#the otp of a lifetime


Summary:Post-cannon one shot for @inukag-week. InuYasha had a little girl, and she was going to be the most precious being in the entire world.

A/N:Holy macaroni and rice, I actually finished my InuKag Week piece and I finished it early, so I thought I’d give you all a head start on being able to read it as well!



“For Her”

Miroku told him before that childbirth was one of the world’s greatest wonders. InuYasha couldn’t wait to punt that bozo across the village for even saying that. A wonder of life? The most curious thing to it was that anyone who went through it could live past it. And no one was happier than InuYasha to have a wife like Kagome who was living past it. 

InuYasha knew about tradition, that to a man labor was meant to remain a “wonder of the world”, but tradition had never been Kagome and his style. Two years ago, she left her family to be with him. On the other side of the Bone Eater’s Well, Kagome’s mother was doubtlessly minding her day without realizing that the two were having this baby. He owed it to her to be there for Kagome, right? It was a loose justification, but good an excuse as any to leave Miroku, Shippo, and the kids in the dust after what was probably a nasty contraction on Kagome’s end. She’d never made a sound like that before–it almost scared the shit out of him–and he panicked, flying past the door and scooping up her hand so tightly. Kaede, Sango, and Rin tried kicking him out. As if they’d ever gotten him to listen once his mind was made up. So the half-demon stayed, perched beside his priestess. He held her hand and dabbed a cold compress across her face every now and again. The whole time, he thought he’d vomit. He kind of still wanted to. Everything was loud, there were so many scents, and his own home felt like a cramped den. He had a rotten time–couldn’t stand feeling so useless while Kagome endured wave after wave of incomprehensible pain. But it was over now, and crying was the only sound he processed.  

They hadn’t spoken a word to each other since those cries began, and yet, somehow, InuYasha and Kagome managed to tell each other that their life as two was officially and entirely over. After placing the compress back into the bucket behind him, InuYasha’s hand traced up the side of Kagome’s face, until his fingers split by her ear. He brushed the side of her forehead with the pad of his thumb, trying his best to smile down at her. It was probably just sweat, but Kagome was glowing. The half-demon could’ve stayed like that, once Kagome’s hand held his in place, forever. 

“InuYasha, come and bring your daughter to Kagome,” Kaede said. The half-demon’s mind scrambled, trying to get on track. There really were three of them which meant he couldn’t only focus on Kagome. Her lips curved up at him as he turned away, and InuYasha quickly squatted down to dip his hands into a boiling bucket of water Rin poured. 

“My daughter…” InuYasha trailed, time lurching oddly in response to this second realization. InuYasha had a little girl, and she was going to be the most precious being in the entire world. He thought he was moving slowly toward the old hag, but no sooner was he faced with a swaddled newborn than he was able to mentally say his child’s name for the first time. It was Moroha. He and Kagome agreed that regardless of who Kaede would hand off to them, it’d fit. 

Kaede placed her into the half-demon’s arms like it was nothing. And he guessed she was always putting babies into people’s arms. For InuYasha though… he’d never held someone quite as small as his daughter. She was magnificent, a red flush overtaking every scrunched up feature on her face. Screaming, she was screaming so loudly but he didn’t mind it. Moroha stopped once InuYasha began walking anyway, her tiny brown eyes blinking up at him curiously. “That’s it, your old man’s got you,” InuYasha told her, crossing the hut to kneel by Kagome, “and your mama’s right here.”

“Oh, Moroha,” Kagome whispered, arms already outstretched. InuYasha placed Moroha there gently, and when he could see his wife and child together–it made him blink, a lot. The fire’s warmth must’ve finally made it over to them, too, since he could finally feel it. InuYasha watched Kagome guide Moroha to her breast, she latched on eagerly and he couldn’t stop a small chuckle from escaping. Being born must’ve worked up an appetite. 

InuYasha watched her for a few moments, taking note of the fine black hair on her head and the funny way it dried from when Kaede washed her. It swirled up, kind of like it was in a very tall ponytail. His eyes traveled higher until they locked with Kagome’s. Their entire story seemed to play in the tears lining her eyes. It was getting hard to ignore the stinging in his own. He wondered if Kagome could see what he did: The time he dropped her off of his back when he thought she was useless, the moment the Sacred Jewel shattered, finding a home in her without even realizing it, falling in love with her, her staying by his side, the day he nearly lost her forever, and the three years he really had.

“InuYasha,” Kagome said, shifting Moroha to her other breast. 

“I know,” he replied, reaching out to smooth a stray hair of Kagome’s before lowering his hand to Moroha’s head. It was hard to believe that InuYasha used to live alone or that he spent any amount of time obsessing over power and magic jewels instead of a moment like this one. 

Moroha cooed, her fingers curling and uncurling themselves in the air. He brushed his thumb lightly across his baby girl’s hair, mindful of his claws. She blinked over at him as she continued with her first meal, and InuYasha swore he caught the faintest trace of amber mixing with the brown there. It only made sense for his traits to make appearances since she was apart of her parents’ story, too. Although Moroha didn’t understand any of it–wasn’t sure how much she’d care to hear when she got older–it was there. Kagome and InuYasha would always be there.

Kagome shifted their baby to rest in only one arm. “InuYasha, you’re crying,” she pointed out before pulling the sleeve of her sleeping robe over her hand to wipe at the tears. 

“Didn’t even notice,” the half-demon confessed. His hands searched past the robe; he wanted to hold his wife’s hand–he wanted to pull both of them to him.

InuYasha’s past had never seemed so unreachable, but gazing over at his own daughter made it impossible to stop remembering. There were slurs, rocks, fights, and beds made in hollowed trees. Then there was finding Kikyo and losing her, the pain from her arrow, his own demon power, and Naraku. 

Moroha’s hands flapped while her fingers kept opening and closing. InuYasha intertwined one hand with Kagome’s while offering his index finger to Moroha. She grabbed it, and he knew. He knew how every bad part of his life was worth enduring since it led to Kagome, but that he’d only live it over and over and over again for her: Moroha.


A/N:If Sunrise Studios gets to make no damn sense for two whole seasons of an InuYasha next generation spin off series then I can take some creative liberties and let InuYasha hang out with Kagome while she’s working hard to give birth to their child. Needless to say, this has like negative two ties to the Yashahime narrative, lol. I took Moroha with me to my own ever after where InuYasha and Kagome live very boring lives in Kaede’s Village. I began writing this piece back in November after a YouTuber I watched put out a video for the birth of her children. It made me wonder how I’d write Moroha’s birth. I listened to a lot of “Chopin - Nocturne Op. 9 No. 2” while writing this piece; hopefully you guys enjoy this submission for InuKag Week!
