#the newsroom


Earth Day

Call me an optimist, but I think we’re doomed.


Me ignoring every single responsibility I have:

My future self watching me as I do the latter:

Morning Love of the Day Olivia Munn hails a cab in NYC. real talk, i stopped being a fan of hers awhMorning Love of the Day Olivia Munn hails a cab in NYC. real talk, i stopped being a fan of hers awhMorning Love of the Day Olivia Munn hails a cab in NYC. real talk, i stopped being a fan of hers awh

Morning Love of the Day

Olivia Munn hails a cab in NYC. real talk, i stopped being a fan of hers awhile ago, but this is fucking incredible to me for some reason. like whoever stopped for her is a boss, you know?

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Morning Love of the Day Olivia Munn gets classy at The Newsroom premiere. i’m not the biggest Morning Love of the Day Olivia Munn gets classy at The Newsroom premiere. i’m not the biggest Morning Love of the Day Olivia Munn gets classy at The Newsroom premiere. i’m not the biggest

Morning Love of the Day

Olivia Munn gets classy at The Newsroom premiere. i’m not the biggest fan of hers, but I think she looks pretty incredible here. i’m stoked for The Newsroom, too.

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Unbiased journalism is not pretending both sides are equally valid. Unbiased journalism is reporting the facts even if those facts include that one side is irredeemably awful. False neutrality is propaganda.

Repeated for emphasis: False neutrality is propaganda.

if 99 experts say one thing, and 1 expert says another, presenting both sides as equal is misinformation
