#the republic is being destroyed from within


1.4 million illegals have flooded our southern border under Joe Biden. What does that really look like?

1.4 million new illegals under Biden is larger than the population of:

1,429,650 - San Diego, California
1,348,890 - Dallas, Texas
1,028,220 - Austin, Texas
1,003,120 - San Jose, California
958,692 - Fort Worth, Texas
938,717 - Jacksonville, Florida
925,290 - Charlotte, North Carolina
921,605 - Columbus, Ohio
884,108 - San Francisco, California
787,995 - Seattle, Washington

1.4 million new illegals under BidenisTWICE the population of:

718,355 - Washington, DC
696,959 - Boston, Massachusetts
687,287 - El Paso, Texas
682,262 - Nashville, Tennessee
676,492 - Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
675,592 - Las Vegas, Nevada
666,453 - Portland, Oregon
661,193 - Detroit, Michigan
650,980 - Memphis, Tennessee
566,631 - Baltimore, Maryland

1.4 million new illegals under BidenisTHREE TIMES the population of:

480,871 - Omaha, Nebraska
452,917 - Long Beach, California
450,349 - Virginia Beach, Virginia
444,956 - Oakland, California
443,715 - Minneapolis, Minnesota
407,104 - Tampa, Florida
403,518 - Tulsa, Oklahoma
401,047 - Arlington, Texas
393,440 - Aurora, Colorado
387,564 - New Orleans, Louisiana

In fact, 1.4 million new illegals under Biden is a population larger than 193 of the 200 largest cities in America. It’s a population larger than the 12 states. It’s an illegal population larger than 82 countries.

1.4 million new illegals under Biden is, in fact, and I hope you’re sitting down for this, larger than the COMBINED active duty service members of the Army, Navy, Air Force, and MarinesCOMBINED. (1.3 million).

This is to say nothing of the 25/30 million illegals already living in country. Still think illegal immigration isn’t a problem and your country isn’t being destroyed from within? You’re a fool.

Federal Elected Officials
