
Kind of a late upload but here’s a thing I did for a contest I joined last month. The theme was Demo

Kind of a late upload but here’s a thing I did for a contest I joined last month. The theme was Demons and Angels. I got 4th place! But because of the fans’ reactions, I was offered 2nd place prize \o/ I’m really grateful. Sorry, I haven’t been posting lately. I haven’t been able to work on personal stuff as much as I’d like because of my hand 3: Might need to see a doctor for it, I can’t draw as much as I used to without it feeling really tired or in pain. I really want to continue my Teen Titans series (the gentlemen this time are in the pipeline already and have been stuck for quite a while now) and some other personal stuff as well. Gah. So frustrating not being able to do anything.

Anyway, here’s a sort of backstory I came up with as I was trying to think of designs for this one:

MAW OF ENVY / Luuxariel - “Once revered as a Bearer of the Light, a wondrous glory as she emanated light from within, her boundless zeal to eradicate demonkind at the cost of creation and all life resulted in a turmoil within the Hosts of Heaven. The conflict left her and her allies’ heavenly forms disfigured, surviving a mortal wound that had revealed her truly corrupted nature and melded her being into her holy armor. Weakened, her light was stripped from her, and made an outcast of Heaven’s kingdom. She was captured by Hell and forced unto the Demonic Ranks to become a Fountain of Darkness, a scornful label against her former position, and a Hell Seeress, an observer of the Angelic Forces, to aide in the demons’ plight. When the harvest comes, she serves as a collector of souls needed to create the demon spawns. Her futile resistance to her new demonic masters is unyielding and pitiful, now only left to perpetually bear the shame of still donning the heavenly armor in hell as she continually gazes upon her former comrades in spiteful, traitorous envy. She is called Maw of Envy among the Angels and the few Demon Lords who knew of her tragedy.”

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mission failed :Chere’s an original artwork showing how imminent doom is not fun at all

mission failed :C

here’s an original artwork showing how imminent doom is not fun at all

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