#the secretary

God, I love that movie!

God, I love that movie!

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My interactive webcomic @wetheuncommon is now on WEBTOON!

It would really mean a lot to me if you guys checked this out as I’ve been working on this story for 6 years which is already weird to think about seeing as I premiered this series on Tumblr almost a year ago now on March 3rd. I hope you guys love this world and its characters just as much as I do!

It’s almost our one year anniversary! So in honor of this special day, not only support the WEBTOON page, but please join me in a dedicated doodle and AMA event on March 3rd, 2022. Ask questions about the series! Whether that be about the characters, upcoming pages, or even the story. (Although, trust me. I’m not gonna give away too much. *wink wonk*)

You can also gIve requests on what to doodle that’s WTU related. (Just no NSFW please, I don’t want I don’t want the Tumblr gods to get mad at me.)

Have a good day/night y’all and I’ll see you then!

Scott Paul is most famous for his Click a Cuff system, which was featured in the movie The Secretary

Scott Paul is most famous for his Click a Cuff system, which was featured in the movie The Secretary it was the yoke system she wore in the movie.

This girl loves his stuff, she is lucky since he is based in Seattle, he sells out of girl’s favorite Seattle adult shop Wild at Hearthttp://www.wildatheartxxx.com/ and girl gets to go see his designs in person. Wild at Heart is a lovely local store run by women that caters to the D/s BDSM crowd. Seattle has a lot of kink besides Scott Paul with the shibari wonders of Twisted Monk here also. So if your ever interested in a kinky holiday Seattle is a great choice.


Scott Paul Designs - Maker of Fine BDSM Gear - 

Vendor Review @ Spiritual BDSM.com

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