#the witcher king


The Prince - Process gif
A loooong gif for a loooong process


The Prince - Finished!
Posted this totally unironically on the 25th of December on my P*treon. It still tickles me, that I gave a fully finished prince to my patrons that day!
The p*rn was less well scheduled …but still nice!


The Witcher King - Finished!
@rawrkinjdILU. Thank you for inspiring me so much! This was so much fun and I am not done yet

edit: Rawr has started writing!!!!!

Find the updates here

Omg, it’s happening! I cannot!

The Prince - Finished!
Posted this totally unironically on the 25th of December on my P*treon. It still tickles me, that I gave a fully finished prince to my patrons that day!
The p*rn was less well scheduled …but still nice!

The Prince - Update
This is a complex piece, so here is an update for y'all!
