#the queue broke free



As a Romanian person I find the modern fandomification of Dracula on Tumblr so fucking funny and also so cool like oh my god y'all are saying that if an old lady got on her knees begged you not to go to the obviously haunted castle and gave you a crucifix you wouldn’t go but honestly Romanian grandmas are just like that sometimes.


i think you should be able to live without a phone i think phones should never be required or expected or assumed i think when things require you to scan a qr code or something thats the devil and hes corrupting every strata of society


why don’t you just get off social media and eat some breakfast and listen to some soothing ghibli soundtracks while you do a hobby you enjoy maybe then you would have improved mental health how about that

granola-peasant: isa-ghost:twitblr:This is one of the most adorable Pride posts I’ve ever seen




This is one of the most adorable Pride posts I’ve ever seen

What I love about the imagery of the turtle is that it’s sending the message that they are protecting themselves by being in their shell. It’s not about deceiving straight people (like we are often told), but about the turtle’s own safety. They’ll come out when the time is right and they feel comfortable. ️‍

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“I’m sure that there’s a rational justification for this atrocity”

The justification: America did the same

bastart13:I was shocked by how much I actually love Hubert.Inspired by this incorrect quote (x) frombastart13:I was shocked by how much I actually love Hubert.Inspired by this incorrect quote (x) frombastart13:I was shocked by how much I actually love Hubert.Inspired by this incorrect quote (x) from


I was shocked by how much I actually love Hubert.

Inspired by this incorrect quote (x) from@incorrect-threehouses

Post link



i miss when you could make political art without placing personal identity (and the self) at the center of everything

this piece (“artist bio” by anna daliza) sort of perfectly sums it up. the emphasis on identity politics and tokenization in art/music/performance spaces feels reductive and exploitative- like it offers a sort of racial tourism for the wealthy white patrons. none of what im saying are original thoughts btw go see White by james ijames






Man I wish universal basic income was a thing so people could just leave jobs they’re unhappy at and wouldn’t have to worry about not affording their basic needs while they look for something new or so that people could actually explore their passion projects like only the rich and powerful can just take time off to write or work on art or go back to school and even if you’re having mental health problems you can’t just take an extended vacation a lot of places still don’t consider mental health as actual illness anyway fuck capitalism am i right brother?

The best part of UBI is that you don’t need to see a cent of that money to enjoy the benefits it would provide. Just the shear ability to be able say “I don’t have to work here if I don’t want to” would give ALL workers the bargaining power to demand more from their employers, higher pay, more benefits. It would be amazing!

good news if you’re a European citizen: there’s a European Citizens’ Initiative currently collecting signatures to establish unconditional basic income in the EU!

i quote,

Our aim is to establish the introduction of unconditional basic incomes throughout the EU which ensure every person’s material existence and opportunity to participate in society as part of its economic policy. This aim shall be reached while remaining within the competences conferred to the EU by the Treaties.


We request the EU Commission to make a proposal for unconditional basic incomes throughout the EU, which reduce regional disparities in order to strengthen the economic, social and territorial cohesion in the EU. [x]

for it to pass, it needs at least 1 million signatures total + minimal participation threshold in at least 7 countries. as of today (September 9th 2021) it’s at a little bit above 146k signatures total and 6 more countries need to reach the participation threshold

if you’re a EU citizen please consider signing here (it’s a quick process! you enter your nationality then follow the instructions, took me 5 minutes yesterday)

if you’re not or can’t sign please consider passing on the info to EU citizens you know!! if we manage to get this implemented, it could really improve quality of life for everyone living in the EU

Even though i dont live in europe i hope they make this happen

reminder that this is CURRENTLY ONGOING

End of the collection period: 25/06/2022





Oh god, please delete the extra spaces between paragraphs in your fics on AO3. Please. I know it takes ages and it’s really annoying to do, but it is an immediate backspace away from your story if I’m on mobile because I get one sentence per page and acres of white space.

I can help! There is an easy way to do this if you have a word processor! Instructions with screencaps follow:

1. Before you paste your text into the Ao3 text box, make sure “Rich Text” is clicked.


2. Paste your story into the Ao3 text box (like you usually do)


3. Instead of hitting post, go back and click “HTML.” Your story will suddenly show the HTML markup, including all those pesky extra spaces:


4. Open a new, blank document in your word processor. Copy all the text from the Ao3 window and paste it there.


5. Do a find / replace for all the lines that say “<p>&nbsp;</p>”, replacing them with nothing.


6. Now you have a document with HTML markup and no extra carriage returns.


7. Copy this and open up your Ao3 window again. MAKE SURE “HTML” IS CLICKED. Paste your nice new text into this window.


8. When you click “Rich Text” again, your story will look beautiful and have no extra spaces!!!!!!


9. Now you can post your story!

10. Congratulate yourself on your amazingness, win $100,000,000,000,000, become best friends with Idris Elba, roll around with a pile of happy puppies

oh look! @thepurrbutton i may be able to give you chapters with proper spacing again!

Also! You can stop it from doing this in the first place by using the right settings in your word processor. From the Rich Text Editor (RTE) help text (linked from the question mark next to “Type or paste formatted text.”):

Press Enter once between paragraphs. Pressing Enter twice will insert a blank paragraph, creating additional, and likely unwanted, space between paragraphs when you paste into the RTE. The Archive uses top and bottom margins to create the appearance of a blank line between paragraphs; you can use the paragraph formatting options in your text editor to create a similar effect without adding extra <p> tags.

InGoogle Docs, you can go to the “Format" menu, choose “Line spacing,” and then choose “Custom spacing.” It will let you set how much space you want before and after paragraphs.

InLibreOffice, go to the “Format” menu and choose “Paragraph.” Under the “Spacing” heading, there will be options for Above and Below paragraph.

Those are the only programs I have handy, but generally, you want to look in the formatting menu for something about either paragraphs or spacing, and you’ll find a similar option there. You can then use any amount of spacing that’s pleasing to your eye and it will still have AO3′s usual amount of spacing between paragraphs.

(I could teal deer about all the whys involved – why did fandom start hitting Enter twice, why do paragraphs on computers and paper have different amounts of vertical space, why does the RTE not know what to do when given text where someone hit enter twice, why don’t we we change the parser if we can’t change the RTE – but that’s probably a little more detail than necessary to be helpful.)


the only two constant states in life

ray-saint:Now and Then, Here and There (1999)ray-saint:Now and Then, Here and There (1999)ray-saint:Now and Then, Here and There (1999)ray-saint:Now and Then, Here and There (1999)


Now and Then, Here and There (1999)

Post link


this website is full of 22-year-olds who are finally realizing their lifelong dream of being a high school bully




broad daylight in horror is massively underused

there’s a constant feeling in nighttime horror of “this is an unnatural, liminal situation you’ve stumbled into. once you make it to the other end, or if everyone were to know the truth, you will be free of it.”

once the sun crests the horizon, however, there’s an unspoken shift in the underlying tone. this aberration of the natural order has come under all scrutiny and it is still there. you continue to cry for normalcy, but the world does not acknowledge what you believe it should be. no amount of truth or time will end this, and in my favourite of executions the very framing and narrative itself doesn’t acknowledge the dissonance. 

it all comes back to alienation, in the end. always.

if nighttime horror evokes a sense of isolation through salvation being just out of reach, then daytime horror evokes it through the realization that it never existed to begin with. that the walls and locks were all paper-thin artifice. that this is now tomorrow. forever.

broad daylight in horror is seeing the yawning abyss and knowing there’s nothing to wake up to.












I ended up having a really interesting conversation with some people at the bus stop today. They were getting out of some sort of ‘clean and sober’ meeting and had starting saying how they were so bored because they didn’t have anything to do, and had to stay at home because all their old friends would pull them back. So I said something like, ‘So this is the time to do all the stuff your parents told you they didn’t have money/time for!’

“Whatcha mean?”

“You know, like when you were five and you REALLY wanted to have that toy or do that thing and you were like, ‘Please mom please I gotta have this I gotta go do this’ and they went ‘Hell no you think I’m paying for that do you want to goddamn EAT?’ “

And this light went on in their eyes. The lady is going to go check thrift stores for an Easybake Oven and I told her about Wilton cake decorating classes. The dude is going to Griffith Park and ride horses, because, ‘I always wanted to be a cowboy, and you can’t drink when you’re on a horse ‘cause you’ll fucking die!’

Fuck it. This is what being an adult is. Sure it’s bills and work and relationships, but damn it, it’s also time to do the things you LIKE.

I signed up for a free class/lecture on Water Gardens. I’m going. It’s time.

Jill. Jill you are wonderful.

no joke, this is such an important aspect of overcoming trauma. I mean the trauma of abusive parents, the trauma of broke ass parents who got toxic because of it, the trauma of capitalism. Like fuck it. Go to Wrestlemania. Build a shit ton of terrariums.

I took a stained glass class during the pandemic and now I have a hummingbird hanging in my kitchen window. And this year I’m finally getting chickens!!

This is literally why I have my Sailor Moon thermos.

it doesn’t even have to be the trauma of bad parents. It can be the everyday human pain of “I lost my favorite toy when I was 12 and never found it again.” It can be the parents who loved you and fully sympathized with your desire to have the thing, but honey, we just don’t have the money right now. It can be the fact that you no longer live with your brother who’s highly allergic to dogs, so you can finally have the dog you always wanted that you always understood why you couldn’t get, and you accepted it, but it was still painful. It can be the Atari games or Nintendo games or Sega games that don’t exist anymore that you played in your childhood.

As I’ve gotten older I’ve realized – you don’t have to be suffering some great trauma, something unusual and particularly damaging, to feel pain. You don’t have to have lost your entire home in a hurricane to have lost something you truly valued and miss a lot. You don’t have to have had toxic parents to have been denied some things you wanted because they just didn’t have the money, or the resources, or the health.

Time is pain. Loss and disappointment are part of human existence. But you don’t have to try to justify why your specific loss or disappointment is especially bad to admit that it hurts and do something to rectify that hurt in some small way.

Good advice

enjoying yourself is a good thing

how Im getting through the plague

This this this! This is what “adulting” is all about, not just ”fuck now I have to worry about mortgage for the rest of my life”.

I got my first tattoo because (beside other reasons) there wasn’t anyone in the whole world who could tell me that I can’t have it.
