#the ninja legacy whip


The Space Between Us


Jamie finally managed, with bleary eyes, to look up at the mirror above the bathroom counter.

They were met with pupils as white as snow and irises the color of butterflies.


This was inspired by @weekend-whip’s Legacyverse au! I’ve been inserting my OC into that universe and noticed a cool detail about how elemental mastery is passed on, and I wanted to write about Jamie and his sister, Lynda!

(As always, click for a surprise.)


Lynda was born with pale yellow eyes, just like her father before her and his father before him. They shared the same white pupils that defied all logic and all of the tests that doctors put them through. Yellow eyes were one thing. Many people had some bright shade for irises. Somehow, her family was different.

Her brother was brought into her life at age eight, pushed into the arms of her Aunt and Uncle whom she had lived with since she was eight because her parents were too busy to take care of her. They said he was an accident. They said they would visit soon.

They left her a baby, barely a year old, with bright, blue eyes and black pupils.

His name was Jamison Collin Myers, and Lynda vowed to give him a good life.


Lynda figured out early on that their parents were the absent, busy type. They made promises to visit but never kept them- but that was alright. She didn’t need them. She would accept her impressive allowance and spend it on toys and treats and anything she could get her hands on to spoil her little brother rotten. Their Aunt and Uncle were more of a home than the massive white walls of the mansion her parents owned and she rarely got to see. Their little apartment in Aster city was cozy and had a little yard where Lynda would spend hours playing with her baby brother.

She called him Jamie. Jamison was too fancy for a bright-eyed blond boy who crawled in the mud to look for bugs. He showed them to her and she would look them up so they could learn about it together. He roped her into making mud-pies and exploring in the forest close to home. He was six now. She was twelve.

They were the best of friends.


She had only just broken up with her boyfriend, realizing that she didn’t need someone to be valid, and then there was a bright flash of yellow. She didn’t know how she got into the bathroom. She had never taken a step. She hadn’t even meant to look in the mirror, but when she did, she had to choke down a scream.

Lynda’s eyes were a vibrant yellow, more so than her father’s had ever been. Her pupils were a dark brown like fresh soil. Why had they changed? What had happened to her? What was the bright light- how did she get here?

Lynda was scared, but she didn’t scream. She wouldn’t want to wake her baby brother, after all.


Lynda was eighteen when she ran away.

She was confused and lost. The distance seemed so much closer and space so much farther away. She found herself in a shifting in-between and then in a place entirely new. Everything was bright yellow. Yellow like her eyes. Yellow like her hair.

She didn’t leave a note. She couldn’t leave a note. It would be better for her to be a sweet memory to him rather than a hopelessly lost cause. Maybe he would think she was coming back. She was coming back, after a bit of soul searching and researching for answers.

The window opened silently, and with a sad smile, she ducked out of the bathroom and into the trees, lit by the afternoon sun.


Lynda was barely nineteen when she found him.

Or more accurately, he found her. He was a kind, old man who explained to her exactly what she was. She controlled an element, an outlier one at that. She found it ironic that the distance between her and those she loved was what caused her the most pain, yet her element was distance- her element was the Space between them.

The man offered to teach her in the ways of spinjitzu, of the ninja, as he had already taken on three pupils of his own. She would become stronger, and be able to control the rips through space that she tore.

Lynda declined.

She couldn’t afford to get attached to anyone else. Not when it broke her heart like this.


Lynda was almost twenty-one when she died.

She didn’t know how Wu managed to find her. Perhaps he was simply talented in an element that allowed him to chart her course through the Western Sea Of Sand. She had traveled a long way from Astor city. The homesickness was starting to make her physicallysick.

She had learned how to fight on her own. She utilized throwing weapons and the rifts in space to defend against the Skulkin and Shark armies. Her Chakrams were as sharp as her will and as deadly as her aim. She floated like the yellow butterfly that symbolized her element, yet stung like a wasp in anger.

Wu asked her to keep an eye out. She was the only capable Elemental Master in the area, and a child- his nephew- had opened the Anacondrai tomb nearby. He told her not to approach, but to simply alert him if she saw movement.

Lynda had never taken on a snake before, but she felt capable.

She had done everything correctly. The boy and the snake were taking refuge in the Forest of Tranquility while they planned. Lynda made her way there, light on her feet and quick in her pace. It was getting darker with the setting sun, and her footsteps grew noisy with the crunch of autumn leaves. The trees cast shadows that hid anything lurking in their roots.

It didn’t need to hide, though.

It was a losing battle, but Lynda was used to failure. She was knocked to the ground by a force she could not see. When she stood, claws slashed her cheek- her arm, then her thigh and side. It burned like acid rain. She was powerless against the assault. She couldn’t open her rifts before her hands were bound to her side by something thick and heavy and scaled.

The ground scratched her irritated wounds when she was thrown into it chest first. Lynda couldn’t stop the wail of pain that ripped from her chest.

“My, my,” a voice akin to rotten honey whispered above her with a hiss, “What do we have here?”

Lynda turned her cheek to the ground in time to see the space above her shimmer like a wave of hot air. It started with the huge tail that pinned her down, purple and decorated with ornate black patterning that wrapped around her torso and pressed her palms to her chest. The shimmer traveled upwards. Lynda had to strain her neck to follow the ripple in the air as it revealed the very same Anacondrai she had been tracking. His neck was the length of her leg. His jaws were large enough to swallow her whole. His eyes held a madness that could only be cultured in the depths of the earth where he had resided for years upon years. One that could only be found in the souls of immorality and killers.

Lynda’s name meant serpent. The irony was stifling.

He hissed and leaned his head down to speak in her ear. It was revolting, “Aw, giving up already, are we?”

With her hands pinned to her chest, she couldn’t open a rift. Not without splitting herself like the space she tore through.

Lynda knew there would be no escape. She could hear the grumble in the serpent’s stomach. He would not kill her just because he was hungry, no. He would kill her because there were no limits to his immoral ways. The last Anacondrai, Wu said. Something must have killed the others. Something must have eaten the others.

“It’s been so long since my last meal.” She squirmed as the snake spoke in her ear, “My brothers couldn’t sustain me for long, and the child doesn’t have enough meat on his bones for my liking.” A chill went down her spine, and surely he must have felt it, “You, however, will make a delectable snack.”

Cannibal. The madness in his eyes showed a soul that would stop at nothing for personal gain, not even crimes of the highest degree.

Now, thought Lynda as the serpent’s jaws opened wide, she wished she hadn’t run away. She wished she wasn’t so scared of herself all those years ago. She wished she never grew independent- that the bright yellow light never lit up her room that fateful afternoon.

She wished she could see Jamie again. Her little brother must be twelve, maybe thirteen. She couldn’t remember what day it was, with how long she had spent out here. Had his birthday passed? He must have so many friends by now. Jamie had always been a bubbly, kind child. How could he not be the life of the party?

He must hate her- for leaving. He must hate her even more for leaving him behind without a note or a memoir, without a way to know if she was even still a part of this world or if the departed realm had taken her away.

She should have left him something.

And so, with her final breath, Lynda sneered at the snake’s fangs on her temple and opened her soul to tug at the heartstring she had left untouched for all those years. It would be severed soon, but before it did, she plucked a mournful note, and sent a part of herself down the line.

She hoped it would be enough to fill the space left by the broken heartstring in his chest.

And so, with her final breath, Lynda sneered at the snake’s fangs on her temple and opened her soul to tug at the heartstring she had left untouched for all those years. It would be severed soon, but before it was, she plucked a mournful note, and sent a part of herself down the line.

Lynda was almost twenty-one when she died in the belly of that beast, but she would not go quietly. She was much too proud for that.

She died with a burst of fluttering wings.


Jamie was twelve when he lost everything.

He had come home from school to tell Lynda about how he scratched himself climbing a tree to get a toy for a younger kid. She still lived with their aunt and uncle because she wanted to be close to her little sibling. It made Jamie feel special. It made him feel wanted. It made the pull at his heartstrings play a comforting tune.

Jamie wondered why the connection felt so taunt today.

He got to her room and rushed in as he always did, babbling away, but she wasn’t there. She wasn’t in the bathroom. She wasn’t in the kitchen, the backyard, the garage, the attic- He waited and waited and waited but dinner passed, day turned into night, yet she had yet to come home. His parents, his aunt and uncle, and their friends all put up missing person posters and Lynda’s friends called every police station that would listen.

They searched for months. They never found her.

Jamie wasn’t the same after that. Would anyone be, after losing the person they held the closest? He was as sour and bitter as a lemon and shut out anyone who came close. He couldn’t figure out why it made his chest so much to push them away.

The once comforting tune turned dissonant.


Jamie was thirteen when he grew out of it.

His teachers commented on how lively he was. He made friends easily and did well in his classes. The close friendships filled in the missing pieces to his symphony. His heartstrings thrummed a more excitable tune. He was sentimental to a fault and held onto everything as a reminder that he was loved- that they cared for him, because surely Lynda must not have loved him if she left without a note or a goodbye. Her melody was angry, now.

He took up photography after being gifted a camera by one of his favorite teachers. A way to record the things he loved and the beauty in the world that flowed through every living being. In the bustling city streets- the clouds in funny shapes and the red-gold sunset, nothing was left unseen. He had a particular love of the color yellow, and the butterflies that bore the color. They took a majority of his camera roll.

Jamie was thirteen when their uncle died. He had a brain tumor that left him unable to recognize his family, yet he still held their hands and said he loved them as he faded. That’s when Jamie started to hold on tighter than ever. As a result of all their loss- their parents never being around, their sister leaving and never coming back, their uncle being pried away from them- Jamie kept everything they cared about close to their chest and didn’t let go. The people Jamie used to call friends spoke about them behind his back. They called them clingy. They called them an attention seeker who wanted special treatment for their special pronouns. They called them needy and annoying for wanting reassurance and quality time.

It hurt. It hurt so badly when their attempts to keep them close only pushed them away. Joy was hard to keep when all they heard was mourning. Perhaps that’s why they withdrew once more, despite the agony in their chest. They couldn’t trust anyone with their heart anymore. They would only be ripped away.

Their heartstrings were out of tune. Each note rang sharp. Jamie feared the day they would eventually snap.


Jamie was fourteen when the nightmares began.

It was evening, yet still bright. Somehow, they knew he was on the edge of the Forest of Tranquility, bordering the Western Sea of Sands. They had never been there before. The sharp leaves hurt their feet.

She was there, laying with twigs and dirt in her greasy blond hair and a torn uniform padded with armor. Circular weapons hung at her hips (when had she learned to fight?) and scars decorated her arms. Her lips were chapped, her skin marred with blood. Her eyes, once filled with life and the color of sunshine and lemon squares were dull with pain. When had her pupils darkened like that? When had the yellow grown deeper? If it were not for their relationship, Jamie doubted he would recognize his big sister.

Then he saw the snake. No, not a small, harmless garden viper. Serpentine. Anacondrai.

He- at least, Jamie assumed it was a he- whispered sickly sweet words to her as his jaws crept ever closer to her head. No matter how much he tried, Jamie could not move. He couldn’t stop it. He could not prevent the sharp pierce of fangs to her head.

When Lynda screamed, it was not air that left her lungs.

It was butterflies.

Their glossy yellow wings were stained with a deep red that bubbled from her throat. There were so many of them. A swarm had been trapped in her chest and her voice set them free. They swirled and fluttered in a dizzying dance. The snake fell back but did not release his hold on her. He squeezed her and told her to be quiet. The purple coils tightened around her chest.

Lynda did not listen. She convulsed, she cried gleaming white tears, and she gasped for air that would not come.

The beast finally let go and hid his face, for the butterflies were sharp and large in number. They were a squall, a storm big enough to destroy houses- to move mountains.

Jamie screamed. He tried to scream, but he choked on glossy yellow wings. The swarm was storming around him in a hurricane of sunlight and marigolds. He choked on butterflies that flew into his mouth. Jamie knew she had given them to him. They flew into his chest and buried themselves in his lungs. Lynda had given him the swarm of burning yellow and red. Why? Why would she choke him too?

Jamie awoke with his hands around his throat.

They gagged. The butterflies were still choking him, they were so sure of it, but standing over the sink and coughing until he couldn’t breathe didn’t reveal any hidden wings. There was so blood, no trace of his dream other than the tightness in his chest and the snapped heartstring that coiled right next to his uncle’s.

Everything was so vivid. Everything was so loud, even if it was quiet. The walls around him hummed a low tune. The water in the pipes shot staccato notes like the beat of a snare. Jamie had never learned to play an instrument other than the strings in his chest, yet around him blared a deafening symphony.

They shook and shivered as Lynda had. He heaved and panted as Lynda had. He felt sick, he felt weak and shaky as he never had before. Jamie finally managed, with bleary eyes, to look up at the mirror above the bathroom counter.

They were met with pupils as white as snow and irises the color of butterflies.

Jamie retched again.


The name Jamison meant supplanter. One who supersedes, one who replaces.

He was yellow now. Just as she once was. Jamie didn’t know whether to be bitter or not.

The only string left in his chest was his aunt’s. The teacher who gave him his camera was dead. The people he once called friends could have been dead too, with how their strings laid in limp coils when they were supposed to be taut.

After the dreams started, his personality started to change again. He was still stupidly sentimental, saving everything he had ever been given with a vigor and desperation some would find odd. People would have described him as laid-back and casual, cool under pressure. Maybe they noticed how he looked almost bored as he passed them in the halls. Maybe that was because they never got close enough to learn what made him happy- to thread a string through his chest and tie it around their own. He dyed his hair to get back a feeling of control in his life. He barely remembered what he used to look like pure-blond. His aunt was happy for him. Less happy about the dark blue that stained his sheets.

The nightmares kept coming. It didn’t happen every night, but it was often enough that dark circles embedded themselves under his eyes. They showed him images of tombs in swamps and mountains unclimbable by even the best rock climbers. He saw a boy in black, a man in white, and his brother, dressed in black. Mostly, though, the same dream as the first played over and over in his mind, and he woke up choking until he puked.

He doubted he would ever be able to look at butterflies the same way.


He was fifteen when they packed up and moved away from Astor city. Jamie never knew he could have a heartstring for a place.

He cried when it snapped.

Ninjago city was much larger than his hometown. The buildings scraped the sky (maybe that’s why they were called skyscrapers). The streets bustled with life. It was overwhelming.

Everything was loud. No, not in the way of noise, but in the way the footsteps of every pedestrian shook the ground he walked on. Everything gave off a vibration like a shockwave. Jamie knew where everything was around him, and he couldn’t stop it, even after a year of trying. He wasn’t going to make his Aunt pack up and move back, though. Her job paid so much more here. He couldn’t risk plucking that string.

He started NNC high as a sophomore, since he was a little too young to be a junior. Apparently, it was rather rare to have a transfer student, due to the Garmadon attacks and other crime in the city. He could feel their eyes on him as he stalked down the hall, phone in hand and music blaring in hopes of chasing away the noise that echoed off the walls. He found a hobby of photographing the colorful ninja that had recently started protecting the city and grew popular online for his quality shots of them in action. Validation from strangers was easier to accept when there was no chance of a snap.

Then he went and found a friend, dressed in pinks and purples and with eyes like his sister’s. They shared classes and the boy chose to sit next to him. He ate lunch and the other chose to hold up his tray by Jamie’s side when a food fight broke out. Jesse, true to his last name, was truly a Marvel, because Jamie would never be able to figure out

For the first time in over a year, Jamie had another heartstring, and the tune played by the two chords in his chest was more beautiful than ever.
