
My darlin will be home soon, and I’m listening to the best playlist ever while waiting for him

My darlin will be home soon, and I’m listening to the best playlist ever while waiting for him. Without him, I wouldn’t even be here. Hopefully he see’s this. Thank you and I love you so much.

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Hey byrob,
You became a piece of shit the moment you refused to give me my dog back.
I am capable of loving a living creature. Sorry that it wasn’t you(well you became one of the creatures but didn’t believe me that heroin would ruin us) and its the dog I brought into your life.
Fuck you and all the fake ass mother fuckers you surround yourself with.
As long as everyone still wants to fuck you you’ll be okay.
Because you can’t deal unless everyone wants to fuck you.
I may die a slow and painful death but at least I won’t be surrounded by fake ass motherfuckers like you will. At least I’m surrounded by people that would do anything for me for nothing in return.
I will always love you but fuck you stop being a fucking piece of shit yuppie and give me my fucking dog back.
I’m tagging you because fuck you I don’t fucking care anymore.
