#the twisted side



Anomalous Fate: “Now what?”

Author’s Note: Finally another chapter for this series, I’m sorry it’s taking so long omg, but we’re finally passed all the technical stuff so hopefully we start moving more into the main plot. It’s still minor bad writing but I’m hoping to get better lol. Hope you enjoy this chapter as much as I did, xx

Pairing: OT7 x Reader

Warnings: kidnapping, BTS not thinking situations through, Jimin being kinda creepy

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rly love how clueless they are after the first base of the plan succeed and w jin thinking the slim possibility that she might behis soulmate too? hahaha i cant wait to see his reaction when he saw the necklace, had to remind myself this is a yandere story but gosh theyre so adorably cute (also twisted which start to shows little by little now)

anyways cant wait to read more of this!! hm, wonder how she’s gonna reacts w this kidnapping, also can u add me to the taglist if u have one for this series? dont want to miss further updates <3
