#the plushy in question was a 400 life sized appletun


Okay so my phone’s name has been “Zonk Verbonk” for like,, months, and my friends see it when they airdrop me stuff. So my friend happens to be squeezing a plushy’s nose, and went “honk snonk!” and then, immediately lighting up with recognition and turning to me, went “Honk the snonk, Zonk Verbonk!” So here we are now.

[ID: a digital drawing of Zirk Vervain. It is dark purple line art on a lavender background. Zirk is an elf with a high ponytail, glasses on the top of his head, a sleeveless turtleneck, a smock, and shoulder length rubber gloves. He’s shown from the waist up, and is in profile. In front of him is a beeto, a cow with the horns and carapace of a rhinoceros beetle, which he is squeezing the nose of. Text above them reads “Honk the snonk, Zonk Verbonk!” in all capital letters. End ID.]
