#the sims 4 pullover

Basic Cotton Pullover for AM.I haven’t really ventured into original mesh clothing before (only modiBasic Cotton Pullover for AM.I haven’t really ventured into original mesh clothing before (only modi

Basic Cotton Pullover for AM.

I haven’t really ventured into original mesh clothing before (only modified game meshes.) So i thought i’d challenge myself to make a fully original mesh clothing item and ended up with this jumper for adult males.

It is completely slider friendly and i have enabled it under most clothing categories.

I’ve included 20 different style options ranging from brand style prints to solid colours.

Re-colours are welcome as long as the mesh is not included. Also please make sure your re-colour download post links back to this post not to the package file itself.  

I had a lot of fun (and headaches) making this and i’m hoping to venture into making clothing more regularly so watch this space and Let me know what you think!  

- Please ask for permission before editing, modifying or re-distributing.

- I work really hard on my CC so please Don’t claim my content as your own.

If you guys use my stuff in any of your photoshoots or videos be sure to tag @a3ru so I can like/re-blog.

Happy Simming!


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