#the occult world of sabrina



It’s not on-screen like we all hoped, but RAS isn’t giving up on CAOS! The story is going to continue in a new comic, The Occult World of Sabrina! It will pick up right where the show left off, with a scene we already knew had been cut: Zelda planning to get Sabrina back, and calling in her favor with Baron Samedi to do it:

I think it’s really interesting that they talk about the characters going to the underworld. We’ve already been to Hell and mortal Limbo and the Sweet Hereafter, so who knows what other realms they might have to cross?

I also think it presents the most obvious tie-in for Lilith, because it worries me that she’s not on the comic cover. But if they have to cross through Hell—and that seems to be the easiest starting point since they’ve literally got a doorway down in the mines—they could seek her help. She might even offer to come along, if she still wants her son back badly enough.

I’m just excited the story is continuing in any form. Yes, parts 3 and 4 were awful, but I hate being left with loose ends even so. Plus, this continuation means we still have hope of seeing the Madam Spellman endgame a lot of people (Miranda and Michelle included) are convinced they were leading up to.

It seems like RAS wants the comic to ideally be a bridge that keeps fans engaged until CAOS can be picked back up as a show or movie again:

I’d love to see a movie wrap-up, honestly. And we know that with how much all of the cast love each other and love their characters, they’d jump at the chance to do it. Hopefully by putting the idea out there now, RAS will have plenty of time to make sure everybody’s schedule is clear whenever it can happen.
