#the walking dead rick


Yandere!Rick Grimes Would Include pt.2

Request - Like three people asked for a part two so here I am <3



- When the people of Woodbury move in, oh man 

- Everyone who was brought in was grateful for you and your people

- Especially when you were part of the main group to go out on runs

- A lot of people know your name and will take the time to thank you for everything

- To say that Rick gets jealous fast is an understatement

- Whenever someone goes out of their way to talk to you 9 times out of 10 Rick’s watching from a far

- God forbid someone hits on you

- This man will make sure that they know to keep their distance

- Like he’s hella scary 

- Especially when he’s threatening people

- Rick will go the extra mile to make sure you’re okay

- Even though he’s no longer the leader he still makes sure his you people are taken care of

- When the flu comes through he forces you to go with Beth and the children

- He was very convincing that he couldn’t lose you

- Cause he couldn’t

- But if you ended up getting the flu then that man would visit evey chance he got

- He’d make sure to emphasize to Herschel that you needed to survive

- And you do

- And he doesn’t leave your side for a second

- That is, until the Governor shows up

- And he thinks he’s lost you  

- This man almost loses his mind

- More than he did when he and Carl flee the prison

- He thought he’d never see you again

Hopelessly In Love

Request - Hey Luna, I really enjoy your writing and I’m finally sending a request! Could you do a TWD oneshot for Rick Grimes where him & y/n find each other at the very begging of the apocalypse and start falling in love, but Rick pushes it away bc of Lori. When Rick finds out Lori cheated, y/n & him end up getting together. Thank you so much ☺️


Warnings -  Death, Zombies (the usual), Cursing?

Pairing - Rick Grimes X Reader ; Glenn X Reader (Platonic)

[ I love Glenn so I couldn’t not make y’all like best friends. Lemme know if you guys maybe want more parts ]



“You’re sure you want romance advice from me? I’m hopelessly in love with a man who has a family.” You deadpan at Glenn, who leans against the wall opposite of you in the RV. 

Glenn was the only person in the camp who knew of your little crush on their “leader”. While he was never officially labeled that, pretty much everyone preferred him over Shane Walsh of all people, who was in charge before you and Rick arrived weeks ago. You’d convinced yourself it was a little crush that would pass in no time and yet here you are, avoiding the man who you’d saved at the start of the apocalypse. You were held up with Morgan and his son when you’d met Rick and agreed to help him find his family, and you did. That didn’t stop you from falling hard for the fearless ex-sheriff. 

The two of you were a good team, taking charge whenever it was needed, and bouncing ideas off of each other. You were the person who he trusted without a single doubt, who he talked to about everything and vice versa (along with Glenn for you). It just became harder to hide your crush when Lori was all over Rick, which you didn’t blame her for since it’d been a stressful last couple of days for everyone. You’d made it clear that you were there for him and his family no matter what, that you’d do anything for them. You’d even offered/given blood for Carl when Rick was barely able to stand. 

One day, you and Rick went out searching for Sophia and you’d noticed the way he’d subtly distanced himself from you. You took it as a sign that you were intruding on their marriage when really Rick wasn’t sure what he was feeling for you and was struggling on how to act, or if he should act on it. 

Glenn sighs, running his hand over his face. The poor kid was having crush troubles of his own with Maggie, whose home your people were currently camped outside of. You two had become close friends since he’d saved you and Rick. “I just don’t know women.” 

You snort a laugh, “and you think I do?”

“Probably not, but you know people.” Glenn corrects, “and it was you or Dale and Dale will give old man advice.” 

“I’m gonna tell him you said that.” You joke, turning in the booth to properly face him. It wasn’t a surprise that she was acting wonky around him since he’d found out about there being walkers in the barn (a secret you were going to keep since he’d accidentally vented it to you). “It’s not like I have a manual on ‘what to do when you find your friend with benefits has a barn full of walkers’ on hand Glenn.” You sigh, “You said she kissed you after you got back today?” You try to recall what he told you. 

“Yeah, there was this walker in the pharmacy, she almost got bit.” He goes on, “And then she called me stupid but smart, and then called me walker bait. I’ve never been so confused before.” 

“You and me both Glenn.” You stand up, stretching to crack your back. “Regardless of what you do it’s gonna get mucked up because either you’re going to tell the group or someone like Shane’s gonna wander too close to that barn and all Hell’s gonna break loose.” You insist, glancing out the window of the RV. 

“Hell’s gonna break loose anyway.” He groans, putting his face in his hands. You walk closer to him and pat his shoulder. 

“I know, but it’s gotta be done. After that, just stay persistent, you like her, she probably likes you if she’s sticking around right now. I think it’ll work out for you.”

“And what about you?” Glenn raises an eyebrow at you. 

“What about me?”

“You know what I’m talking about.” He crosses his arms. 

You step back from him. “Nothing’s going to happen because he has a wife and a child. He’s not gonna leave them for me, Hell, I wouldn’t leave them for me.” You point out, getting a sad look from Glenn. “It’s something that’ll pass. As for now, I’ll just have to reel back a bit.”

“You’re really sad, you know that?” Glenn points out, watching you lean on the table of the booth. 

“Yeah, I know.” You give a sad smile, the two of you walking out of the RV. The sun was starting to set slowly, giving the whole farm a golden glow to it. “Anything else you wanna tell me before we go our separate ways?”

Glenn thinks for a moment, looking at you over his shoulder. You can tell there’s something there that he wants to get out. “Lori’s.” He stops, keeping his eyes locked with yours and it’d not too hard to piece together what he was talking about. He and Maggie went on a run to the pharmacy for a second time, per Lori’s request. A rather urgent, sudden request, that had him ditching you for the day. 

“Pregnant?” He nods and your eyes widen a bit, not wanting to be right with your guess. That was going to change everything. “I’ll talk to you later yeah?” 

Glenn nods and heads off, leaving you alone in front of the RV. You bite the inside of your cheek, taking a glance around the camp out of habit. When you’d caught sight of Rick, coming back to camp, you nearly turned to go the opposite way. Far away, by the gate, was Lori. You couldn’t tell what happened but you had a feeling that it wasn’t good. 

“Evening Sheriff.” You greet him when he approaches, now finding that there was no avoiding him when it seemed that he was actually going to talk to you. “Everything alright? You don’t look so good.” You voice your concern, following him into the RV when he beckoned you. 

You watched him pace the RV for a few moments after you closed the RV door. He didn’t look at you right away and you let him collect his thoughts as you found yourself sitting in the booth as you were a few minutes ago with Glenn. 

Suddenly, Rick stops and looks at you, you can’t quite make out the look on his face. “I’m sorry.” He suddenly says, only adding to your confusion and concern. Maybe he was finally losing his mind. “I’ve been pushing you away these last couple of days when all you’ve done is stuck by me. It’s not fair to you.” He goes on. 

“It’s okay Rick, shit happens-”

“No, it’s not.” He cuts you off, running his hand through his hair. “Because I wanted Lori and me to work like nothing was wrong. I wanted to just ignore what I was feeling towards you for her sake, for Carl’s but it was stupid.” He admits to you, looking like a weight had just been yanked off of his shoulders. “She cheated on me, with Shane.” You look at him in shock, watching him turn away to look towards the window. “She’s…”

“Pregnant?” You finish so he doesn’t have to and when he looks at you in confusion you move to the inside of the booth, patting the spot next to you. “It wasn’t hard to figure it out when she started getting sick during breakfast.” You admit, covering for Glenn when clearly he didn’t know that the Korean was involved. 

“I’m sorry.” He says again, sitting down beside you and putting his head in his hands, elbows on the tabletop. 

“It’s okay.” You reach up and gently rub his back. 

“I think I like you.” He admits. 

The two of you are silent for a moment, the two of you sitting there in the aftermath of what he had said. “I’ve liked you for a while.” You tell him, smiling when his head shoots up and he looks at you. “I didn’t want to come between you two and mess things up between us.”

Rick shakes his head. “You could never mess things up between us.” He insists, offering you his hand. You take it and he just runs his thumb over the back of it. “I like you.” He tells you, now certain and confident in his words. He couldn’t explain the way that you alone made him feel like he was back in high school, with some stupid crush. 

“Are you gonna be okay?”

“I am now that I know what I’m feeling.” He leans over and presses a kiss to your cheek. Your face heats up. “I wanna try this.”

“I do too.”

Yandere!Rick Grimes Would Include

Request - Hi <3 I wanted to request a yandere Rick Grimes headcannon (fem!reader)

(A/N I saw this and couldn’t not do it like this just made me happy and I can’t explain to you why, anyway enjoy <3)



- Okay so first of all it started lowkey

- Obviously because when Lori’s in the picture mans is focused on his family

- You two became friends in the meantime and it was a friendship that he would do anything for

- Overall else he always made sure to keep an eye on you

- When he found out Lori cheated tho? 

- Oh you better bet that he’s acting on what he’s been feeling towards you

- Very subtly tho

- So it’s always pushing to do runs with only you, offering you some of his rations, an extra blanket when winter hits

- He’s always making sure you’re safe over everyone else

- We’re gonna ignore how crazy he got after Lori’s death

- That’s when it really started to pick up tho, after her death

- Any time he’d come back to the cellblock he would always ask about you first

- He’d always be pushing to see you first

- Let’s say you get snatched up with Glenn and Maggie by the Governor 

- Cause why not?

- Mans goes crazy like he’s ready to burn the whole town down to get you back

- Like even Daryl wouldn’t be able to stop him

- Anyway, so they bust into Woodbury and find you guys and he is livid when he saw that you had been hurt

- Like he was ready to go guns a blazing on this town for even thinking about taking you in the first place

- The only thing that stopped him was that you were hurt

- Getting back to the prison was hard enough when Daryl left

- Rick would not leave your side, he insisted on taking you personally back to your cell

- He didn’t leave until Herschel cleared you, even then he was hesitant

- Safe to say that he was ready to go kill that whole town for you
