#the wayhaven farah

Yes, i could have stuck to one LI, and my MC didn’t need to have different outfits each times,Yes, i could have stuck to one LI, and my MC didn’t need to have different outfits each times,Yes, i could have stuck to one LI, and my MC didn’t need to have different outfits each times,Yes, i could have stuck to one LI, and my MC didn’t need to have different outfits each times,

Yes, i could have stuck to one LI, and my MC didn’t need to have different outfits each times, but that wouldn’t have been painful enough :’3

Morgan and Adam are probably the less likely to stay tied down, and Adam probably only agreed because he was being challenged, but how can you not tie dow your pretty much indestructible ‘friend’? At least you’re sure they’re staying put because they want to

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Dress up game: Farah

So apparently you can get up to plenty when you’re not scrolling on Instagram to oblivion, like a dress-up game… who would have thought?

Played around with a character from the interactive novel Wayhaven Chronicles, Farah Hauville, by @seraphinitegames ❤

And used @meiker.io website to make and host it

Maybe I’ll do more?
