#the mighty ducks

Julie “the cat” Gaffney | D2: The Mighty Ducks.Julie “the cat” Gaffney | D2: The Mighty Ducks.Julie “the cat” Gaffney | D2: The Mighty Ducks.Julie “the cat” Gaffney | D2: The Mighty Ducks.Julie “the cat” Gaffney | D2: The Mighty Ducks.

Julie “the cat” Gaffney | D2: The Mighty Ducks.

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Happy Birthday Emilio Estevez. Celebrated writer, producer, director and actor.

Okay, so I’m watching D3 the Mighty Ducks which was a movie I really enjoyed when I was a kid. Anyway I’m at the scene where the Varsity Hockey team takes the ducks out to dinner and pretty much stiff them with the huge bill of 835 dollars (or something like that.) Fine. Whatever. Okay. 

But the strange part is the Restuarant made this huge cake with the words “Thanks for Dinner Losers” written on top in frosting. So the restaurant must’ve at least known that this was going to happen, right? I mean the servers and the managers and whoever else must’ve had some inkling that the kids were going to leave without paying, and stick the other kids (the Ducks in this case) with the bill. 

So….why the fuck would the Restuarant allow that to happen? I mean, it’s one thing realize that the lavish meal that was prepared (might not be) or isn’t going to be paid for, but tons of labor, food costs, and ingredients (which were probably expensive) went into making that food and now the restaurant isn’t going to see any kind of return on it. And you know damn well that NONE of the servers got a tip. But it’s another to be in on the joke with the rest of the varsity team and just allow them to screw over your servers, your cooks and the rest of your staff just for a little joke. Your food costs get fucked up, your ingredients are wasted. 

I mean, just based off that bill (and the American culture of tipping) those servers should’ve been paid 20%  (really far more, if we’re being honest) of that 800+ bill, and they got nothing. At all. 

And this is assuming everyone at that table acted politely (as in, no ridiculous requests, no making your server run around for frivolous things. No spills, minimum refills, everything was cooked perfectly and didn’t need to be sent back to the kitchen for some trivial reason, etc).

So let me get this straight, as the cooks/bakers/servers are preparing this lavish cake and writing the words “Thanks For Dinner Losers” on it, as requested by the Varsity Hockey team, none of them stopped and thought:

“Hey, I think some of those kids are planning on leaving and the others may not be able to pay for this.” 

As they were rolling the huge lavish cake out into the dining room, with sparkles flaring from the frosting, none of the servers or workers thought “Well Damn, I did all this work for nothing.” 

Because I’ll be real, if that were me, I’d be pissed off as fuck.  

Alex Morrow - Type 6w7


Alex is loyal, determined and a people pleaser. She over extends herself and takes on lots of responsibilities to be there for others and comes across as a real mama bear. She is overprotective of Evan and can border on being a bit dramatic about his safety and health. She looks towards Gordon for support as a coach because she doubts her abilities and inexperience as a hockey player to coach the team. She takes on some of the negative qualities of 3 when she is overly concerned with only winning and needs a reminder that it’s not about winning, it’s about having fun. She shows her wing 7 as she is more expressive and overtly nervous than a wing 5.

Evan Morrow - Type 3w2


Evan is competitive, caring and emotional. He has a strong passion for hockey and is heartbroken when he is kicked off the Ducks. It is his desire to play hockey that helps form the Don’t Bothers hockey team and he is the leader of the squad. He shows some positive qualities as he integrates to 6 when he shows that he wants to be loyal and stay with the Don’t Bothers when the Ducks invite him back on the team. He shows his wing 2 as he is more personable and extroverted than a wing 4.

Nick Ganz - Type 2w1


Nick is plucky, optimistic and needy. He is desperate to connect with others and becomes very close to Evan. He wants Evan to identify as his best friends and works hard to please him and gain his affection. Hi starts to feel like he belongs with the Don’t Bothers and is selfless to help his teammates. We see this when he encourages Logan to sneak on the field even though he is not allowed on by Alex and he ends up scoring the winning goal. He shows his wing 1 as he is more quiet and reserved than a wing 3.

Sofi Hanson-Bhatt - Type 1w2


Sofi is disciplined, hardworking and tough. She holds herself to very high standards as she wants to follow her parents expectations. She is one of the star players on the Ducks but decides to leave and join the Don’t Bothers as she believes in their attitude and doesn’t like the Ducks behaviour of winning at all costs. I also feel like Evan telling her the Ducks are the ‘bad guys’ played a role in her decision to quit the Ducks. This is extremely hard for Sofi and she struggles with going against her parents but still tells them she wants to leave the Ducks. She shows her wing 2 as she is more extroverted and expressive than a wing 9.

Gordon Bombay - Type 3w4


Gordan is blunt, sarcastic and caring. He has a great love for hockey but due to his dismissal decides it will be better to turn away from the game. However, he can never truly do this as it was always his greatest joy and achievement, which is why he keeps running the Ice Castle. He is reluctant to help Alex but can’t help giving advice and supporting the kids. We see how much of an impact he has on the past Ducks as well as the Don’t Bothers. He shows his wing 4 as he is more reserved and less personable than a 3w2.



Sign-ups for the Quack Attack fic exchange are now OPEN!

The Quack Attack isan informal fic exchange (run on AO3) to celebrate the 30th anniversary of The Mighty Ducks, released in 1992. Are you interested in writing for The Mighty Ducks movie trilogyand/orThe Mighty Ducks: Game Changers TV-show and would you like to receive that fic of your dreams in return? 

Then don’t hesitate to sign up and come be a part of our flock! From January 22nd to February 4th, our sign-ups are open.

Feellikejoiningus?Please fill in thesign-up form!
Dontknowwheretostart?Readhow it works.



Welcome to The Quack Attack,an informal fic exchange (run on AO3) to celebrate the 30th anniversary of The Mighty Ducks, released in 1992! The idea for this exchange is that you can sign up to write a fic for someone and that you’ll receive a fic written by someone else in return.  

Sign-up Opens: Sat 22 Jan 2022
Sign-up Closes: Fri 04 Feb 2022
Assignments Due: Fri 18 Mar 2022
Works Revealed: Fri 25 Mar 2022
Creators Revealed: Mon 28 Mar 2022

Want to know how it works? Check it out here.

Please follow The Quack Attack for frequent updates!
