#the makers realm is so beautiful it hurts



Playing Darksiders again for the first time in a little over six months, and, my GOSH The Maker’s Realm, the Forge lands, The Drenchfort….

This place is so fetching beautiful! I would gladly live the rest of my life here, surrounded by friendly giants who are fascinated by something as small as me, The sounds of nature and the beauty of this land…

Oh, not to mention the demons and insects which would constantly be out to chew my bones and erode my flesh from muscle. Oh, and the fact that one side of the map is as cold as ice which hyperthermia is likely a common occurmace for those whom are not fit to travel in such frigid climates, while the other is literally a volcano with smouldering ambers raining down in one’s head, ash covering the grown, and bear to none vegetation whatsoever due to the scorching heat. And even more enemies.

Then to conclude such contrast, we have a nice, wide-spread medium in the middle of the map, and a gorgeous onlook of the Tree of Life… and the gargantuan remains of the Guardian, whom we all know is a gentle and loving soul who gave up his very exustnace and life for the Makers in a battle that lasted, in the end, no more then thirty seconds and one really comes to conclude for themselves that, wow, lol, our lives are so small and meaningless compared to these mystical beings who fight a battle we’ve never known existed? And then, guess what?! EARTH IS DESTROYED?!?! And we are the MOST HATED?!

Ultimate vacation for soul-searching. Fetching depressing but 100% worth it in the end.

This. V I E W.

I too want to go there and I’m not sure if I would ever want to return.

With Death at one’s side and the Makers as one’s trusted friends…who needs to go back to paying bills, paying medical bills, climate change, singledom and general fuckery?
