#the outer worlds



Maximillian DeSoto

Faith / transition / and the colorful people and experiences in his life

I sketched him last year (you’ll find the art somewhere in my blog, in Max’s tag!) and now came back to fix and refine things further.

Also added heavier geometry and patterns, to contrast with organic elements (the red strings and his /slightly/ happy/resigned expression). The idea is to allude to his journey, conflicts and character development.



A sketch I did of Phineas. During his experiments on the other colonists, before waking up the Unplanned Variable/Player character.


Do the Propaganda, Board style:


1. Download and install Evolve

2. Download and load into PS thesepatterns (Open file > CTRL+A > Edit> Define pattern)

3. Keep in mind that some settings may change depending on the size of the text; in this case, my text was 30 pt. Right-click on the text layer > Blending Options. We are looking for Stroke, Pattern Overlay and Drop Shadow:


Stroke:  Size 1px, Position Center, Opacity 10%

Pattern Overlay: choose the pattern, depending on the size of the text; for a 30 pt text, the 200x one is enough. Scale 65%, tick “Link with layer”

Drop Shadow: Angle 45°, Distance 3px

4. Click OK (or play with these settings as long as you like) and you’re done! 
