#the marvellous mrs maisel


This is the Luke-iest look ever for Luke.


It actually kills me that Lenny delivers the pedestal line after they’ve finally given into their feelings for each other.

I think we can all agree that his speech to her at the end of season 4 was an act of love. And in this act of love, after finally having gotten to where he really wants to be with Midge, he’s made to reckon with that fact that she idolizes him to the point of not really seeing him as he is (and therefore maybe not actually loving him the way he loves her). And he has to process this and brush it aside in two seconds because they’re in the middle of a very important fight.

They’ve *just* gotten together. They haven’t even had a chance to define what that means for their relationship. Then they have this fight and she’s like, you’re the Great Lenny Bruce, and that really has to hurt.

“The scene leading up to that [kiss], it’s invested in all the things we love about those two people. The fun, their sensitivity, their sharp brains, their wit, their sexiness, their hunger, and appetite”

-Luke Kirby on the “Blue Room” sequence

“…their sexiness, their hunger…” Luke, stop titillating us …

I think our Mr. Luke Kirby enjoys a good dance in real life…

From BizBooks Interview in 2016:

What advice would you have for emerging Canadian actors?

“Find people to work with. Work.

Go out dancing often.”

To Entertainment Tonight Interview, 2020:

“Anytime you’re asked to dance, as it’s always felt to me, it’s incredibly nerve-wracking because of the potential for embarrassment…But also is such an invitation to intimacy… something that everyone’s sort of wont to do, which is get close & dance. That’s a charm to get to do it.”

From Marie Claire Interview, 2022:

What can you tell me about the fifth and final season, which has already started filming? Anything else you hope comes out of his character’s arc?

I would like to see him have a little happy. It doesn’t have to be an ending, but I’d like to see him be happy, if only for an instant…

Maybe see him dance one more time, that’d be good.”

Thanks to “Take This Waltz” for its dance content. (By the by, I just love the way he bops out of this scene through the crowd…)

one thing about lenny is he’s gonna hold her mf hand
