#the mechanic


Prompt Generator Fic #5 (Repost)

Gordon + The Mechanic + Dealer’s Choice + night

It’s like there’s a ghost living in their house.

Gordon had figured the Mechanic would be the kind of man who can’t help but make noise when he moves but instead, he seems to step in and out of existence at his own leisure.

He still glared and demanded, still snarled at any outstretched offer of friendship.

This was a partnership, all but forced upon him, as he gleefully pointed out any time Scott got too high and mighty around him.

They needed him after all.

Pure necessity with no room for sentimentality.

Gordon can’t stop watching him.

If Virgil knew, he’d say something about how he no longer felt safe, watching the man who nearly tore him to shreds walk free in their home. He’d reforward discreet details of people who would help him cope.

But Gordon has never felt more at peace, at complete odds to the rest of his family.

Having Brains confirm the controller that forced the Mechanic into submission had left only sympathy for the man, forced into cruelty and then strangled by his own fear that his choices would be stolen, that his mind would never be safe.

Gordon knew better than the rest of them what it was to be trapped and out of options.

The night was clear and cool, the moonlight flooding the deck that led to the pool. The lights were off both inside and out and everyone had retired to bed.

Except for Gordon. And the Mechanic.

Gordon watched from the shadows, less worried about being seen and more about being run away from.

He slipped out from behind the curtain, towel in one hand and strode towards the pool.

The Mechanic didn’t move, transfixed as he stared upwards at the Milky Way that stretched across the sky.

Gordon threw the towel down, not bothering to muffle his actions.

Still nothing.

He studied the Mechanic for a moment, wondering how to draw his attention and not his biting fury. How to reach out and not be bitten.

He was starting to think that wasn’t possible.

And so Gordon fell back on his old method of how to act when he wasn’t sure what to do; he ran forward and leaped into the water, body folding instinctively into a perfect diving position.

By the time he reached the other side of the pool and dared look up, the Mechanic had turned and was staring at him without expression.

But he hadn’t disappeared.

He said nothing, but his eyes followed Gordon as he swum back and forth, taking his time to stretch out his muscles.

“Beautiful night, isn’t it?” he called.

The Mechanic glanced up at the stars.

“It is.” He considered Gordon carefully. “Why are you swimming in the dark?”

“It’s not exactly dark.”

“Then why now? Why so late?”

“Eh, what’s a few hours between one routine and the next?” He grinned up at the Mechanic. “By dawn I could be out on another rescue. You’ve got to take opportunities as they come, you know?”

The Mechanic nodded before turning his back on Gordon.

“I do know,” he said softly.

Gordon cocked his head.

“Yeah, you do, don’t you?”

He lifted his lower body out of the pool, shivering as the chill in the air took hold. He moved slowly, like he were approaching a scared animal, intent on giving the Mechanic every opportunity to move away.

He laid a hand on his shoulder and the Mechanic flinched away, the gentle touch a brand of something so fierce and new that it burned to be in contact.

“Why not take this opportunity for a fresh start?”

“It’s not a fresh start when I tried to murder half your family. It’s not a fresh start when I know no-one wants me here, when I have to fight your brothers at every turn.”

He looked upwards, stars catching in his eyes.

“It’s not a fresh start when I know if it weren’t for your precious machines, I’d still be trapped up there, locked away with no hope of a life ahead of me except for one dictated by the Hood or the GDF.”

Gordon swallowed.

“Do you know why we’re building it?”

“You can’t believe your brothers would have shared that information.”

“You’re right,” he admitted. “They would never. So I will.”

He stepped forward, jabbing a finger at the sky.

“Out there? Somewhere? That’s where our dad is.”

The Mechanic squinted, looking doubtful.

“He’s trapped out there too.”

The Mechanic snorted.

“He’s dead, you mean.”

“No,” said Gordon, face shining with conviction. “He’s alive. I know it.”

He looked over and grimaced.

“I have no idea what would have happened if Brains hadn’t said he needed you. I think he could see something we couldn’t in you. Our dad always taught us that we should always help someone in need, and we failed you. But Brains didn’t, and it might have begun selfishly, but I’d like to change that if it’s not too late.”

He stretched out his hand between them and waited.

There was not betrayal of emotion on the Mechanic’s face, no hint as to how this would end.

He had to take on faith that the Mechanic was considering the offer seriously, rather than simply deciding on which imaginative way he would be pummelling Gordon into the ground.

A slight twitch of his arm and the Mechanic’s hand wrapped around his, giving it a firm shake.

“I could use another ally here,” he said slowly. “Thank you.”

Gordon smiled.

“I think you’ll find,” he said lightly. “That what you could use here is another friend.”


Prompt Generator Fic #5 (Repost)

Gordon + The Mechanic + Dealer’s Choice + night

It’s like there’s a ghost living in their house.

Gordon had figured the Mechanic would be the kind of man who can’t help but make noise when he moves but instead, he seems to step in and out of existence at his own leisure.

He still glared and demanded, still snarled at any outstretched offer of friendship.

This was a partnership, all but forced upon him, as he gleefully pointed out any time Scott got too high and mighty around him.

They needed him after all.

Pure necessity with no room for sentimentality.

Gordon can’t stop watching him.

If Virgil knew, he’d say something about how he no longer felt safe, watching the man who nearly tore him to shreds walk free in their home. He’d reforward discreet details of people who would help him cope.

But Gordon has never felt more at peace, at complete odds to the rest of his family.

Having Brains confirm the controller that forced the Mechanic into submission had left only sympathy for the man, forced into cruelty and then strangled by his own fear that his choices would be stolen, that his mind would never be safe.

Gordon knew better than the rest of them what it was to be trapped and out of options.

Keep reading

Augh, I’m dead.

How did you do that? Virg wasn’t even in the room.

::eyes fic:: It’s that Gordon. He creeps in between the cracks in my brain and makes me love him.

And this time he got you on side with your wonderful words! Gorgeous writing ::tackle hugs you::


(Speaking from the land of the Gordon-slayed - there is a lot of fish here, and squid, so many squid)

Shamelessly Reposting Links to the Mechanic’s Journey

Because why not. There are 4 stories so far in the series, with more to come at some point.

  • Glimmer: That story that was supposed to be a one-shot where I explained how the Mechanic escaped the Hex… with a dash of Sally in the mix.
  • Good, Better, Best: Where Gordon welcomes the Mechanic to the household the only way he can… with an unexpected dash of Virgil.
  • Damage Control: Where Virgil and Sally take the Mechanic on the weekly supply run and the big guy gets what he deserves in the end.
  • Intermission: which I wrote after Glimmer and cements further that dynamic I saw between the Mechanic and Sally.
gumnut-logic: hon5-tba:私的にお気に入りキャラなメカニックたん!(≧3≦)最終回はどうやら彼が絡む話のようだけど、脱いでくれるだろうか…マスクをね!(服でもいいがね)しかしもうS







Thanks! your message^^

Your art is amazing.

How did I not see this one before?

Post link



I had planned on writing for flash fiction Friday but it got too late and didn’t quite workout the way I’d planned anyways.

But I’ll share what I have.

Row Row Row your boat, gently down the stream.

Merrily merrily merrily merrily, life is but a dream

He groaned, and wished that the incessant, off key singing would stop. But it didn’t and kept going.

“Urgh, tell Kirk and Bones to stop bloody singing will you?”

A short pause and gasp.

And then it continued.

He rubbed his eyes and squinted. A hand, closed over his and lowered it gently.

Row Row Row you boat, gently down the …

“I get it okay!” Mike snapped, glaring at Brains, who’d flinched and was leaning backwards.

“I’m… I’m… sorry,” he stammered, “but …. you need to do these .. these … repetition ex … ex.. exercises.”

He leaned to his side and picked up a mug of coffee, offering it to the Mechanic.

“Wet … your whistle?”

A slow smile crept across Mike’s face.

“I haven’t heard that in years,” he took a sip, it was bitter and cold, “any chance of some herbal tea? Like my grandma used to make?”

A slow realisation grew between them. The Hood might have done a number on the Mechanic’s brain, but he’d proven to be an exceptionally resilient man.

But Brains wasn’t taking any chances. And had to curtail the celebration.

“One more test.”

A roll of his eyes and Mike slouched in his chair.

“Urgh, fine.”

Brains cleared his throat, picked up a long handled screwdriver. Mike flinched. But the bespectacled engineer wielded it like a conductors baton, tapping it on the edge of the table before swishing it back and forth.

“One the count of three … one … two …”

Row Row Row your boat, gently down the stream

Reblogging to main

Star trek reference!

I don’t know what to write for these descriptions anymore lmao.

Just please take a look at these VILE cuties…

At the edge of Summer.

Dropping some Sandiego arts here again.

Mekkie & her relationships.

My perpetual love for these rowdy ones <3

You ever just … immerse yourself in a ship.

(Fabulous script in the last pic by @jen-kollic<3)

Back at it once again~

I’ve been drawing a lot of them…as well. Never have shipped two characters this hardcore.
