#the woman who traced or origin of everything

celebratingamazingwomen: Margaret Burbidge (b. 1919) is a British-American astrophysicist. She serve


Margaret Burbidge (b. 1919) is a British-American astrophysicist. She served as the Director of the Royal Greenwich Observatory, and was also the first director of the Center for Astronomy and Space Sciences at the University of California, San Diego.

She obtained her PhD from University College, London, but was turned down for a Carnegie Fellowship since it was reserved for men at the time, in 1945. She contributed to the B2HF theory of stellar nucleosynthesis, which laid out the basis for much later research in astrophysics. She became the first female president of the American Astronomy Society in 1976, and fought to end gender discrimination in the field.

died 05/04/2020

Theory of Stellar nucleosynthesis - basically the theory of how we ended up with all these different elements that make the universe. 

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