#the thief of bagdad

marypickfair:Douglas Fairbanks in all his splendor on the set of The Thief of Bagdad.


Douglas Fairbanks in all his splendor on the set of The Thief of Bagdad.

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Sabu in a publicity still from The Thief of Bagdad, a film Michael Powell co-directed. Sabu, an imme

Sabu in a publicity still from The Thief of Bagdad, a film Michael Powell co-directed. Sabu, an immensely likable screen presence, was one of the first Indian film stars.

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The undersea ‘Realm of Glass’ set from The Thief of Bagdad (1924, dir. Raoul Walsh) Art

The undersea ‘Realm of Glass’ set from The Thief of Bagdad (1924, dir. Raoul Walsh) Art direction by William Cameron Menzies.

To prepare the set for the underwater world, a family of artisans spent three months hand-blowing the required glass pieces.


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