#the ultimate gift

inu-tachi: saraheellison: Inuyasha is my favourite manga of all time, and I finally decided I wanted



Inuyasha is my favourite manga of all time, and I finally decided I wanted to design something for it. In all my years of being part of the Inuyasha community, I’ve never seen a detailed map of the places the characters travel to, and I decided that was a good place to start.

Over the course of nearly a year I reread the entire manga, taking notes and placing locations on a generic map as I kept track of their travels. I determined locations using various angles. 1) Inuyasha undergoes a transformation every new moon. Using a calendar from 1995 (the year the manga takes place) I was able to keep track of every new moon and thus be able to track the time of their travels. 2) I researched how far a human can travel in a day and doubled it for Inuyasha, who is a half-demon. I now knew how far they could travel. 3) I used a map of feudal Japan (where most of the manga takes place) as a guide to where major villages and shrines were, using many of those places for unnamed locations in the manga. By doing this I was able to place every major and minor location the characters travel to as well as I could.

Without consulting the manga artist this fan-made map can never be confirmed or held to be canon, but with the information I have at my disposal, it is a good attempt to locate the travels of Inuyasha and his companions.


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