#the road virus



random guy in a truck in the planet fitness parking lot: what’s “the road virus”

me: we’re a mobile bookstore

him: do you carry the Bible?

me: we have the satanic bible

him, speeding away: JESUS SAVES

keep it real, utah

still waiting for jesus to save me tbh

darylsdckson: Reblog if you’re punk ass book jockeyhmmm @bruisedlotusdarylsdckson: Reblog if you’re punk ass book jockeyhmmm @bruisedlotus


Reblog if you’re punk ass book jockey

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unsettlingstories: Rocking @roadvirusbus merch, courtesy of @decomprosed and @bruisedlotus. Thanks!


Rocking@roadvirusbus merch, courtesy of @decomprosedand@bruisedlotus. Thanks!

look at those firearms

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the fact that someone could walk by a mobile bookstore in a bus and not go in will never fail to astound me
