented, “If I tell you, not a word can leave this room.”

“I think we can agree that nothing said in this room can ever be repeated for a number of reasons.” She relaxed her face, sensing the tension lingering there.

“Point taken.” He agreed, pausing for a second before he sighed, “Okay. I’m considered a flight risk.”

“Flight risk? Are you planning on travelling or-So it is something criminal?” She moved slightly forward, crossing her arms.

“What? No. The department suspects I’m making plans to leave Columbia and move to another institution. Normally, I wouldn’t be bothered by this sort of thing, but the university has decided to freeze my funds.”

Realisation washed over her, “Oh. Can they?”

“Up to a third of them. The reasoning is that they don’t want to fund research and further the career of someone they believe is going to leave.”

“But if it’s only a third, surely-”

“It’s millions of dollars. Money I had marked for projects I planned to finish within the next year. Here. Which means I need those funds soon.”

Finally, it all made sense.

“Why do they think you’ll leave?”

“There’s a number of things. The most relevant? I was awarded a grant a few weeks ago - a very large one - with a scientist from another institution. They’ve tried to recruit me many times and Columbia sees the collaboration as an indicator of my willingness to accept.” He continued, “More generally? I’ve been made aware that appearances matter to the department, seeing my lack of roots as a want to flee Columbia.”


“Most grads will be done in the year. I have no family here. No wife. No children. I’m currently renting and I…I’d have to buy a house to convince the department otherwise. Being in a relationship…that would really help.”

“Alright.” She nodded, gesturing, “All of that made sense, but have you considered getting a real girlfriend?”

“Have you considered getting a real date?”

She halted, nodding “Touché.”

Y/N could have laughed at the situation as the man she should have been frightened of, or at least put off by, was now the only person who knew of her worst mistake. It was intimidating, but also liberating now to at least know of an equal opportunity here.

“It would be complicated.”

“What would be?”

“Pretending to be a couple.” she clarified.

“It would be complicated to make people believe we are dating?” he pressed his lips together.

“It would be difficult to make it convincing for a long period.”

“It’ll be fine as long as you say hi to me in the hallways and stop calling me Dr. Strange.”

“People who are dating don’t just say hi to each other.” She argued.

“And what do people that are dating do, exactly?”

Okay, so maybe she wasn’t an expert on the topic, but she was dedicated and determined, if anything. A bookworm and a lover of romance, so the fictional world would have to do. They had things in common, what with being in the same department and academia.

“They do activities together. Like going to the movies, having picnics and getting dinner.”

“You could just tell Natasha we went to see a movie. Sounds like she would take care of the rest and let everyone know.”

“Actually, it was Steve. Let’s agree to blame Steve for everything.” She blinked, relaxing her hands on her hips, “People who date talk - they know things about each other and they hug. They kiss.”

Stephen, leaned against that desk with his arms crossed against his chest in that way that flexed his arms, pressed his lips together to hide something. “We could never do that.”

A heat flushed over as her mouth fell agape, looking to the back of the room. She could feel his gaze on her and she sighed, an apology dying in her throat. “Glad to know my embarrassment is amusing to you.”

“I wouldn’t say you are 'amusing’.”

“No, but you are enjoying this.” She concluded.

“To a certain degree.”

Her eyebrows raised, hiding her flush behind a blank expression, lest she fall over from an unassuming tease or remark.

A worn laugh left her as she sighed, falling into her hands as she rubbed her eyes tiredly, “This is the worst.”

Stephen was smiling, it was cute and revealed dimples. It made him more handsome. “Yep.”

“And it’s my fault.” she trailed off, closing her eyes.

“Pretty much. Although I’ll admit, I did kind of encourage Natasha yesterday. But yeah, it is mostly your fault.”

Her eyes widened as she suddenly thought of something, “Wait, isn’t there an issue with you being faculty and me being a graduate student?”

He tilted his head, the smile leaving as he thought over it, “It wouldn’t look great but there shouldn’t be an issue since I have no authority over you. I can ask around.”

It was an epically bad idea, but after the mistake she made and the lie, it would be messier than what this entitled. “Is it alright if I think it over?”

“Of course.” He replied calmly. His tone was stumped her yet again, unlike the Professor many had told her about.

Before leaving, she turned to him “And thank you, for understanding. And for offering, Stephen.” His name came out like an afterthought as she tried it out.

“No problem, Y/N.” Slightly smiling at the end as she took her leave.


@goldencherriess@severuined@thewinterpoet2@pasta-warlord@typical-bistander@judig92@captainbarness @gaitwae@sleutherclaw@angstsfordays@mavsketch@mando-is-the-way@samisubi@liar-liar13@evelynrosestuff@stanny-uwu@colorfuly-blog04@frostandflamesfanfic

The Love Hypothesis (1/22) - Stephen Strange x Reader

Summary: Y/N Y/L/N is a PhD student who wants to prove to her best friend that she has moved on and dating. With no way to prove it, she kisses the first man she sees, which ends up being none other than Dr. Strange, known as one of the most unapproachable and critical professors in the university.

A/N: AU! Stephen Strange is a Professor/Doctor at Columbia University and reader is a Ph.D. student (Reader - 28, Stephen - 34). Credits to Ali Hazelwood for the original story. This work is a piece of fiction. I have no ownership over anything, this is ff.

Pairing: Stephen Strange X fem! Reader

Word count: 2K


Two years, Eleven months later

In all honesty, Y/N wasn’t exactly sure what motivated her to take the leap and kiss this man. It was a mere instinctive movement toward the first man in sight upon seeing Natasha walk through those doors at the end of the hall. She was supposed to be on a date, living life and not working on her project on another Friday night. That wasn’t normal, nor was it exactly along the standard procedure of your average 28-year old.

Initially, it was an awkward second before the man adjusted, perfectly understandable given the circumstances of their situation. It became an awkward minute of her pressing onto her tip-toes to reach his face, her hands curved around his neck to press against him. If this wasn’t criteria for the most uncomfortable encounter with a stranger, she was clueless to what would beat it. She pondered if this would even work until he finally responded and the prospect of Natasha possibly believing she was actually on a date with this man could be true.

Soon enough, that agonising moment drifted into something else and the kiss evolved into something…different. The man inhaled sharply and craned his neck down to reach her, his cold hands meeting her waist. It was quite nice for the few seconds, until the real prospect of the stranger’s lips pressed against her’s became prominent at the front of her brain. The fact she had barely had the time to whisper, ‘Can I kiss you?’ before she moved in.

Her original plan was to fool Natasha, but soon enough she lost all scape of her thoughts, engrossed in the embrace. The sensation of his hands on her waist and the softness of his lips. One of her hands rested on his defined chest, another hand slowly grasping the hair at the back of his neck. She felt herself sigh, a wonderous feeling clouding her brain as that feeling washed through her body until - No.

She should not be enjoying this as much as she was. Y/N didn’t even know this man’s name. A gasp escaped her as she pulled back and finally got a good look at the man. In the bluish glow of the lab at this late hour, 11:00pm, she flickered around for Natasha. She swore she saw the redhead walking through those doors.

The man she locked lips with just a moment ago stood in front of her - mouth agape in slight shock, eyebrows twisted in confusion, which is when the thought crashed into her of who he was. She would have cursed, but then he would have heard the range of expletives from her mouth. 

Of course, she kissed the most notorious ass at Columbia University - Dr. Stephen Strange. It was just her luck and possibly the universe saying another thing about the type of person she was. Or possibly, something else entirely.

From the rumours, she knew a few things about Dr. Stephen Strange. He was remarkable. Eidetic memory, allowing him to get his M.D and Ph.D. at the same time. He was the top of his class and renowned for failing his students. He was also the reason her roommate, Sam, had to scrap two research projects and would likely graduate one year later. The sole culprit for nearly making students throw up from anxiety. The source of many students leaving their lab crying because they had to delay their projects. Dr. Stephen Strange may be one of the smartest people at Columbia, but that didn’t detract from his daunting hypercritical personality. Within these walls, he was a notoriously moody, obnoxious and critical dick. 

And she had just made out with him in a hallway.

She almost dropped to the floor in anxiety, the silence lasting far longer than it should have. He was the one to break it, standing there in all his 6 ft. glory, with his dark hair and those grey streaks on the side. They should have made him look older, but it rather gave him this edge that she found attractive as his gorgeous blue eyes popped.

Stephen Strange

Destroyer of research careers and every biology student’s impending doom.

“Did you…did you just kiss me?” he sounded puzzled and almost out of breath, which confused her for a second. His lips were pink and slightly fuller…those lips that she had just kissed. Her eyes fell shut as she swore internally, the prospect of leaving here without an awkward conversation was miniscule.


“Oh, alright then.” he twisted his body around and moved toward the water fountain down the hall, presumably where he was initially headed toward. She thought she off the hook for a moment, until-

“Are you sure?” he twisted back toward her, a smirk on his mouth that struck something in her stomach as her body froze.

“I-” she buried her face in her hands, flushing away from him, “It’s not what it looks like. I swear.”

“Okay,” he replied slowly, “Okay…I-”

His voice was deep and low, almost like he was stowing away his frustration. Or he was on his way to being frustrated. “What’s going on here?”

She pulled her hands away, not entirely sure of what her next move was. “Look, I don’t mean to be rude, but is it really any of your business?”

“Yes. Of course.” he wore a tilted smile, a glint of mischief in his eyes. “I’ll just go back to my office and work on my Title IX complaint.”

“Yes, right-wait, what?”

He cocked his head, “Title IX is a federal law that protects against sexual misconduct within academic settings-”

“I know what Title IX is.” she replied, staring at him wide-eyed.

“I see. So you wilfully chose to disregard it then.” he pointed out.

“I-what? No, no I did not!” 

Stephen shrugged, “I must be mistaken, then. Someone else must have assaulted me.”

“Assault-I didn’t ‘assault’ you.”

“You kissed me.”

“But not really.”

“Without first securing my consent, might I add.”

“I asked if I could kiss you!” she stared at him, mouth agape.

“And then did so without waiting for my response.”

“What? You said yes.”

“Excuse me?” he leaned down, his lips curving into astonishment.

She straightened her posture, slightly disturbed by his height and sight on her as she flickered back to his eyes. “I asked if I could kiss you and you said yes.”

He crossed his arms against his chest, “Incorrect. You asked if you could kiss me and I snorted.”

Her eyes narrowed, I’m pretty sure I heard you say yes.”

Stephen raised an eyebrow at her, and for a minute, Y/N considered what it would be to drown someone that day. Dr. Strange. Herself. Both were suitable options.

“Listen, I am truly sorry about this-weird situation, but can we just forgot it ever happened?”

He studied her for a moment, his high cheekbones and sculpted face turning into something serious as he looked at her. There was something else there too, not which she could decipher as it morphed into concern? 

She had known he was tall and slightly older than her, but she had never stood in the same room as him, nor this close. The rumours had forgotten to mention the intimidating and gorgeous features the Dr. had.

“Is there something wrong?”

“What?” she shook her head, “No. Why would you think that?”

He huffed, “Well, I suppose kissing a stranger in a lab at this late hour begs to differ.”

“No, there isn’t. There isn’t anything wrong.”

Stephen nodded, moving to walk past her, “Okay. Expect mail in the next few days.”

“You don’t even know my name.” she blurted out, unsure of why that was precisely what she should be concerned about.

“I’m sure anyone could figure it out, given you also had to swipe your badge to gain access to the lab after hours. Goodnight.”

“Wait! Please.” she grasped his hand, a warm flush reaching her wrist until she realised what she did again. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to-again,”

“The kiss. Explain.” he ordered.

Wide-eyed, she sighed and organised herself. “Natasha Romanoff. The girl who was passing through. She is a graduate student in the biology department.”

“Natasha has…” this is where her face flushed in embarrassment, “I was seeing someone in the department. Steve Rogers, he has blonde hair and works with Dr…Anyway, we only went out a couple of times, and then I brought him to her birthday party, and they sort of hit it off and-” she swallowed her words and shut her eyes. This was probably a bad idea, waving her hand and continuing.

“Long story short, we ended things and he asked Natasha out. Thing is, she said no because of…some code amongst friends and I-I can tell she really likes him. She’s afraid she’ll hurt my feelings or something, despite the number of times I’ve told her it was fine. She won’t believe me.”

“So I lied and said that I was already dating someone else. She’s my closest friend and I’d never seen her so hung up on someone and I want her to have the best-what she deserves and-” realising she was rambling, she inhaled sharply “I told her that I was on a date tonight.”

“Ah.” he finally spoke up.

“Obviously I wasn’t so I decided to work. That panned out pretty well until I saw her walk in. You were the first person I saw and…” she sighed, “I didn’t really think.”

He hadn’t said anything yet.

“I just wanted her to believe that I was on a date. I’m sorry for the confusion.”

“So you kissed the first person you saw? That seems perfectly logical.” he nodded.

“Okay, maybe it wasn’t my best moment.”


“I panicked, alright. I don’t always do well under pressure. Besides, I’m pretty sure Natasha saw us, so hopefully she’ll think we were on a date and she will actually go for Steve-” she shook her head, “Look, I’m really, really sorry about the kiss.”

“Are you?” the sides of his mouth twisted into a smirk.

“Please don’t report me. I really thought I heard you say yes. I didn’t mean to-”

She sighed, the reality of the situation hitting her as she sighed and relinquished the tension from her face, absolving to wear a tired smile. “You know what, you’re right. I’m sorry. If you felt harassed in any way, you should report it. It’s only fair…Not that my intentions matter, it’s your perception…” realising the whole she dug for herself, Y/N angled her body to leave.

“I should probably leave now before I make it worse. Thank you, and…I’m sorry, Dr.” spinning on her shoes, she all but ran for the exit.

“Y/N,” she heard him say, “Y/N, wait-”

But she didn’t stop as her feet kept moving toward the stairs leading to the first floor. She rushed through the halls and the past the library toward her dorm room where her roommate would be passed out. 

But once she slumped on her bed, tossing the lab coat from her person did she realise. She never told Dr. Stephen Strange, notorious ass, her name.




Summary: Y/N Y/L/N is a PhD student who wants to prove to her best friend that she has moved on and dating. With no way to prove it, she kisses the first man she sees, which ends up being none other than Dr. Strange, known as one of the most unapproachable and critical professors in the university.

A/N: AU! Stephen Strange is a Professor/Doctor and reader is a Ph.D. student studying at the same college (Reader - 28, Stephen - 34). @eviesaurusrex credit for the photo. For the life of me, I could not find a gif to match the story. Credits to Ali Hazelwood for the original story. Some chapters will be exclusively from the novel, others I will spin my way. I do not own anything, this is my reinterpretation of the novel with MCU characters.

Pairing: Stephen Strange X fem! Reader

Word Count:2.1K


Some would say the timing for love and romance was never fair, nor suitable. In most cases, it probably wasn’t, but Y/N could use some of that magic just about now. Something to take the edge off the exponential stress growing with each day all because of her dissertation.

The life of a college student was by far, no means easy or as exciting as movies or books painted them out to be. While some aspects, like the copious amounts of coffee consumed to finish that report, were slightly accurate; the exaggeration was obvious on the fun spectrum. Y/N Y/L/N didn’t exactly have time nor the mental energy to be doing anything besides working on her dissertation project. Once you decide to even pursue past your Bachelor’s, you give up the reigns to any type of social life.

At least that is what she told her best friend. Natasha didn’t understand all of the factors playing into the pressure she was under with her thesis. She was focused right now on the fact of Y/N’s lacklustre dating life. At least the conversation only began after her and Steve broke things off.

Y/N was a biology graduate and this was her final year - that meant finishing up her thesis and finding someone to, hopefully, fund her research after all of the effort and tears to get here. Frankly, the one occasion that kind of changed her perspective on grad school was an encounter with someone she denoted as ‘the Guy’. A guy whose name she never got, but he certainly made an impression.

On the morning of her interview to Columbia’s biology department, she stumbled quite fast out of her dorm, without her glasses of course, resorting to an old pair of contacts stashed in her bag.

“Out of curiosity, is there a reason you’re crying in my restroom?” A deep voice asked.

She gasped lightly, wiping her eyes gently when her vision blurred even more. Tears leaked from her eyes as she looked up.

Tall, dark haired, man. Certainly wasn’t the women’s bathroom then.

“…this isn’t the women’s bathroom, then.” She sighed, pulling her hands from her face.

“No, it’s not.” He replied, a dreamy voice reaching her ears.

“I swear I don’t usually do this. I’ve had a stressful morning.”

“It’s okay.” His voice sounded nice.

“Are you sure?” her face twisted in embarrassment, a heat flushing her face.

“Yes.” the voice assured her.


“Fairly, since this is my lab’s bathroom and I don’t think anyone else will be using it. Not unless they barge in unsuspecting of others.”

Yet again, she was stumped. 

“I’m so sorry, did you need to…”, gesturing to the stall behind her.

“I just needed to pour this reagent down the drain.” He said, although she wasn’t focused on that and rather self-consciously moving her hands to her face to wipe away at warm sensation in her eyes. "Are you okay?“

"Sure.” She nodded, inhaling lightly as she forced herself to ignore the urge to itch her eyes. “Why do you ask?”

“Because you’re crying. In my bathroom.”

“Oh, I’m not crying. Well, I am, but it’s not because of anything, really.” She assured.


“I forgot my glasses and I might have accidentally put in expired contacts. They were never great to begin with. Don’t actually improve my sight that well either…”

“You put in expired contacts?” He almost sounded offended by her statement.

“Yes?” She supposed, slumping against the tile wall. His echo of disapproval was obvious as he questioned her. “A little…”

“What quantifies as 'a little’?”

“A few years, I think.”

What?” His voice was crisp in her ears as he voiced his astonishment.

“A couple years.”

“A couple of years.” He repeated, “I’m not so sure that’s what they intended with the user guide.”

“It’s fine, expiration dates are just a recommendation. Not like it could make my vision any worse than it already is.”

“Expiration dates are so I don’t find you here crying in the corner of my bathroom.”

Why he kept reaffirming it as his bathroom was beyond her. As if he was entitled to the restroom for some other reason.

“It’s okay.” She waved, “The burning should stop after a few minutes. Or so.”

“So you’ve done this before then?”


“Put in expired contacts?”

“Nope.” She shook her head, “Never. I prefer my glasses. Contacts aren’t exactly cheap.”

“Neither are eyes, I hear.”

She couldn’t argue there when he had a point. “Have we met before? Where you at the recruitment dinner with prospective Ph.D. students last night?”


“You didn’t go?”

“Not really my scene.” He was curt.

“Not even for the free food?" What college student wasn’t trying to snag free food at any chance? It was free, that was the perk.

"Not worth the awkward small talk.” He changed the subject, “Are you interviewing for a spot in the program?”

“For next year’s Biology cohort.” She wore a small smile, hoping to hide the anxieties fluttering in her mind. “What about you?” Pressing her palms together.

“Me?” she could see him step back and lean against the door of the bathroom to look at her.

“How long have you been here for?”

“Probably six years. Give or take.”

Her eyebrows raised in intrigue, “Oh, you must be graduating soon then?”

“I, uh-Not exactly.” He paused, causing Y/N to flush in embarrassment.

“Sorry, you don’t have to tell me. I forgot, first rule of grad school is don’t ask about another grads’ dissertation timeline.”

A beat passed before he responded, smiling “Right.”

“Sorry. Again.” she grasped her arms to her chest, an apologetic smile on her lips.

“It’s okay.”

“I didn’t mean to channel your parents at Thanksgiving or anything.”

“You could never.” He laughed, a beautiful sound she wished to hear again.

“Oh, annoying parents?”

“And even worse Thanksgivings.” He reaffirmed.

“I suppose that’s a given for science majors.”

“I’m Y/N, by the way.” Extending her hand out. The hand that grasped her’s was larger and warm, sending shivers along her arm as she wrought to focus. “If you happen to talk to anyone on the committee, could you not mention my mishap with the expired contacts? I have a feeling it’s not up to their criteria for stellar applicants.”

“You think so?”

She would have glared at him, instead, forcing her face into a neutral expression at his deadpanned response.

“Are you planning to enrol?”

“I’m not sure. Depends if I even get an offer.” Although, she and Professor Xavier had really clicked. He was understanding of her goals and her stellar GPA also helped. Not having a social life was useful in other ways.

“Are you planning to enrol if you get an offer, then?”

It would be stupid not to, I mean - Columbia University had the best medical and science programs in the state and probably the country. At least, that is what she had been telling herself for the past few months while it dwindled over her head. Grad school was a big decision that posed the question of other prospects outside of studying. The prospect of new beginnings. But that brought her right back here when he reminded her of something else.

“I…maybe. I’m kind of dwindling on the line of excellent career choice and critical life screwup at this stage. Not my best work.”

“Seems like you’re leaning toward screwup.” It sounded almost like he was smiling, the slight tilt of his voice upward. It brought a flutter to her stomach, but the not the anxious kind that twisted her insides. It was a light feeling that fluttered toward her chest.

“If that was supposed to be reassuring, I’ll tell you, it wasn’t.” To answer his question, she thought it over again.

“No. I’m not entirely sure.” She breathed out a laugh, “I…”


A beat passed as she exhaled, her lips forming a tight line “What if I’m not good enough? What if I-mess it up?”

She wasn’t sure why she was blurting out her deepest thoughts to a stranger. Random bathroom guy without a name. What was the point? Every time she had spoken her friends, she was met with the same meaningless point - You’ll be fine. You can do it. If it’s what you want. I believe in you.

And that is exactly what she expected from this guy too. It was to expect the expected, in her case. Any moment now-

“Why do you want to do it?”

Her face twisted into confusion, “The program?" 

A beat passed before he repeated it, "What’s your reason?”

“Well, I’ve always had an inquisitive outlook and graduate school is the ideal environment to foster that-”

He snorted, cutting off her practiced words.

A frown twisted her face, her heart pounding in her chest at the response, “What?”

“I wasn’t asking for the line in the interview prep book. Why do you want a Ph.D.?”

She sighed, wondering how far she had moved to end up explaining herself to a stranger in a bathroom. “It’s true. I want to broaden my research abilities and-”

“Is it because you don’t know what else to do?”


“Because you didn’t get an industry position?”

She shook her head adamantly, frustrated with his assumptions, “No-I didn’t apply for industry.”

“Ah.” He nodded, moving toward the sink to deposit a liquid. It smelled of ethanol, detergent and something clean and fresh, the slightest whiff of cologne. An odd combination brought to her attention.

“I need more freedom than industry can provide me.”

“You won’t have much freedom in academia. I can tell you that.” His voice was much closer this time. “You’ll have to fund your work through ludicrously competitive research grants. You would make better money through a nine-to-five job that actually allows you to entertain the concept of weekends.”

A frown formed on her lips as she turned to his face, or the blurred image of where his face would be, “Are you just trying to decline my offer? This is you’re anti expired-contacts-campaign?”

“Nah.” She could hear the smile in his voice. “I’m trusting it was just a misstep on your part.”

“I don’t usually do this-” she promised, “This has never happened before.”

“A long line of missteps, clearly.” He sighed, “Here’s the deal: I have no idea if you’re good enough, but that isn’t the question you need to ask yourself. Academia is a lot of work for little payoff. What matters is whether your reason for being here is good enough.”

“So, why the Ph.D.?”

She stared up at him, thinking about it over and over. She knew the answer, the reason, it was about voicing it and speaking the words to another person that got her throat closing up.

“I have a question. A question I need answered and no one is going to help me find the answer.” Her eyes fell shut, “I’m afraid no will if I don’t.”

“A question?”

A shift in the air. A beat passed as she forced herself to breathe. “Yes. Something that is very important to me. I won’t trust just anyone to do it. So far, they haven’t been-Because…”

Because something happened and from that moment she has rescinded her trust in others. She needed to do her part so it wouldn’t happen again. Not to anyone again. Heavy thoughts plagued her as she stood still, her back against the cold tile. The sound his breathing still reached her ears, the air still. He was looking at her, the image fuzzy around the edges. The dark hair balanced by the white coat.

“Its something important to me. That research is the reason I’m here.”

Y/N was alone in this world and she swore that if she could, she would do anything to reverse time. Do anything to make it not so and force the odds in her favour. Because if it wasn’t true, then she wouldn’t have to face the tragedy of her life. She wanted-yearned to be less lonely. She didn’t care about a good salary or spending weekends with friends.

“Is that a good enough reason to go to grad school?”

He paused, “It’s the best one.” His lips tugged upward, eyes creasing. He was smiling, probably something like that.

“Good luck with your interview.”


She still hadn’t gotten his name as he was almost out the door.

"Maybe, I’ll see you around?” A flush ran over cheeks, “That is, if you haven’t graduated already. And if I get in.”

He left her with, “Maybe.”

And then he was gone and Y/N was left in the bathroom. When Columbia’s Biology department got back to her with an offer, she accepted it. 

No hesitations.
