#the trailer in its entirety was amazing


[Start I.D. A sketch of the three main characters featured in the trailer for TAZ: Ethersea. They are all only drawn from the shoulders up. The first is a sort of elf/genasi, wearing a captain’s hat at an angle, as well as a heavy coat over a turtleneck. Their hair is down and floats a little, and they are looking off to their left and smiling. The second character is a water genasi child, with short messy hair and a hooded coat. They are looking at us and smiling as well. The third character is a suit of armor with coral for a head. It doesn’t have a face or any sort of expression, just coral. End I.D.]

look, I know we aren’t supposed to get attached to these potentially random characters, but i‘ve been thinking about then for hours and it had to happen at some point. You can tell I’m excited.
